(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
UPDATE #3: From 9NEWS:
During an afternoon news conference on the steps of the State Capitol he said, “Some people out there still don’t know who I am. My name is John Hickenlooper and I want to be the next governor of Colorado.”
“Sometimes fate has a way of delivering an opportunity right when the hill is at its steepest. It seems often the way, some might argue this is the worst time to run for governor, given the challenges that are facing our state. We are, after all, in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. But I love Colorado every bit as much as I love Denver,” Hickenlooper said. “We’re getting into this race because it is a privilege to live in Colorado.”
UPDATE #2: 9NEWS’s Adam Schrager Tweets that GOP opponent Scott McInnis will appear live in the studio immediately following Hickenlooper’s announcement. No word on what color McInnis’ hair will be.
UPDATE: Announcement reportedly set for 4:15PM at the state capitol–not the City and County building across the way, mind you.
Breaking Denver Post:
Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper has told top Democrats he intends to run for governor, sources tell The Denver Post.
Hickenlooper has been meeting with key advisers since Democratic Gov. Bill Ritter last week unexpectedly announced he was dropping his re-election bid…
In addition, Hickenlooper wants to “get out front” of any announcement from former House Speaker Andrew Romanoff that he will enter the race for governor, a source said.
Also of interest in the Post story is the note that Hickenlooper knows who he won’t have running his campaign–no more Sean Duffy issues.
Meanwhile, Hickenlooper on Monday informed political consultant David Kenney, who had been running Ritter’s re-election effort, that he’d wouldn’t be working on his campaign.
“He said he did not want me to have a formal role in his campaign,” Kenney said. “He said he was concerned that I’m a lobbyist, but I’m not a registered lobbyist.”
Kenney said he was stunned at the news, particularly because was part of the inner circle that swept Hickenlooper to victory in the 2003 Denver mayor’s race and he has already spent two years working on Ritter’s campaign.
Ditching Kenney isn’t a total surprise, since his win-loss record isn’t really reflective of someone who should be handed the keys from one statewide race to the next.
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IN: Bennet, Hick Hard “NO” On Republican Spending Resolution
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IN: Bennet, Hick Hard “NO” On Republican Spending Resolution
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IN: Bennet, Hick Hard “NO” On Republican Spending Resolution
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Hope we will be on the same side again, at least in this.…
Ritter seen handing over the destructive economic playbook to Taxenlooper.
Just couldn’t resist. OK.
read that really fast, expected a reply from you so treated it as such. Of course it’s from ‘turd.
Plus, you missed my point.
When Hick undoes the EO on collective bargaining for State employees, consider your chain yanked.
Re-read it.
If I throw random, unrelated insults in the post, would that help you to understand it?
The murky mess that is NBC’s late-night schedule got a little clearer today, as Conan O’Brien announced he would not host “The Tonight Show” at 12:05am to accomodate moving a shortened “Jay Leno Show” to 11:35pm.
O’Brien, who took over the “Tonight Show” reins from Leno on June 1, issued a statement in which he explained “The Tonight Show” would no longer be “The Tonight Show” if it were moved back, and said he wanted no part in damaging what he considered the “greatest franchise in the history of broadcasting.”
The question of what’s next for the veteran comedy writer and 16-year host of NBC’s “Late Night” remains unclear. O’Brien addressed talk of a jump to Fox by saying: “I currently have no other offer and honestly have no idea what happens next.”…
Union members don’t care by large percentages and other people, except right-wing wackos like you don’t care at all because it doesn’t affect them. Remember, unions aren’t a big ogre to people in Colorado anymore. See last year’s election results.
As to last years ballot box payoff, hey whatever floats your boat.
If businesses want to spend their money paying off labor bosses so the bosses can continue to chain the necks of workers then so be it.
Higher ed is for chicks, jocks and people who can’t get a real job.…
Read more:…
Chicks, jocks, people who can’t get a real job.
Defense rests.
Why would we need to spend even one dime of public money for higher ed? Apparently we can get all the college grads we need from out of state.
Instead we spend billions in subsidizing higher ed with no way of knowing if our students stay here or go elsewhere after graduation. Oh, sure, I know Colorado is so awesome who would ever leave. But just in case, why don’t we do something so that everyone who attends our schools will stay here? Like make tuition tax deductible for up to ten years after graduation for anyone making less than $250,000 oer year?
Cause UC Boulder is for football and people who can’t get real jobs. Astronomy? Astrophysics? Sheya – go get a job in the economy with that lead weight dragging you down.
For whatever reason lately.
He did such a wonderful job with Ritter and all
The severance tax initiative in a Democratic year got a little over 30% of the vote. This ill thought out and poorly run campaign was the beginning of the end for Governor Ritter.
But sarcasm and text do not mix.
I was just agreeing.
Ritter really damaged himself with an initiative that if handled properly could have solidified his support statewide.
because he isn’t very good.
He is like Wadhams, he has never won a race that he did not have a significant advantage, and when he was on equal turf he loses.
In the ’95 Webb campaign he had to be replaced by Mike Dino because the campaign was going down the toilet.
The elections he was involved in with Hickenlooper had Hickenlooper. It was not David Kenny.
Even the famous skydiving ad, that he takes credit for was not his. It was Lindy Eichembaum Lent.
Rick Reiter cleaned his clock in the gambling initiative.
And finally, He’s no Greg Kolomitz.
I hope he is not planning to bring in carpet baggers from MI, VA, NJ?
I can just here it now, the democratic national party sends in some folks from team Obama promising hope and change.
Can always count on Lib to regurgitate the same sterling insights into last year’s news!
Likely RBI will be managing this campaign … keeping it local and keeping it “real” with lobbyists and former union officials.
Tyler’s great but he fails the lobbyist test. Was lobbyist for AFL CIO.
What about Mike Melanson? He did great work for Udall.
David Kenney managed the successful Justice Center campaign, which had gone down in defeat twice before. He managed the successful Preschool Matters campaign, also which had gone down twice before. And he managed the hugely Better Denver campaign, passing the largest bond issue in Denver’s history, getting voters to pull the lever 9 times to take money out of their pockets, including the DMNS, library, and CSO improvements, which most pundits doomed to failure.
David is a tenacious and committed campaign manager. He has a great ability to analyze issues and hurdles and come up with a way to overcome them. I would want him at the helm of ANY campaign that I wanted to win. Hickenlooper’s campaign, while probably a winning one, would have been better with David than without him.
I hope you’re billing top rates for this post!
Kenney is a good man. Nobody bats 1.000 in this game, but he’s a good man.
But, please note that they’re all in Denver. The landscape changes outside the city limits and a campaign manager has to know the state, not just Denver.
Quite possibly the funniest post of the new decade.
Will “where did all the money go?” Shafroth
Something tells me he isn’t going to get a whole lot of positive feedback there. My impression from some state lawmakers was that Romanoff had done a lot for them and they couldn’t very well not return the favor after he declared for the senate seat. Don’t think they’d be all that enthusiastic about transferring that support to oppose Hick.
Three big news items, yet none of them at all surprising.
That bit about Kenney is funny. I mean, if he thought he could get work for Hick, he would have kept the secret, but since he’s out I guess he figured this was his last shot to get his name in the paper, so he dished.
Politics apparently hath no fury like a consultant scorned.
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of Scott McInnis’ heart rate going up. And that smell? Besides the odor of hair dye and spray tan… it’s the smell of fear.
is sure to become enraged at suddenly loosing in polls… even Rasmussen.
wait mcinnis will lead in every Rasmussen poll republicans will cite it continuously and mcinnis will still lose.
Is it too late for Miss Clairol to withdraw and let Penry take the bullet?
Just as much as I loved the “Breck Girl” for John Edwards.
Sounds stale already. Wadhams flop sweat.
Sounds better.
A country Arnold maybe.
Let the campaign begin… when can I host an event?? Go John Go!
He’s my absolute favorite, first choice for this–he’s got my time and my dime. I’m actually excited about this!
A grand opportunity for Hick to talk about the interdependency between rural and urban Colorado.
will be 4:15 p.m. today at Capitol press room upstairs.
not press room.
Is there a website?
Who is going to run the campaign?
Does he have an office?
Does he get along well with Romanoff?
Would AR even consider LtG? I know, I know, he now needs a woman from the western slope or CSprings.)
When is the Mayoral term up?
I know it was discussed elsewhere- but let;s get it here:
Does he have to resign or can he keep the Mayor’s gig until/if he wins?
If there’s another D, how would it affect caucus?
is 2011; Hick doesn’t have to resign as mayor to run but would if he won; if Hick wins, deputy mayor would take over until regular election. Caucuses wouldn’t be affected unless Romanoff dropped Senate bid and switched to governor, then governor would be preference-poll race for caucuses, but otherwise Senate remains the race used to pick delegates.
” Romanoff dropped Senate bid and switched to governor”
I realize you were providing a technical answer, but despite the winds of rumors blowing the past few days, I am now certain we will hear that AR was, is and will always be committed to the Senate campaign.
But I’m thinking since primaries are such a great thing and all, we should get another D to run at Hick. That guy from Northglenn. The mayor of (some other city with a D mayor), Mitch Morrissey. Someone. I like HIckenlooper, and he’ll have my support, but primaries are so useful we’d be crazy not to have one.
So if we got another D- could the Senate race still be the preferance poll?
I believe it would, since a Senate race appears higher on the ballot than governor.
But you’re right, another Democrat should run against Hickenlooper and bloody him up to make him stronger.
It’s higher up the chart for assemblies – or at least it was.
and ignore me…
This whole, “primaries make us stronger,” stuff-you’re just kidding around, right?
I am mocking the notion. Some on here, however, are serious about it.
You don’t agree?
C’mon – we’ve been covering this ground for months. If Hick is such a great candidate why would he resist a primary?
The votes haven’t selected him as our candidate, let him earn it.
One person one vote- sure. So far the only vote he’s received for D nominee for governor is one, his. What about my vote?
and blah blah yada-yada blah.
You forget, Obama cast a vote — by telephone! — for Hizzoner. When will the White House stop picking Colorado’s leaders?!
When will the Washington leadership just go back to ignoring Colorado?
jeez- it’s almost like they think we matter or something.
I’m not positive, but past caucus instructions from the state party stated pretty clearly that the top race was the deciding race for representation, regardless of competition. If caucuses decided to hold straw polls for (non-binding) caucus delegation purposes, that was their right, but not their duty.
It doesn’t appear that this is clearly spelled out in the party rules, though – or at least I couldn’t find it.
The Delegate Selection Plan adopted by the State Central Committee last month states that the CDP Central Committee designates the race to be used as the preference poll at caucus. At the same meeting, the Central Committee unanimously voted to use the Senate race as the preference poll.
To change the race for the preference poll would require another meeting and vote of the State Central Committee.
See what happens when you step back from party participation?
Is that Manager of Safety?
“The next person in line to run Denver until a city-wide election would be Deputy Mayor Bill Vidal. He’s currently the manager of Public Works.”…
And I’m SHOCKED to see actual reporting on Fox31’s site on the issue. They posted the entire C&C of Denver Statue regarding the replacement of said mayor.
This might get pretty interesting when Hick wins….I mean, IF Hick wins.
Just not Al LaCabe.
Although, he’ll be gone before the election.
In the words of Emily Latella….
“Oh. Never mind.”
Medical Marijuana is popular statewide and even more popular in Denver. Yet, the bill passed last night by the Denver City Council will be a disaster for the Hickenlooper Campaign. If Hickenlooper signs this bill it will give the GOP an opening to attack him.
Because then he would appear as though he approved of medical marijuana — which he doesn’t want to do and risk alienating his base.
There is no “bill” to sign. The Council passed regulations that go into effect on 3/1/10, the Mayor has nothing to do with it and there is nothing for him to sign.
Except that on page 8 of the ordinance the Mayor must approve it.
If he signs this ordinance he will be making a huge political mistake. There are parts of the ordinance that just won’t fly outside of Denver.…
What parts of the ordinance “won’t fly outside of Denver”?
I STILL reserve the name “Governlooper Ale” for a victory brew at the Wynkoop….
I think we now have to ask you to resign for that racially insensitive remark.
with an unfortunate choice of words. He has spoken to the Mayor and as far as they are concerned, the book is closed.
Denver Broncos… Still Suck!
I mean, Harry Reid seems to be pursuing this tactic, why can’t I?
C’mon – Mayor Hick puts the work Caulk in Caucasian. Even in the summertime, when he rides on Bike to Work day, I wonder if he’s an albino….
…I resent outdated albino reference. I look forward to the day when we’re just plain old Americans.
He is an ale man. He likes something with a bite.
Throwing a staunch supporter/manager under the bus. Saying your going to run than taking off for a national conference before you formally announce. I love it!
but it’ll do.
campaign managers has McInnis gone through already?
And since it’s Florida, a tan.
I wonder if he’d be allowed to ask Senator Penry to be his Lt Gov? I mean, I understand that the Senator has decided that public service is not that interesting anymore, but maybe.
Probalby not.
when they were never on it?
You’re grasping at straws, Ellie. Do you just hate Hick so much that any specious attack will do?
I just thought is was a hell of a way to announce – that plus going to the Mayor’s conference before he formally announces. I don’t hate any of your candidates so save your barbs for another day.
Like the poll yesterday.
I guess that’s the way the game is played.
I feel more confident already.
I thought it was just silly nagging like any Sarah “cub reporter” Palin insult of Obama.
Ellie is playing the concern troll rather crudely today pretending that Hickenlooper would be given a passing grade if he had done what she dictated he do to obtain her approval. Yeah like there is ANYTHING that Hickenlooper can do to get her vote. What a funny sense of entitlement.
If Hickenlooper if failing the Ellie approval test then He should be OK with the general and more moderate voters.
But the campaign kickoff won’t be until after a pretty important convention. Attendance at the Mayor’s convention shows Hickenlooper representing his constituents to higher level government; it’s important, and I’d think less of him if he canceled just because he was running for Governor.
I don’t understand why Ellie thinks there’s something wrong with going to the mayor’s conference.
But I have to admit launching campaigns has been an interesting sidebar to everything else that’s gone on in the race for governor and senator this year. This (I’m going to run but I’m not really going to run until the end of the month)scenario I would put in that category.
If Hick hadn’t dumped him, how long would it have taken your people to declare his campaign “Ritter Lite?”
I’d have done the same thing, and you would have too.
If you’re going to go into attack mode, find something of substance.
My candidate takes it in the shins for far less every day. (McInnis hair color is substantive? Come on!)
There’s nothing of substance to attack – yet. I’d just hate for too many days to pass without giving the faithful on these pages something to argue with me about.
However, * I * didn’t write about it…
I suppose so, since Sooter’s campaign so far has no substance. He says he’ll fix the roads and shore up higher ed, cut taxes and create jobs–all at the same time. He has offered no clue how he’d conjure up all this magic, so there’s nothing of substance there.
So the pretty make-over is about all anybody around here has to talk about.
If he lost his mustache over a bet, let’s see if he grows it back. For someone to have it, as reported earlier, for 25 years, he would grow it back.
Something tells me, him shaving his moustache wasn’t due to a loss of a bet.
I bet he doesn’t grow it back until after the election because he was told to shave it.
Ex: GWB kissed Oprah. AL Gore didn’t. Big jump in the polls for GWB.
My goodness, don’t you think that Hickenlooper would have had the class to wait unitl after Ritter delivers his final state-of-the-state on Thursday?
Is Romaoff so frightening that Hickenlooper has to appear to be a vulture feasting on the carrion of Ritter’s political corpse?
Tacky, tacky, tacky.
Ritter just went from lame duck to having a complete and zero effect on the upcoming session.
It’s really a shame McInnis didn’t wait until after Ritter’s final state of the state to announce. Where’s the class?
I guess Hickenlooper should really have waited until McInnis was inaugurated before announcing.
but Hickenlooper could have at least waited for McInnis’ spray-on tan to dry. Tacky, tacky, tacky, is what McInnis says when he gets his arms stuck together.
until McInnis settles on a hair color.
poor Scott, all those years of scheming, Working so hard to push out that young upstart on the down-low, quiet like. Now this. All that donor cash spent on a grooming consultant, and for naught.
Alas! At least there will always be a place on K Street for Scooter.
And all the other times Scooter waited until after the state-of-the-state address to 1) give up his safe House seat to a Democrat, 2) flirt with running for governor then decide to be a lawyer-lobbyist a while longer, 3) flirt with running for the Senate, then keep raking in the bucks instead, and 4) claim he “would have beat Udall” just days before demoralized Republicans went to the polls to support the losing Schaffer campaign.
Scott McInnis: He’s Waited For Years, Why Can’t Hickenlooper Wait a Few More Days?
If the Dems keep working hard and the economy improves, the prospects for the fall election will be good. Or, this could be the blip up before we really crash. Somehow, I think this is the beginning of a resurgence in the Dem base and its support.
back in 2006 and have not exactly been thrilled with Ritter of late. We were all set to get over our differences with him and support Ritter again but it will definitely be more fun supporting Hick.
We have no idea where Hickenlooper and labor are going to be if he wins. Many of the problems that the left had with Ritter could very well remain in a Hickenlooper administration.
However, I think that the leadership question will be answered–it just might not be the kind of leadership they want 100% of the time.
Hick is to the right of Ritter on Labor, thank God.
but Hick will obviously be on the same page with Dems a whole lot more often than McInnis and we can be enthusiastic about his chances as well as his focus on jobs, jobs, jobs.
While labor is certainly very powerful in the Dem party, Colorado registered Dem voters are not monolithic in regarding labor issues as their primary concern. Card check exactly as the unions want it, for instance, has not found universal acceptance among grass roots Dems.
Ritter’s clumsy handling resulting in both labor and business interests being royally ticked off at him without gaining any advantage out of the mess was the problem more than anything else.
I think it is called leadership. People like Udall would like to think that they have it but when you see people respond to folks like Obama and now Hickenlooper, you can understand where the hunger is coming from. People want leadership that is more reasonable and accomplishment oriented than extreme posturing. This is the joke with the Nortons and McInnis’ pandering to the tea baggers. It isn’t about practical solutions. It is about pretending to assume the mantle of leadership. Hickenlooper excites people because he leads by example and tries to find reasonable solutions that aren’t ideologically driven. It is refreshing and people respond. He has an excellent chance to governor now.
Everything’s in place for a solid Democratic team:
Bennet for US Senator
Hickenlooper for Governor
(Salazar remains as an effective Interior Secy.)
Now, all that remains is for Romanoff to put a fork in his pathetic “challenge” of Michael Bennet. Then, we can get the national DSCC staff and monetary resources into the state so we can focus on the GOP Senate nominee.
At this point, I don’t really care what Romanoff does after this.
You turned 18 or moved to Colorado in 2008.
Show Romanoff some respect. Dems wouldn’t be in the position they’re in today without his leadership. Hick’s statewide name ID began with his appearance in Ref C ads, and that measure wouldn’t have happened without Andrew.
The lack of respect has me questioning why I’m a Democrat.
I get tired of his surrogates dissembling and the use of plausible denial.
I made sugestions for him to announce before anyone else for Governor. Too late now.
The question remains. How will he raise at least 10 million dollars to fight the Republicans?
Sen Bennet is ready to petition on the ballot in the unlikely event he doesn’t reach 30% in the caucus.
If Sen Bennet needs to run radio and television ads for the primary he will.
but I disagree with 2 of your notions
1. Andrew needs to raise money, which I think has been slow, but he doesn’t need to raise $10mm.
2. I would be discomforted by a sitting senator failing to reach 30% in the caucuses. Senator Bennet has worked hard to get out and meet the activists, but I would be troubled by the message petitioning on would send.
While I don’t think it’s likely, Bennet could bypass the caucus-assembly route and petition on to avoid getting second line. Lamborn did it last year and it didn’t turn out to be a liability.
the 527 attacks.
because we know that that the 24% he raised in HD6 to fill Ken Gordon’s seat doesn’t count as PAC money.
this is why your supposition is incorrect.
My guess is he’ll get about 40 percent. But if you can’t get 30 pct of the assembly, it’s a dreadful showing for an incumbent senator, even an appointed one.
I’m just pointing out the futility of the Romanoff run.
Of course, If HD5 is any example, any Bennet backers will be thrown out the door. Perhpas we need election judges from the party to oversee their caucus and count.
Maybe not that many, but he has a lot of fans in this town. Thanks for sharing that, I didn’t know his brother was a film maker.
Let’s do a quick comparison:
1. Work experience
Hick: Entrepeneur, businessman; and as mayor, a politician in a management role
McI: Dog catcher; as a politician, raised national debt to over $8 trillion; oil-and-gas lobbyist-lawyer
2. Management experience
Hick: See above
McI: None, zip, nada,
0ANd I thought I was going t support Hick
You make me stop and think
This is an official English state, after all. Besides, is there a word for “less than zero” in expanol.
Los Tea-Baggers LOL
Actually, it’s menos que nada
Some Denverite I suppose.
You’d like him.
Find a geologist who DOESN’T like beer.
Gabba Gabba.
We accept you.
We accept you.
One of us.
Gabba Gabba Hey!
I just met a candidate I could go for!
[with apologies to the Ramones]
at one time or another.
And I like Andrew. He’s just not in a good place at a good time.
Romanoff needs to quit.
He needs to show respect to his party’s incumbents before he has a right to ask that people respect him.
You mean just like me?
I’m having a hard time seeing how that hurts him, but that’s just me.
‘I’ve been through tough times myself, the 80’s were a tough time for me: laid off, couldn’t find a job, wondering if what I was going to do next, but a little hope and a little help and a whole lot hard work and luck and my partners and I built a business, employed thousands of people and by coming together with my neighbors rebuilt a city suffering from blight.
I know it may look a little bleak right now, but we will pull together and we will make things better: together’
Or something like that.
But it also says, hey I did have a job, and I wouldda kept but I had to do something new…and it worked…. I worked hard, you do too, it worked for me, it can work for you too etc
is all it takes to get Gecko to crawl out from under his rock?
but you’d have to teach him to ride your Harley rather than his silly moped. Hey, maybe you could sell him your old Titan.
in Denver list?
A successful businessman vs. a lawyer/lobbyist. Gov. Ritter could not tag Scooter a lawyer/lobbyist but Hick sure can.
McInnis has a lot more than image to worry about now.
Hick is going to KILL Scotty Mac
I can’t wait for the debates. Hickenlooper is 10 times the public speaker McInnis is, and it will show.
Hick just looked gubernatorial today. I haven’t really seen McChameleon look like that yet.
the stupid Denver TV stations’ websites are not obliging with actual video. Did anyone think to take a camera to this announcement?
I just watched the Channel 9 streaming video.
It’s on the 9News site now.
Apparently, it’s “giddy-up” time in Colorado.
But everything else was good. Especially the Q&A.
His upper lip looks very strange. Twitchy, smirky, unusually pale. Maybe there’s a reason he had a mustache all those years to keep it covered … it’s quite unnerving.
Is it still “red”?
than it did in the video and screen caps Pols posted, but still darker than it used to. Maybe it really was shoe polish and it washed out?
Plus, he didn’t seem very energetic. It almost seemed like he just got the shit knocked out of him.
He didn’t seem happy at all.
It’s almost as if one of the toughest potential opponents he could have faced just announced his candidacy!
Bed time for Andy?…
Wouldn’t that be a step down for Kennedy? That just doesn’t make any sense.
Thanks to that lady, we actually made money on our state investments in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the 30s. Kennedy for lt. Gov.? Naw. Kennedy for chairman of the Federal Reserve! Are you listening, Mr. Obama?
This guy is just tiresome.
Here’s what’s up on the site now:
…but I thought I should preempt his supportive ass anyway!”
that Romanoff hasn’t wanted?
Since leaving the House:
Snubbed for SoS in favor of Buescher.
Snubbed for US Senate in favor of Bennet.
Snubbed for Lt. Gov in favor of O’Brien.
Snubbed for Governor in favor of Hick.
It’s been a rough 13 months for him to say the least.
…allow himself to be snubbed for Mayor of Denver?
Romanoff for best friend.
Is a woman chief executive. I’ve known Boigon a very long time, since our kids were at East High together, and would be glad to help her make such a run.
Come over to the Daaaaaaaark side………
Frustrated that his party doesn’t love him anymore, Romanoff becomes this year’s Debbie Stafford. Wouldn’t that just make JO and Sharon Hanson’s heads explode?
He’d start showing up on Hannity:
“I just couldn’t take how un-American my party had become. I had to do something to SAVE OUR REPUBLIC!!!”
My head would ‘splode too, with bitter, bitter sorrow. Oh well, I vote for one Republican every election just to prove I’m not a hopeless partisan; Andrew could become my pet Republican.
Could AR run for both?
Then, when he named himself to the Senate vacancy, he could succeed himself. He also gets to act as governor when he’s out of state. Win-win-win!
could he run for both Gov and Senate?
Then if he wins the primary in each (primaries are a good thing) he could pick which to run. Or run for both, then when he wins both, pick. Or if wins just one- well, then he’s in somewhere.
Or he wins both and then does both…. and when Udall is up in a few years, he runs there too and has both seats.
He could be like Superman, Clark Kent, and BizarroMan all at the same time.
Or Batman, Robin and Alfred. Or Aunt Harriet.
It worked for LBJ, who ran for Senate, vice president and, if I’m not mistaken, county assessor, all at the same time. While he’s at it, why doesn’t he move to Lakewood and challenge Perlmutter in a primary. The congressman hasn’t been bloodied enough recently and is slipping as a candidate.
better he could move to CD6 and primary John Flerlage.
might not be able to take too much bloodying.
primaries are good- and both candidates get stronger, though only the stronger one gets nominated.
I need a few minutes
Much funnier!
All he needs is some ruby slippers and Aladdin’s lamp.
Looks like a united front.
What a black helo paranoiac buzzkill this loser is.
What’s worse than a smoky back room? Aliens? Masons? Alien Masons? Sirota and Lyndon LaRouche want to know!
Jesus titty-fucking Christ, he makes me insane!
If Sirota could name a candidate he could get behind or if he would cop out by saying he “needs to be courted”.
Seriously though, this is the kind of stuff that sells books and NATIONALLY SYNDICATED NEWSPAPER COLUMNSTM. It’s his bread and butter.
Hahaha. Oh man. That was a fabulous comment, RSB. Seriously.
So far, all the candidates I’ve supported or support, I did it on my own and for free.
Does that make me – Gasp! easy and cheap.
with a chance of actually getting elected. Being aggrieved from atop his righteous high horse is Sirota’s bread and butter. So my guess is no. Wouldn’t fit the business plan.
Who’s “tested” in his mind? His bloviating is intolerable.
Time for a big group hug, JB?
Oh Jesus, that one never gets old for me.
disagree with Sirota’s bitch about Colorado politics. Or would he?
“The days of the Republican Party holing up in a smoke-filled room in the Brown Palace Hotel and picking its nominee are over.” -Josh Penry
But seriously, JeffcoBlue … Jesus titty-fucking Christ?!!? That’s the biggest bunch of blasphemy I’ve seen since I ran across an album by the Crucifux.
That’s from Team America right as Michael Moore blows himself up.
I was hoping somebody would pick up the reference – all comparisons intended.
“We’re dicks, ok? We’re stupid arrogant dicks! But Andrew Romanoff is a pussy! And Scott McInnis is an asshole!”
I don’t want to have my pussies and my dicks all covered in shit.
You guys are just fucking disturbed!
victory in a ton of ballot issues and he’s “untested?” Has that untreated paresis finally got to Sirota? David, may I suggest pennicillin?
Unless there’s a bitter, bloody primary that completely throws both candidates under the bus, then they cannot ever claim to have won anything.
It didn’t hurt gail a bit because they both kept it clean.
though it was the first round before the run-off in 2003, and none of the front runners took him seriously enough to bloody him.
…but those outsiders simply want to control Colorado, so maybe they don’t count so much
Why don’t those outsiders go back where they came from?
This guy is gonna make it happen. He’s so capable at getting things done. If he wins, which is expected at this point, his move to governor is a gain for the people of Colorado, and a loss for the city of Denver.
talking with Voyageur?
Mayor Hickenlooper;
Please just let me know when/where and I will be there. (I shot an email in too.) Last interview at…
thanks – dave
If everyone shot an email off to the Mayor’s office, (surely, someone here knows someone who could get him the message) then you could have the opportunity to do a live blog from the brewery.
at the mayors’ conference?
Wherever you two come together for that intertview will be the very world epicenter of adorable dorkiness! I You could sell tickets. It could be a great campaign fundraiser!