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(R) Lauren Boebert

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(R) Jeff Crank

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(D) Jason Crow*

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(D) B. Pettersen

(R) Sergei Matveyuk



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(R) Gabe Evans



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Cory Gardner’s Revealing Website!

UPDATE: They’ve pulled the offending part of the signup form down now, but not before it was saved for posterity fairly widely we’re told. And no, please don’t post all 4,920 names here, that would really clutter up this thread. Up next, we would assume, will be a carefully-worded statement about how the Gardner campaign […]

Cory Gardner Throws Michael Steele Under the Wheels

THURSDAY UPDATE: A true-life case of biting the hand that feeds you, says the Colorado Independent: State Rep and 4th District Congressional candidate Cory Gardner dissed Republican National Committee Chairman Michel Steele at a Fort Collins 9/12 group last week. Gardner told locals asking for the controversial Chairman’s head to call Party leaders and complain. […]

Cory Gardner, Meet “Col. Birther”

The Colorado Independent reported yesterday, following the original story in the Greeley Tribune: Greeley Native, U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel and full-fledged birther Terry Lakin is refusing to deploy to Afghanistan until he sees evidence he can believe in that Pres. Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States. Lakin released a YouTube last […]

Gardner’s All-Purpose “Rainy Day Fund” Excuse

Fascinating article in the Sterling Journal-Advocate this weekend: The House this week approved HB 1369, the school finance act, but it was a vote that brought some legislators to tears. HB 1369 cuts $365 million in state funding for school districts statewide. According to the bill’s fiscal note, which explains the impact, the cut will […]

Cory Gardner’s Quixotic Hits Keep Coming

Democrats putting together their opposition research file on CD-4 frontrunner Cory Gardner haven’t been disappointed by his votes in the Colorado legislature this session. We talked last weekend about Gardner’s politically ill-advised vote to cut the Agriculture Department, despite Minority Leader Mike May’s near-pleading on the House floor not to do so. And then there […]

Cory Gardner Shafts Rural Voters–Again?

Last Tuesday, we recapped some drama on the floor of the Colorado House the prior week, related to CD-4 candidate Cory Gardner and a vote to cut the state Agriculture Department. To briefly summarize, Republicans proposed a series of large cuts to most state departments instead of the specific priority-based cuts proposed by Democrats. All […]

Gardner Campaign Source of Diggs Brown Blunder?

Yesterday Bob Moore of the Ft. Collins Coloradoan posted a diary here on Colorado Pols about his Coloradoan story debunking wild attacks on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that came from CD-4 Republican candidate Diggs Brown. Moore’s story does not say who exactly provided the audiotape of Brown’s Pelosi-bashing, but in the comments section on the […]

Cory Gardner Loves Him Some “Eggmendment”

As posted here yesterday, supporters of this year’s version of a tough abortion ban ballot measure have submitted their petition signatures. The problem is that they submitted only barely enough signatures to technically qualify for the ballot–based on the usual percentage of signatures rejected by the Secretary of State in the course of verification, proponents’ […]

Gardner AWOL on “Military Appreciation Day?”

UPDATE: More on Gardner’s absence from The Coloradoan, which is particularly notable for the bungling way this was handled by his campaign: Gardner spokesman Mike Ciletti declined to identify who Gardner met with Monday. The Yuma Republican’s absence was first reported by the Denver Post. “Cory was meeting with individuals who have an interest in […]

Cory Gardner Opposes Drunk Drivers*

From the Colorado Independent: State Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, staked political ground in the far corner of the Republican-Libertarian right the last few years, voting against proposed tough state-wide drunk-driving laws, which he decried as part of a series of tax and fee-generating “nanny bills.” Now, though, as a candidate gunning for Democratic Rep. Betsy […]


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