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August 04, 2010 08:58 PM UTC

Dan Maes and the U.N. Plot to Bicycilize the World!

  • by: Colorado Pols

Oh, Dan Maes! We don’t know where you came from, and we’re still amazed at how you got here, but we can’t deny that you are one amusing fellow. Even if you don’t mean to be. From TPM, via that Denver newspaper:

Colorado Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes knows you might think  bicycles and bicycle riding are harmless, but beware: “That’s exactly the attitude they want you to have.”

The Denver Post reports that Maes, a Tea Party friendly candidate facing former Rep. Scott McInnis in the August 10 Republican primary, has come out against a public bicycle program run by the city of Denver. Denver’s mayor, John Hickenlooper, is the presumptive Democratic nominee, and a cycling supporter.

“This is all very well-disguised, but it will be exposed,” Maes said at a small campaign rally last week, according to the Post. “These aren’t just warm, fuzzy ideas from the mayor. These are very specific strategies that are dictated to us by this United Nations program that mayors have signed on to.”

We can’t even attempt to dissect this one, folks. Encouraging people to ride their bicycles is a sinister U.N. plot to…make businesses install showers…and…really, we need a pie chart or graph or something to follow along.


122 thoughts on “Dan Maes and the U.N. Plot to Bicycilize the World!

  1. ColoradoPols underestimated the Tea Party. Big surprise there. As far as the bike thing, that in itself is not harmful, but the U.N. program Fort Collins signed onto is a shocking transfer of power from local communities to an international bully. Personally, I don’t want some faceless bureaucrat halfway around the world in control of Fort Collins.

          1. Although no, they’re not conspiracy theorists; this program is pretty well known. There was a big meeting about it at Summitview Community Church a while back, but like I said I didn’t go.

      1. I will bet that you have opted into this

        “program includes encouraging employers to install showers so more people will ride bikes to work and also creating parking spaces for fuel-efficient vehicles”

        Showers! What is next?

    1. How many bureaucrats (actually your friends and neighbors who work in public sector or nonprofit positions) do you know who actually have no face?

      As for the UN, last time I checked, its HQ is in Manhattan, which isn’t exactly halfway around the world.

      Ever seen a faceless bureaucrat ride a bicycle?

    2. We have yet to see if anyone ‘underestimated the Tea Party.’  

      Sure it might win some Primaries, but if it puts candidates forward that think 1) bikes are a UN plot or 2) that raped children should not have a choice to end a pregnancy then the conclusion you reach is, well, a bit in doubt.  

      PS-Do you have a link on Ft. Collins handing over its authority to “faceless bureaucrat halfway around the world”?

      PPS-I’m pretty sure that even most bureaucrats have faces.  Cliche much?  

      1. This has been a bit of a big deal in Fort Collins. There was an effort to recall city councilwoman Lisa Poppaw over this, complete with a website and facebook group. I haven’t looked into it too much, because I don’t really care that much, but it has to do with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives – Local Governments for Sustainability. Here’s some links to get you started.





        Sorry about the long coloradoan link, apparently they use some sort of back end code to retrieve the correct article. You could just go to the site and search for “Poppaw recall effort gears up through website” by Kevin Duggan.

        1. Stacey Lynn – “Poppaw’s allegiance to foreign organizations and foreign goals is costing taxpayers millions of dollars and is a violation of her sworn oath to honor the Constitution.”

              1. Perhaps it would be best to distinguish between benign, helpful organizations and other ones.

                Otherwise there’s little difference between your position and that of the Taliban.

                  1. Is that that whole Sharia Law thing we’re supposed to be so worried about?

                    Fight ’em there, or fight ’em here. There really is no other way.

          1. A Letter to the Editor.  I stand corrected.  


          2. The effort to recall Poppaw for being a UN secret agent for supporting bike racks downtown failed miserably. They didn’t even turn in signatures, and Stacy Lynne and her tinfoil hat brigade are the laughingstocks of Northern Colorado.

            If Maes wants to take this crackpot stupidity statewide, more power to him.  

        2. You really make your case, like this one:

          The paper’s own editorial board  has called the recall effort “harassment,” as Poppaw is inexplicably singled out for legislation that other council members also supported. In May, the paper wrote: “The statement of recall filed to justify asking voters to remove Poppaw reads like some one-world government conspiracy theory out of the 1960s.” [emphasis Twitty]

          Hint: When posting links to make your case, best to make sure they—uhhhh–make your case.

          Here is some more feedback for you on your fine, credible ‘research’:

          The science says man-made global warming does not exist…


          BJ–whatever those initials stand for, I cannot say–you have yet to provide a link that demonstrates Ft. Collins is handing over it’s authority to the UN.  

          1. it’s fairly supportive of Stacey Lynn, and understandably since she has a lot of support in the community. There was a big Tea Party meeting about this a while back, but as I said before, I don’t really care that much, so I didn’t go.

          2. . . . and you too will be able to understand the “mind” of a Dan Maes supporter.

            This has been a bit of a big deal in Fort Collins.  . . .  I haven’t looked into it too much, because I don’t really care that much,  . . .  Here’s some links to get you started.


        3. Typical Tea Party claptrap: you attach some links or provide some “citations,” figuring people won’t even bother clicking on them.

          Such is scholarship in the Tea Party/Scott McInnis/Sarah Palin age: all superficial noise.

          Which publications do you read? “All of them.”


      2. That’s for sure.  It’ becoming more apparent that those same few that will be voting for Dan Maes in Colorado, would also be voting for Basil Marceaux in Tennesse.

        If Dan get’s more votes for Governor in this Colorado primary, than Basil gets in that Tennesse primary, what does that say about Colorado republicans?  

  2. Between Scott McInnis’ ambidexterity, Basil Marceaux’s statehouse eloquence, and the UN’s bicycle plot to stip Americans of our freedoms……this faceless bureaucrat has been ROTFLMAO for 2 hours – and no one has even mentioned Andrew Romanoff once!

    Thanks for the comic relief!

      1. Seriously bj are you really into conspiracies and black helicopters over international cooperation agreements?  How exactly does isolationist paranoia help us build a better world?

  3. First I’d like to say that yes I know that Mother Jones is lefty but  soon to be former R Reps from S. Carolina are not.   This is just a foretaste. Read all the mind boggling details of current wackjob theories being taken for gospel on the right,  provided by R-S.C. Rep Inglis at:


    It was the middle of a tough primary contest, and Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) had convened a small meeting with donors who had contributed thousands of dollars to his previous campaigns. But this year, as Inglis faced a challenge from tea party-backed Republican candidates claiming Inglis wasn’t sufficiently conservative, these donors hadn’t ponied up. Inglis’ task: Get them back on the team. “They were upset with me,” Inglis recalls. “They are all Glenn Beck watchers.” About 90 minutes into the meeting, as he remembers it, “They say, ‘Bob, what don’t you get? Barack Obama is a socialist, communist Marxist who wants to destroy the American economy so he can take over as dictator. Health care is part of that. And he wants to open up the Mexican border and turn [the US] into a Muslim nation.'” Inglis didn’t know how to respond.

    As he tells this story, the veteran lawmaker is sitting in his congressional office, which he will have to vacate in a few months. On June 22, he was defeated in the primary runoff by Spartanburg County 7th Circuit Solicitor Trey Gowdy, who had assailed Inglis for supposedly straying from his conservative roots, pointing to his vote for the bank bailout and against George W. Bush’s surge in Iraq. Inglis, who served six years in Congress during the 1990s as a conservative firebrand before being reelected to the House in 2004, had also ticked off right-wingers in the state’s 4th Congressional District by urging tea-party activists to “turn Glenn Beck off” and by calling on Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) to apologize for shouting “You lie!” at Obama during the president’s State of the Union address. For this, Inglis, who boasts (literally) a 93 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union, received the wrath of the tea party, losing to Gowdy 71 to 29 percent. In the weeks since, Inglis has criticized Republican House leaders for acquiescing to a poisonous, tea party-driven “demagoguery” that he believes will undermine the GOP’s long-term credibility. And he’s freely recounting his frustrating interactions with tea party types, while noting that Republican leaders are pushing rhetoric tainted with racism, that conservative activists are dabbling in anti-Semitic conspiracy theory nonsense, and that Sarah Palin celebrates ignorance.

    Can’t wait to hear from LB, not addressing anything Inglis says except to note it must all be sour grapes.  So I concede the sour grapes following a crushing rejection.  I only ask LB if he thinks Inglis is making this stuff up.  Frankly I doubt he has enough imagination.

    1. Very conservative and I disagree with him on most issues. But he was thoughtful and intelligent. When the Republican party loses that they become just a bunch of angry old men yelling at the squirrels in their yard.

    2. Bob Inglis, a conservative Republican from South Carolina, speaking in the first person:

      “I sat down, and they said on the back of your Social Security card, there’s a number. That number indicates the bank that bought you when you were born based on a projection of your life’s earnings, and you are collateral. We are all collateral for the banks. I have this look like, ‘What the heck are you talking about?’ I’m trying to hide that look and look clueless. I figured clueless was better than argumentative. So they said, ‘You don’t know this?! You are a member of Congress, and you don’t know this?!’ And I said, ‘Please forgive me. I’m just ignorant of these things.’ And then of course, it turned into something about the Federal Reserve and the Bilderbergers and all that stuff. And now you have the feeling of anti-Semitism here coming in, mixing in. Wow.”

      When does pathetic cross over into pathological?

      Having asked that, is there more to Tea Partiers than meets the eye — or less?

  4. And it goes faaaaaar beyond just Ft. Collins and Denver too!!

    Did you know that the State Department in Washington has a so-called ‘bicyclists’ entrance’ on the east side of its HQ? WHY?

    Wellllll…..so that the ‘faceless bureaucrats’ who pretend to work there can ride their – get this – BICYCLES to work!!

    That’s right. Faceless bureaucrats. On bicycles. Right in the nation’s capital. Doesn’t that sicken you?!

    And as we all know…..the State Department is the camel’s nose under the tent for a one-world government here right here in America.

    Perhaps Ken Buck and Jane Norton can follow Dan Maes’ lead and raise this in the Senate campaign, since State is a federal agency? Why didn’t McInnis put a stop to this while he was in Congress? Wimp!

      1. on a bicycle?  

        This sounds like a job for the Tea Party Caucus.

        Or perhaps HUBC (House Unamerican Bicyclists Committee).

        Good Night and Good Luck.

          1. they’re called “one-world”-cycuals.  Also they’re apparently very worried about “bi-cycuals” and “homo-cycuals”

            Actually any cycual activty is a problem.

  5. without all the glaring omissions.


    “At first, I thought, ‘Gosh, public transportation, what’s wrong with that, and what’s wrong with people parking their cars and riding their bikes? And what’s wrong with incentives for green cars?’ But if you do your homework and research, you realize ICLEI is part of a greater strategy to rein in American cities under a United Nations treaty,” Maes said.

    Sorry this is the paper which shall not be named, but I didn’t see a good article about it anywhere else.

        1. that triggers sleeper agents like what happened to River in the Firefly movie Serenity.

          ICLEI looks a lot like icicle which is similar to bicycle which means that it is probably some pinko commie infiltration unit sent to activate sleeper agents that has Maes worried because they will attempt to bicycle around town and show that alternative transportation works which will mean less driving of cars which will reduce the profits that the oil companies make resulting in the take over of America by the Chinese.  We can’t allow the pinko commie Chinese to own us so refuse to exercise and continue to show your loyalty to our all American oil companies.

            1. ……let’s hope Dick Wadhams can get Lance to replace Maes/McInnis as the Republican nominee for Gub against the bike riding traitor Hick?

                    1. It apparently doesn’t matter if someone outs themselves partly or all the way. You still can’t do it.

                      Example- there was a poster who argued with you for no apparent reason. You outed yourself and told him your name, home city, and occupation and yet when he posted that information he was banned for outing you.

                      So knock it off.

                  1. Like MADCO says, no outing means no outing. If Steve can be banned for putting all the identifying information you yourself posted here in a single comment, then Pols might just be strict enough to ban you for outing a banned polster.

                    I’m keeping an eye on you, beej.

    1. all I’m getting from all your links is that a bunch of people are scared of this group because “international” is part of their name. No one is pointing to anything beyond that. Have I got it right?

      And RG is correct – I had already read the article myself and there wasn’t anything in it to make Maes and his crowd seem less nutty. This quote sure doesn’t do that. I mean, how on earth does this do that?

      Besides crazy, it’s irresponsible. Forget global warming – if you want to make America more energy independent, use less oil. Getting out of your car is the most effective way Coloradans can do that.

      1. You should see how they tremble at the International House of Pancakes. See, they want you to like the food there. That’s their plan. Next thing you know, you’re ordering French Toast and UNICEF is raising your children.  

          1. International Harvester trucks are a brand of Navistar.

            One of the top menu items on the Navistar website is EPA 2010. So, clearly, Navistar is in cahoots with the EPA who are part of the UN climate conspiracy.

            And this “Navistar Enters Supply Agreement with Turkish Bus Manufacturer Otokar” is on their website so it appears that we will soon be riding in Turkish buses and not in our privately-owned automobiles.

            International Harvester farm machinery is part of Case IH. “Ferrari and Case IH share more than their distinctive red paint schemes; they are both corporate members of the Fiat Group.”

            Wait a minute! FIAT is a European company so Case IH is part of the one-world society.

            The Cub Cadet line of lawn mowers became part of MTD. This appears to be the only part of the former IH that is not part of global conspiracy.

            1. of faceless government bureaucrats and unions that bought Chrysler, including Jeeps and RAM pick up trucks, in a back door deal approved by a faceless government bureaucrat at the request of the man who has an office on Pennsylvania Avenue.

              Dodge trucks are clearly a step on the road to UN domination.

            1. You know Simplot of Tater Tots fame, it always makes me think of Soylent Green. Since Tater Tots are from Idaho, they probably are just chemicals and potatoes. But it’s a great name for sci-fi… Simplot, that is, not Tater Tots.

        1. not the belgian kind.

          If they were good enough for six meals a day for  Grandpa Diogenesdemar (before he became enamored of the dust mop and ran off to Las Vegas with the little slut) then by jove, they’re just fine for all the rest of the Diodenesdemars’!  

    2. At Glenn Beck University.

      Typical tea party claptrap: “I can’t prove or even explain how it all fits together, but if YOU do your homework and research, you’ll see how it all is actually true.”

      Sigh. That’s what passes for scholarship in the Sarah Palin Age.

  6. The cyclists have infiltrated and corrupted all of us God-fearing, gun-loving, Hummer-driving, Bush-backing military-industrial complex employees.  USA Cycling-right here in town! Cyclists everywhere! Bike racks! And even (may the Lord forgive us!) a giant bike race a few days hence on the grounds of the Air Force Academy! Dan,it’s too late-all is lost…

  7. And neither can anyone else apparently.

    Do a Google search on ‘Dan Maes’ and this story pops to the top.  Markos did a front page story over at The Great Orange Satan.  Huffington Post has a piece.  It’s made both the NY Times and Wall St. Journal blogs (WSJ has it as a Quote of the Day nominee I think…)

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