(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
I’ve tracked this in the past and it starts with a lot and trails of over a week, then has a giant jump at the end. People like you and me who follow politics year round probably already have our votes in. People who don’t really follow politics (like the rest of my family) haven’t even started thinking of it yet. As close as the three main races are (I think McInnis/Maes is very close because of the McInnis plagiarism incident), every one of the remaining votes is going to matter.
graphs follow…
So first we have votes received by the Boulder County Clerk. Keep in mind they show a running total, not the number in each day.
And here is the stats of people visiting my site. These are 99% people coming to the site via Google searches so it’s a decent measure of people looking for information on the candidates.
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a lower than expected turnout. But it would be helpful to know how many ballots were actually mailed by the county clerk first.
is that the SoS has changed the way counties are to report turnout percentage.
In the past, it was only ballots returned/affiliated active voters.
Now it’s ballots returned/ALL active voters.
Ballots were only sent to voters who had affiliated by the mailing date.
I’ll have Mesa County numbers on my blog tonight. So far, turnout is 17.5 percent calculated the new way, 24 percent calculated the old way. More than 3,000 ballots have been returned undeliverable.
might be that lots of counties are conducting elections on ballot questions, so are getting ballots from unaffiliated voters.
110,843 mailed.
Even the usual last minute rush won’t do anything to make this a blowout year.
Of those, 12672 were returned as undeliverable.
32980 votes have been cast in Denver so far. 333 of these were rejected. I don;t know why they were rejected. the most likely reason is the voter forgot to sign the envelope. A letter goes to these folks giving them the opportunity to come in and fix the problem.
So turn out thus far is 15.8%. That’s actually not bad considering there is still a week and half left to vote.
For more detailed Denver info see: Denver Mail Ballot Tally
This is really useful and I look forward to see the complete (as of AUG12 (the last day for Norton voters to vote)) results.
is it must be postmarked by midnight, Aug. 11.
I recently broke the 10,000 person eye-to-eye, face-to-face and toe-to-toe, my grassroots method, and what I consider good for any statistical analysis or polling versus robo-calling 1,000+ a few people (who hate the call anyway)…heres what I am gathering.
100% of the Unaffiliated Voters who represent 1.2 Million voters in Colorado, a Majority in 2008 I believe, will not vote in the primary, although, technically they can.
NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE said they will.
The rest of the story, is mine, but, if 100% of those I talked too, granted 39% claimed there were Republicans, 40% Unaffiliated and
21% Democrat whoops I did talked to 2 Green Party, 4 Libertarians and 2 Socialist oh that One Anarchist I think won’t vote…
Anyway, regardless of party affiliation or not, prepare for a wild Nov 2010 across the Nation, not to mention Colorado.
Three+ months ago, my wife and I both switched from UN to DEM and REPUB respectively just to vote in this primary.
On August 12th, we will switch back.
So, technically, we are not UN, but in reality we are. Why did we switch? Because Denver is having a mail ballot. In the old days, I used to walk the 100 meters to the precinct and switch from UN to the party of my choice, vote, and then switch back UN. Mail balloting forces me to separate the switches by months.
You just have to go more than the 100m to do so. All of the 13 service centers in Denver can affiliate an unaffiliated voter.
I really miss precinct voting.
I got to chat with my neighbors. It was just a more enjoyable experience.
You can now do it online at the SoS web site.
To vote in this primary, I think you still have to go somewhere and affiliate.
I was talking about switching back.
You can go to the service center to change registration and vote, and switch back online.
to unaffiliate? It doesn’t limit who you can vote for. I don’t like a lot of what the Republican Party has done, but I stay affiliated so I can vote in primaries, go to caucuses, etc. and try to change it. Even if I didn’t do that stuff I’d have no reason to unafilliate.
pick the primary to vote in.
My wife chose the DEM so she could vote for Andrew and she wants him more than Bennet. Andrew was our State House Rep.
I picked the REPUB (this time) so I could screw up the results.
My original intent was to vote for weaker candidate against King John because I think that John has been/is a very good mayor.
Of course some of my intentions changed as:
1. Scooter demonstrated that he is unfit to be Governor. I want him gone. Period.
2. I found out that Jane (don’t call me Gayle) Norton belongs to a church that has anti-American views. I want her out of politics.
I’d just switch at the time, but I guess being unaffiliated allows you to register at the last minute where otherwise you couldn’t?
It allows you to actually THINK, which is a foreign concept to you.
My voting in the primary is AMORAL.
It is intentionally designed to fuck with the system.
I have no loyalties to any party. Not even the party that I most identify with: Libertarian.
I vote to cause chaos. Which is something that a true believer cannot stand.
rather than f*** with the system. I have no great loyalty to the Republican party; I’m loyal to conservative principles.
Not every county has a mail-in-only election for the Primary this year – maybe two-thirds? – not sure of the number.…
well than they would have in a statewide mail ballot. On the D side this is irrelevant. On the R side, this could tip the Governor’s or Treasurer’s race. (The U.S. Senate race between Norton and Buck looks too lopsided for Buck for it to make a difference.)
As of July 12th (cut-off to be registered for primary) there were 1,685,982 active voters whose affiliations were Dem. GOP. or Lib.
There would have been more ballots mailed out than this though because some jurisdictions may have ballot questions so U’s, Greens, Unity, and Amer. Constitution people would have gotten those as well. I am not aware of any, though.
Also Inactive voters who are inactive only because they did not vote in 2008 also get a ballot mailed to them.
I am not aware of a readily available soure that tells us how many ballots were mailed out statewide, or how many ballots have been returned statewide.
Looking at recent elections, 2004 is very similar to this election in that there are contested primaries for the US Senate on both the Dem and Rep ballots. (Salazar v. Miles and Shaffer v. Coors). The primary turnout in that year was 23.51% (which was based on active voters).
It is quite possible we could still top that if the number of ballots coming in picks ups (as expected) over the next week and a half.
Boulder sent out 111K ballots.
111 x 23.5% = 26K votes expected. Yes?
18K returned as of Friday.
Does this mean that over 70% of the votes are in for Boulder County?
Denver has similar numbers.
It breaks down to about 1/3 immediately, 1/3 the last couple of days, and 1/3 in-between those times. So my guess is we have about half in.
Also, Boulder has a higher than usual number of undeliverables because of all the students.
If not a little heavier in the final 3 days
a day is irrelevant to half of the people who will ultimately cast ballots in the race.
Also, if turnout is about half in, then voters turnout is probably going to be on the high side this cycle in Denver and Boulder, with something north of 30% of active voters casting voters in the primary.