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March 12, 2010 08:51 PM UTC

No More Jimmy Lakey in CD-7

  • by: Colorado Pols

We’re a little behind on this, but just a few weeks after former Rep. Tom Tancredo endorsed his campaign for Congress, Republican Jimmy Lakey pulled out of the race in CD7 (h/t to Complete Colorado). According to a Facebook announcement:

While I have truly enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people, I have come to the conclusion that this is not my year and I will live to fight another day. I am making this announcement now so that our supporters who are attending next week’s caucuses will have ample notice to consider involvement with another candidate.

In a three-way Republican primary, we thought Lakey had a shot at winning the GOP nomination (though he had no shot at taking down incumbent Rep. Ed Perlmutter).  


11 thoughts on “No More Jimmy Lakey in CD-7

    1. Looks like Ryan picks up on this.  Aurora City Council is going to be a little shy of people if Frazier resigns to run full time and Fitzgerald does the same to run for county comm.  Maybe someone should file her paperwork soon.

    2. With Sias not even living in the district (of course that never stopped BWB, but anyway)if you’re a Republican, you’ve got to be thinking Frazier has the best shot at Perlmutter–however poor that shot is.

    3. And Pols, if you really thought that Lakey had a shot at winning the nomination for the GOP in the 7th, than you are either trying to blow smoke up our ass or you are trying to keep Frazier’s momentum down.  Which is it?

      Donny you’re out of your element! Dude, the Chinaman is not the issue here!-Walter Sobchak

      1. We explained why Lakey might win in an earlier post. Historically there has been a low turnout among Republican primary voters, which doesn’t set the bar very high in a race with at least three candidates.

        In a three-way Republican primary in CD-7, you only need about 10,000 votes to win. Just about anybody has a shot with numbers that low. Tancredo’s endorsement isn’t worth much generally, but in a low-turnout, three-way Republican primary it would have gotten Lakey close.  

        1. 10,000 votes is less than it takes to win a lot of state legislative races. You don’t need a lot of resources to reach out to that small of a universe.

    4. Sias won’t get a single vote from Lakey supporters. But all this means is a sure win for Frazier, he may even be the only one on the ballot.

      Lakey was the only one that could match Frazier’s speaking style and charisma, Sias even admitted he isn’t a good speaker. Sorry kid, this is politics, it’s a social game.

      1. I so wish MAH were running against Frazier for this instead of Treasurer. Think of all the great diaries we could write with Frazier vs Ali in the title. Would have made the campaign season so much more fun…

      2. At the Douglas County Candidate Search, emcee Mike Boyles compared Lakey to Elmer Gantry after a particularly red-faced stemwinder. It’s true, Lakey is a powerful speaker, but if even your friends are comparing you to a famous con man and charlatan, you might wonder if it’s the best fit.

    5. People backing Lakey were backing him because they thought Frazier was too moderate. The last place they’re going to go is to the McCain-backed Udall supporter.

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