As our friends at “The Fix” report, another outside group is running ads to help the candidacy of Republican Senate candidate Ken Buck:
American Crossroads, the conservative outside organization that has pledged to raise upwards of $60 million for the midterm elections, is spending nearly $1 million on new television ads in the Colorado and Ohio Senate races…
…The Colorado ad, funded by Crossroads GPS, a 501(c)(4) organization, hits appointed Sen. Michael Bennet (D) for a “spending spree” since coming to Congress early last year…
…American Crossroads is spending $500,000 on the Ohio ad and Crossroads GPS is dropping another $425,000 on the Colorado commercial, which is running in the Denver and Colorado Springs media markets. Both ads will run for a week.
While the group’s fundraising started slowly earlier in the year, the 527 wing reported raising $3.4 million in June alone — including $1.3 million from Public Storage Inc. Chairman B. Wayne Hughes.
Democrats have long fretted about spending from conservative-aligned groups in the final few months of the election erasing their financial edge heading into the fall. That advantage is much more pronounced on the House side — where the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has a two-to-one cash edge over its Republican counterparts — but Senate Democrats also ended June with $2 million more in the bank than the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
Buck recently hired a new campaign manager, John Swartout, who will take over the role previously held by Walt Klein, who will continue to serve as the General Consultant for the campaign. It’s a nice job if you can get it — Managing a campaign without really having to worry about fundraising.
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would be if there were NOT out of staters running anti-Bennet ads. Buck must give these guys wet dreams, we’ve seen how aroused BJ gets by Buck.
comes back to bite the Dems. Be careful what you wish for.
Corporations buying elections will be sweet revenge for Republicans who love treating corporations like rich people.
Obama, Bennet, Hickenlooper, etc.
You can read all about it here.
That makes it very clear. You definitely don’t get paid to think.
Sen. John McCain(R-AZ), Congressman Christopher Shays (R-CT) both co-sponsors and signed by President George W. Bush.
I’m not a fan of major portions of the legislation but it did have bi-partisan support.
The past three Republican nominees for President weren’t really Republicans?
Oh yeah, the Club for Growth popularized the term. And who are they? Oh yeah, CEOs and rich libertarians.
When will Republican voters get to decide what a Republican is? Chances are most Republicans are more moderate than what you consider a real R.
Clearly, it’s not actual Republican voters.
is a dying breed thanks to the increasing radicalization of the Republican Party. Folks like Jeffords, Collins, Snowe are not likely to be replicated in future elections. If Republicans want to control their party again, instead of folks like Beck and Lamebaugh, they will need to support moderate candidates. Indeed the old model of the New England Republican..socially moderate/progressive, fiscally conservative is something worth advocating for.
Buck will rely on 527’s and PACS.
We Dems just need to be glad that we have a candidate that can raise money to compete.
about corporations buying elections? Bennet is 100% paid for.
and Michael Bennet isn’t paid for.
You must be Republican.
I’m sure that we will engage over he next 3 months.
I admire your polite demeanor, but you’re probably going to regret greeting that troll.
they say no good deed goes unpunished
give it up. AR lost. Be a big person and move on like he is trying to do.
funding the fake robocalls about Maes having dropped out in the GOP primary campaign?
My campaign manager is a democrat, and I answered her phone a couple times.
First I got, President Obama, I was stunned, I almost hit the floor, I was just about to ask him where my check was when he was rumbling on about Senator Bennet, I realize this was a ROBO-CALL?!?!?!
Then, another call came through. It was former President Clinton, I was just about to ask how the wedding went when he started rambling about Andy….again I was smashed.
Is it me, or where there alot of this Robo-Calling this time around?
BTW, when will happen if someone wins the US Senate without hitting the FEC? Guess we will have to see in November.
And it works well with answering machines.
Lousy way to do persuasion, however, as you rarely get to talk to a real human. And when you do, they’re pissed.
I noticed they have it down where they will even leave a message. Do you think they will ever out-source? To get that personal touch?
Can you match the employment period to the quotes below?
1. Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts Executive Director
2. Colorado Oil & Gas Association Vice President, Policy and Government Affairs
3. Great Outdoors Colorado Executive Director
All of this lends credence to Trevor Kincaid’s observation (following Buck’s hiring of Swartout):