President (To Win Colorado) See Full Big Line

(D) Kamala Harris

(R) Donald Trump



CO-01 (Denver) See Full Big Line

(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) V. Archuleta



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Marshall Dawson



CO-03 (West & Southern CO) See Full Big Line

(D) Adam Frisch

(R) Jeff Hurd



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert

(D) Trisha Calvarese



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



State Senate Majority See Full Big Line





State House Majority See Full Big Line





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So Long, Cambridge Analytica

BBC reports, the highly controversial political consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica, which played a role in Republican victories in Colorado elections in 2014 before going on to help Donald Trump become President of the United States, will shut down after exposure of its sources and methods tainted both the company and the politicians who benefited: Cambridge […]

Surprise! Republican Tax Plan Only Good for Rich People

Congressional Republicans were giddy in late 2017 when they finally did a thing after spending most of the year fumbling around with healthcare “reform” and generally accomplishing nothing. The Great Republican Tax Plan was touted as “rocket fuel” for the American economy that would spur American investments and corporate growth, which in turn would trickle […]

Michelle Wolf Backlash Everything Everyone Hates About Reporters

Politico reports on the outrage–outrage, mind you–over comedian Michelle Wolf’s monologue at Saturday night’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in Washington, in which Wolf roasted both the fourth estate and members of the Trump administration in attendance within an inch of their very comfortable lives: Almost immediately after Wolf, best known as a correspondent on […]

Get More Smarter on Friday (April 27)

The Denver Broncos did not select a quarterback with their first round pick on Thursday, but that might be a good thing. It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, […]

Robert Mercer is a Volunteer Sheriff in Yuma (No, Really)

UPDATE: Blair Miller of Denver7 catches up with Yuma County Sheriff Chad Day and asks for some clarifications that never come: In an interview Monday, Day didn’t deny using the LEEF grants or having a volunteer program like the “sheriff’s posse.” But on multiple occasions, he declined to say who worked as volunteers, though he denied having […]

Get More Smarter on Wednesday (April 11)

On this day in history…not a whole lot happened, really. It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show.   TOP OF MIND TODAY…  […]

Denver Post Revolts Against Absentee Hedge Fund Owners

A remarkable act of desperate rebellion is unfolding at the state’s newspaper of record, as the Huffington Post reports: In a move described as both extraordinary and brave, the editorial board of the Denver Post publicly skewered its hedge-fund owner in a searing article published Friday. The message was plain: Sell the paper before it’s […]

Get More Smarter on Wednesday (April 4)

Today is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Washington Post has reprinted its original story of the events of April 4, 1968. It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you […]

Cynthia Coffman Goes After Facebook Re: Cambridge Analytica

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Colorado Democratic Party chair Morgan Carroll takes Cynthia Coffman to task for “investigating the locksmith” instead of going after the real culprit–which just so happens to have helped Colorado Republicans win elections: “Imagine someone broke into your house, but instead of investigating the burglar, Attorney General Cynthia Coffman is only investigating the locksmith,” […]

Ken Buck: Leave Donald Trump Alone!

As the Greeley Tribune’s Tyler Silvy reports, Rep. Ken Buck, the former District Attorney for Weld County before being elected to Congress, is tired of all this investigating of our Dear Leader already: Rep. Ken Buck said Wednesday he’s concerned the special counsel investigation has gone beyond its original scope, saying the law allowing the […]


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