President (To Win Colorado) See Full Big Line

(D) Kamala Harris

(R) Donald Trump



CO-01 (Denver) See Full Big Line

(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) V. Archuleta



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Marshall Dawson



CO-03 (West & Southern CO) See Full Big Line

(D) Adam Frisch

(R) Jeff Hurd



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert

(D) Trisha Calvarese



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank

(D) River Gassen



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) John Fabbricatore



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(D) Yadira Caraveo

(R) Gabe Evans



State Senate Majority See Full Big Line





State House Majority See Full Big Line





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Asked to Rate White House Coronavirus Response, Cory Gardner Refuses

(White House? What White House? — Promoted by Colorado Pols) If there is a limit to Sen. Cory Gardner’s (R-CO) willingness to refrain from criticizing President Trump, it seems musing about the benefits of ingesting bleach isn’t the last straw. Asked to evaluate the administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gardner refused, saying it was […]

Cory Gardner Says Hickenlooper’s Silence Means He Must Agree With Whatever He Hasn’t Criticized

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) has been notoriously difficult to reach for comment recently, particularly when it comes to criticizing President Trump. Gardner’s reluctance to publicly cross his party’s leader has been widely reported, but that didn’t stop him from attacking his likely election opponent, former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, for failing […]

Cory Gardner Embraces Trump in Republican Primary Campaign Ad

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) wanted to make it absolutely clear to his fellow Republicans at their virtual state assembly on Saturday that he stands firmly with President Trump. In place of a standard candidate speech, Gardner’s campaign played a video montage of Trump praising Gardner as the two men shared the […]

Cory Gardner Warns If GOP Loses Senate, Schumer Will Block Trump’s Judges

(Good to know, thanks – Promoted by Colorado Pols) Republicans must not only retain the White House this fall, they must also hold the U.S. Senate, says Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO). If they don’t do both, he warns, even if President Trump is reelected, Chuck Schumer won’t approve any of Trump’s judges: “he’ll block every […]

What Happened to Cory Gardner’s “Conservation Roundtable” With President Trump?

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Last Thursday, while speaking with reporters at the White House, President Trump noted that his planned trip to Colorado on Friday with Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) was canceled. We now have a video clip of that statement:  “I was going out to Nevada, as I said. I was going to Colorado, […]

Gardner Campaign Clarifies Trump’s Claim of Moving “Our Event” To White House

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner’s campaign appears to have been forced to do some rapid-response clean up in response to a statement by President Trump this morning about a Trump-Gardner fundraising event. Following Wednesday’s news that Trump canceled his planned trip to Colorado to fundraise for Gardner, the Commander-in-Chief told a New […]

On the Coronavirus, Cory Gardner’s Rhetoric Doesn’t Match His Record

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner said this morning that he doesn’t want people to play politics with the coronavirus outbreak. He did so while ignoring the massive public health budget cuts in recent years and his own history of using the Ebola outbreak for political gain. Earlier today on KOA 850-AM, Gardner […]

Politicians, Proud Boys & the President: Trump & Gardner Rally in Colorado Springs

(Very fine people recap – Promoted by Colorado Pols) Even before the president took the stage, the noise level inside Colorado Springs’ Broadmoor Arena was deafening. When he finally emerged, clapping slowly as he walked out from behind the blue stage draping, the roar was deafening. Seated in the VIP section, a number of Colorado […]

Friday Fundraiser: Gardner Chases Campaign Cash At Carbondale’s Aspen Glen Club

(Promoted by Colorado Pols) After kicking off his Colorado re-election campaign at Thursday evening’s rally alongside President Trump, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) is headed west, prospecting for gold in the form of cash contributions. Friday he’ll be lunching at the Aspen Glen Club in Carbondale. The private, gated community a few miles down the road […]

Gardner’s Annual Ski Weekend Fundraiser Features Corporate Heavyweights

Skiing in Colorado is pretty expensive these days, but even the priciest day on the slopes isn’t nearly as expensive as skiing with Sen. Cory Gardner’s family and friends. For $2,500 per person or $3,000 per family ($5,000 for corporate PACs), lobbyists and political consultants could bring partners and kids to join the Senator, his […]


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