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June 22, 2010 07:08 PM UTC

Rove's 527 Falls Short of Fundraising Expectations

  • by: Middle of the Road

Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie’s group, American Crossroads, fell just a tad shy of its publicly announced expectations of raising $52 million to take back Congress. According to Politico, the 527 has

…raised only $200 last month, according to a report it filed Monday with the Internal Revenue Service, bringing its total raised since launching in March to a little more than $1.25 million. It spent $76,000 in May, primarily on legal fees and salaries, bringing its total spending to $140,000.

It appears to be having a more positive effect on the DSSC, who is using the group’s potential as a scare tactic tool in its latest fundraising email.

“Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group just announced on Friday that it is turning the full force of its fundraising machine against no fewer than eleven Democratic candidates,” warned a Sunday fundraising email from J.B. Poersch, executive director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. “The DSCC is counting on every one of our grassroots supporters to defeat Republicans and defend President Obama in November. We can’t win without your help.”

Don’t count American Crossroads out just yet. With the open disenchantment over Steele’s leadership as Chair of the Republican National Committee, disgruntled wealthy Republican donors are looking for alternative groups to sink their influence into. With Gillespie’s background as former Chair of the RNC, former White House counselor for Bush and former lobbyist for groups such as Enron, the American Petroleum Institute and the US Chamber of Commerce, as well as Rove’s resume, this adorable twosome has the potential to become a major player, provided they can raise more than $200 a month.

Colorado’s Senate race makes their announced list of 11 targeted Senate seats. Very good news for Buck in particular if he wins the primary, since his fundraising efforts up until now have been anemic. In addition to purchasing an ad buy in Nevada taking aim at Harry Reid, American Crossroads’s list of the Lucky Eleven include the following:

Also last week, American Crossroads announced 10 other Senate races in which it planned to air ads criticizing the Democratic candidate or boosting the Republican, including Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington state.


5 thoughts on “Rove’s 527 Falls Short of Fundraising Expectations

  1. whenever it is pointed out that something  Repubs are railing against actually was a policy of the Bush administration, their common response is to distance themselves from Bush, never mind the GOP majority rubber stamped everything Bush ever asked for and during the brief time Dems had a bare majority Repubs still had the numbers and the Bush veto to count on to obstruct the Dems. So it’s no wonder that Rove the Bush Architect  and Gillespie the Bush Apologist in Chief are not the names to inspire much GOP enthusiasm but still inspire Dems to man the ramparts. Maybe those rich Repubs are waiting for something more appealing and less tied to the unfortunate past to materialize.  

  2. I would expect this upcoming reporting deadline to be his best. Same goes for Jane Norton–the recent disenfranchisement with her among conservative activists notwithstanding.

    If Buck meets or exceeds expectations regarding fundraising (which have grown considerably since he loaned his campaign $100,000 last reporting period) then Karl Rove and other outside groups may hinder him more than helping him. Without the coordination (which as we all know is [cough] uh [cough] illegal) there’s no guarantee of what exactly Rove’s ads would say. I would expect more attacks on Bennet/Romanoff than positive ads for Bucks, but you never know.

    On the Dem side, if Romanoff doesn’t continue to meet the low side of expectations, then it’s going to be extremely hard for him to compete with Bennet’s name rec. Bill Romjue’s last e-mail admitted that Bennet’s ad spending has boosted his name rec, and Romanoff cannot possibly win without getting on air. It’s just a matter of whether it will be too late to have the affect they’re hoping.

    At any rate, mail-in ballots are going to be mailed out soon. With the growing trend of people voting early through mail-in or in-person means, it’s become even more important for candidates to get their messages out earlier and more frequently.

      1. Will Romanoff be getting name rec-boosting ads up before July 19th? The reporting deadline is in 8 days, and I would be shocked if they got their numbers released by 7/19, let alone had ads up.

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