U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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September 09, 2009 01:24 AM UTC

Jane Norton Files "Exploratory Committee" Papers

  • by: Colorado Pols

The website’s ready for prime time:

The Denver Business Journal reports:

Former Colorado Lt. Gov. Jane Norton said Tuesday she has formed an exploratory committee for a possible U.S. Senate race in 2010.

She is one of as many as six Republicans who have announced they will seek the seat or are considering the idea.

In a statement, Norton said she plans to announce whether she’ll run next week, “after talking to supporters around the state.”

Doesn’t look very “exploratory” from here–apparently she’s decided to jump in, deal or no deal.

Of course, if there was a deal between the National Republican Senatorial Committee and Norton, do you really think they’d tell you? Or tell you the truth?


35 thoughts on “Jane Norton Files “Exploratory Committee” Papers

        1. on some of the Indian Peaks — I found a photo that looks almost the same, but the ridge line is slightly different, so I’m not sure. But yeah, that’s what Colorado mountains look like. I guess the NRSC avoids those kind of bush-league mistakes.

    1. And she’s dyed her hair, gotten plastic surgery, appears to be taller, and changed her first name! What won’t these ambitious Republicans do to shed their pasts?

  1. Six?

    Norton, Buck, Wiens, Frazier  – that’s four.

    Who else?  They’re not referring to Dan Maes- he’s running for gov.

    Are they holding out for Tancredo or one of the Schaffereses?

    1. whose name is too long to fit on the Big Line. Maybe they’re still counting Beauprez, or Tancredo, who has been threatening to run if Norton clears the field.

  2. While I disagree with her on many issues, I am glad to see Jane get in this race…I enjoyed getting to know her while I was in the State House. She will be a strong opponent… 2010 just got more interesting!

      1. J-

        I want the Democrats (real Democrats) to run the government. I believe we have the better ideas and policies for the country. There ARE some good ideas on the other side of the aisle. I always try to focus on what’s right, not on who’s right. I appreciate the “loyal opposition” when they are offering thoughtful alternatives. Some Rs do not think for themselves, do not offer anything, and have a very limited intellectual/policy portfolio. I don’t think JN is one of them (although she is passionate about some conservative social issues). I know her better than I know MB. Yes, it’s really me =) -Angie

        P.S. I have a great photo of you (Jam) and me on my fb page – photos from 2006

        1. I’m really stunned by that. Paccione wants Jane in. Hm…

          It’s not just Republicans that are dumb, Democrats too. Both, in large numbers, know so very very very little about the issues. That’s why it’s only right that Independents get to decide elections 😉

          1. given your track record of poorly constructed diaries and comments, you might want to watch who you’re calling dumb. Angie’s forgotten more about politics than you’ll ever learn.

  3. Also, her Issues page was quite detailed. True, I don’t agree with about 90% of it but it was a good read and it quite thorough. Very professional. Very well done.

    1. Political

      “Norton has held several Republican leadership roles, …”

      “Lieutenant Governor Norton also participated in the Republican Leadership Program and is a founding member of the Colorado Republican Business Coalition. She has spoken at over four dozen of Colorado’s County Lincoln Day Dinners.”

    2. Wikipedia has almost nothing.  There’s quite a lot of info at this site   http://www.census.gov/Press-Re

      I believe the only “elective” office she held before Lt Governor (unless I’m missing something) was that she served out 6 months remaining in someone else’s term in the state house in 1986, but apparently didn’t run for election to the position.

      1. more than 20 years ago, and served out the term when the legislature wasn’t in session, like The realist says, but has never run for office on her own.

        1.    BTW, for someone who is a big supporter of traditional marriage (IIRC, Jane was the honorary chair of the campaign in ’06 for the state ballot initiative banning same sex marriage), whatevr happened to Jane’s first husband?

            Inquiring minds will want to know….

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