President (To Win Colorado) See Full Big Line

(D) Kamala Harris

(R) Donald Trump



CO-01 (Denver) See Full Big Line

(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) V. Archuleta



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Marshall Dawson



CO-03 (West & Southern CO) See Full Big Line

(D) Adam Frisch

(R) Jeff Hurd



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert

(D) Trisha Calvarese



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



State Senate Majority See Full Big Line





State House Majority See Full Big Line





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Get More Smarter on Tuesday (January 23)

Here’s a list of movies that you probably didn’t see in 2017. It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show.   TOP OF […]

Democratic Base Unhappy As Temporary Deal Reached

UPDATE: Grassroots organization Indivisible fires off a statement signaling big-time unhappiness with Democrats for approving this deal: Its Senator Schumer’s job to keep his caucus together and fight for progressive values. He failed in that today. Republicans have consistently negotiated in bad faith, demonstrating that they have no interest in actually protecting Dreamers. And for […]

Coffman’s Discharge Petition a Distant, Contemptible Memory

CNN reports as Day 2 of the 2018 federal government shutdown gets underway with no signs of progress: Day one of the government shutdown ended with recriminations between the parties deepening and no sign of progress towards ending the impasse. The White House, Republican and Democratic leaders spent most of Saturday apportioning blame and flexing […]

Get More Smarter on Friday (January 19)

The last time there was a federal government shutdown with one party in control of both Chambers of Congress and the White House, Jimmy Carter was President. It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more […]

Get More Smarter on Tuesday (January 16)

Cold enough for ya? It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show.   TOP OF MIND TODAY… ► Fundraising reports for the last […]

See “Cop-Out Cory” Bob and Weave

Yesterday morning, Sen. Cory Gardner appeared on Face the Nation in an attempt to put some kind of happy face on the unfolding disaster of President Donald Trump’s rejection of the latest bipartisan immigration deal–to which both Colorado Senators are party, but now in mortal danger after Trump denounced the agreement in formerly-unprintable terms. What […]

Trump Shitholes Bipartisan Immigration Deal

UPDATE: Nobody else is censoring the word “shithole,” so we stopped bothering to. Please excuse…well, everybody. We’re all in this together apparently. —– Denver7’s Blair Miller reports on an agreement between a small group of U.S. Senators including both Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet of Colorado on an immigration reform package that could in theory […]

Pat Neville Not So Keen On Lebsock After All

We noted yesterday the announcement by accused serial harasser Rep. Steve Lebsock of Adams County that he would leave the Democratic House caucus, and praise he got from prominent Republicans that seemed to open the door to Lebsock seeking a haven in that party–either formally with a party change, or perhaps to caucus with the […]

Get More Smarter on Thursday (January 11)

Your three-day weekend is almost here. It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show.   TOP OF MIND TODAY… ► The Colorado legislature […]

Get More Smarter on Tuesday (January 9)

We can’t promise that reading this will make you as brilliant as Donald Trump, but it’s a start. It’s time to Get More Smarter. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get […]


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