( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Update: put off till November 18 at 9:30am
I’m interviewing Senator Penry this Thursday and suggested non-snarky questions are appreciated. This is interview #2 so it will be me asking him a bunch of questions like my second ones with Ritter, Buck, Markey, & Polis.
ps – still a “no thanks” from McInnis (to all of you that think I’m too much of a wuss in these interviews – HA!)
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Do you feel that a candidate’s driving record is a fair or relevant topic to bring up during a campaign?
Did your campaign acquire an email mailing list from the Senate Minority Office? If so, was this proper?
Well, at least you now know of someone who is a bigger wuss than you.
A guy who won’t even sit down for your friendly little chats doesn’t exactly make me feel too good about him as governor. He might not be Beauprez, but he ain’t much better.
Sen. Penry has held and which ones were public sector or private.
Even if it’s untrue or unethical?
In paring down the size of state government, will you eliminate the job your sister holds at Mesa State College?
Why is he such a weenie?!
No, I kid.
Ask him what he would do to reduce spending in the criminal justice system and whether he believes it would be wiser to invest funding in the front end (i.e. treatment, diversion) instead of the back end (i.e. incarceration, parole/probation) of the system.
So many more, but I’ll just request that one.
In addition, does he support the three ballot measures being circulated that would cut state revenues by $1.3 billion.
If so what additional $1.3 billion in services would he cut?
and make a supporting motion for redstateblues’ question.
Now if it’s not in David’s interview we can say that he’s not following proper parliamentary procedure.
a) What evidence do you have that the slowdown in oil and gas drilling activity is a direct result of the newly amended COGCC rules?
b) Are the new rules having a minor or major effect on drilling activity in Colorado? What other factors are influencing drilling activity? What is you evidence for this?
c) What is your explanation for why drilling activity slowed down nearly simultaneously in Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Canada (indeed, in ALL of North America except for Pennsylvania and Kansas)? What evidence supports this explanation?
d) Is there evidence that suggests your explanations to a-c might be doubtful? What is this evidence?
Are there any sales, use and income tax exemptions that you’d recommend eliminating, or are you entirely focused on the expense side of the budget equation?
David: print off the latest drill rig counts, by state, from the Baker Hughes website.
Then ask Penry why, given his claim that the Colorado rules are such job-killers, our state has more rigs running than many of the other states he has called very industry-friendly.
Do you still believe abolishing the Governor’s Energy office will help balance the budget ?
I’ve got around $50 in change in a container in my apartment, could that also be used to balance the budget?
no change smaller than a quarter please. Penry’s thinkin’ BIG.
I was going to suggest the same: link back to today’s diary on his GEO opinions.
I know the world that the GEO plays in very well, and his opinions are so blatantly ignorant that it’s clear to me he’s just looking for something — anything — to rail against and draw attention on. Colorado is in a very unique position compared to the other 49 in terms of cleantech entrepreneurship and future job creation. It’s clear that he doesn’t understand this and it is pretty telling of his suitability to be guv.
Rant aside, a good follow-up here would be: how many cleantech and high-tech businesses have you visited with along the Hwy 36 corridor and what did you take away from those meetings?
Where do he and Jamie actually LIVE? Not where do they own a home, but where is their principal residence? If they have a child old enough to be in school, in what school district is that child registered?
And yes, he has two children, one of which is in elementary school. No idea which one he goes to…
He had two homes here, sold one, kept one in Fruita, but I believe he actually resides in Denver for the duration of the campaign. I want to know from him.
Look up Josh and/or Jamie in 411.com. They are listed in Denver.
His Q3 campaign report listed several payments to a Littleton realtor for “rent.” Unclear whether it was for a campaign headquarters or a residence–it wasn’t specified.
…closer to the big population centers for the campaign. I’m not trying to argue, I’m just not sure what difference it makes?
Not illegal, but definitely a credibility problem for him as far as “representing his district” during the upcoming session.
I was going to say the same thing BR said, but you bring up a good point. He may not be running for the office in the upcoming session, but the fact that he’s term-limited shouldn’t mean that he can avoid criticism for moving his primary residence out of his district.
It might not be illegal, or even unethical, but it certainly raises the question you just brought up, Ralph.
Follow-up question: What’s the latest date you can decide to run for re-election to your state Senate seat?
He’s not term-limited. This is his first term in the Senate.
Follow-up to RedGreen’s question:
“And will Steve King’s feelings be hurt if you do?”
He has to reside in his District for a year before the election.
If he’s moved, that would seem to preclude dropping out of the Governor’s race to run for his old seat.
He’s not going to do that anyway. He has to fulfill his destiny.
IIRC, Sen. Romer changed his voter registration to his mom’s house while he looked for new digs in his district.
I think it’d be a douchebag (sorry for the theft, sxp) thing to do, but technically possible.
Is the house in his district using any electricity or water?
Where do his kids go to school?
Don’t accuse Penry of using the single largest part of the state’s general fund. That would be just a little hypocritical while yelling cut everything all the time. Don’t ya think?
I swear, I’m genuinely considering voting “Ritter,” or at least staying home, if he wins the primary.
He wont debate. He wont get interviewed. He’ll boycott major state GOP events because he’s scared of the itty bitty straw poll. He freaks out on Dan Caplis for asking him a really relevant and straightforward question. What hole did this guy crawl out of?
He leads in polling. Penry can’t win a primary based on things McInnis is or isn’t doing. If McInnis won’t debate, then move on. Hold town hall meetings and let the voters get to know you. No matter what McInnis is or isn’t, Penry has some serious catching up to do with the majority of voters.
The bitching and moaning from Penry supporters on this is starting to get tiresome. On the other hand, I’m sure Bill Ritter would be happy to have your support.
After all, what gives you more exposure than an interview with me 🙂
Seriously, Penry is out there working hard every day on this campaign. Going everywhere, talking to everyone, making use of every option. He is catching up.
lieutenant governor have?
– Oil & Gas statements and the state of the industry.
– the revenue side of the equation
I’d also ask if he could change anything about the School Finance Act – i.e.the way we fund K12 education in Colorado – what would it be? Where do your kids go to school?
Do you agree with Mr. Lambert that it is questionable whether K12 education should be publicly funded? How about with former Senate President John Andrews who signed a petition advocating for the elimination of all publicly funded education?
What is the proper role of the governor in recruiting employers and creating employment in Colorado?
How come no other state has adopted TABOR?