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August 20, 2010 12:11 AM UTC

Some Top Republicans Furious With Tambor Williams Pick

  • by: Colorado Pols

It seems as though Republican Gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes is causing quite a bit of consternation from some top Republican politicos and elected officials over his selection of Tambor Williams as his Lt. Governor and running mate.

Many Republicans are apparently upset because Williams was an open supporter of Referendum C&D and was not particularly strong (from a conservative’s point of view) on the issue of abortion.

As an email from one such Republican posted by Republican blogger Rossputin points out:

This is a disaster for the GOP. Not only was Tambor the State’s top regulator after voting to allow Waren Hern to continue partial birth abortions (HB97-1136), she helped pass the largest tax hike in Colorado history (Ref C) and tried to cripple us with billions more in debt (Ref D).

Tambor Williams is the poster child for everything that caused voters to distrust the CO GOP in the first place.

So why on earth would Dan’s very first decision as our nominee be such an obviously ridiculous choice?

If like me you feared Dan Maes’s campaign was like the Titanic going down, he just pulled aboard the biggest anchor he could find making it sink faster.

Now the base will flee to Tancredo in droves.

And the Dems haven’t even layed a glove on Dan yet.

An amaesingly bad day for the CO GOP.

We were forwarded another email chain, which included some local GOP elected officials on it, which you can read after the jump (all names in the “TO” and “CC” headings have been redacted on the email chain, except for the response from Maes himself). As you can see, the Republican Kumbaya moment probably isn’t happening any time soon…

DAN’s RESPONSE IS TOTAL NONSENSE AND THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF THE WAY HE SHOULD be responding to erase our more than legitimate concerns.

I just spoke to former State Rep. Barry Arrington and he is more than happy to talk to anyone who calls him about the truth of Tambor’s pro-abortion recpord.  It is documented public record that his vote was to PASS the bill and prevent the horrific practice of partial birth abortion.  Tambor voted NO. Dan’s arguement is exactly what the GOP pro-abort’s tried to get away with.  It didn’t work then and won’t work now.

Please call Barry if you like:

Cell: 303-XXX-XXXX


Rather than continued dismissal of very legitimate concerns, Mr. Maes needs to humble himself, become completely honest with voters, and

pray the Dems don’t completely ruin his name and the credibility of the conservative movement in the process.

The first place to start is drop Tambor on this issue and her tax and debt hikes.  Note she sign ed the CUT pledge then turned around and voted to hike taxes and debt by billions.  so not only is she a big spender / taxer, she deceived the voters and lacks any credibility on any conservative issue..

This continued stubbornness in thinking he can just dismiss away everyone’s concerns would prove to me that Dan is only interested in his own personal shot at glory rather than the well being of the conservative movement that was here long before Dan Maes came around and will be around long after.

You may forward this private email to anyone you think Dan may listen to.


—–Original Message—–

From: Daniel Maes


Sent: Wed, Aug 18, 2010 11:42 am

Subject: Once Again, you are misinterpreting info


Tambor is pro-life and against partial birth abortion.  Newcomers to the political realm, and there are many currently, do not understand

why votes happen all the time.  She absolutely abhors PPA and did then.  She voted the way she did because she did not like the way the

bill was worded and had constitutional issues with equal application of the law.

This is the type of partner I want as she put it through a constitutional filter and rejected it as written.  Too many people look only at the surface facts (what the media tells you) and make

impulsive decisions.  Any negative reaction to this is exactly that.

She and I did discuss the issue during the vetting process.  She was very upfront about it and I respected that.

She was not part of my campaign at any time.  She had become a friend over many months and did not support me officially until the weekend of the assembly.  Her husband had been a supporter for a while.

A Lt. Gov. does not drive policy.  They support the policy of the Gov. I will not consider changing my ticket.

I hope having all the facts will assist you and your fellow voters in making an informed decision rather than an impulsive one.

God Bless,

Dan Maes

The Peoples Candidate

Re-energizing Colorado’s Economy


58 thoughts on “Some Top Republicans Furious With Tambor Williams Pick

  1. What’s ironic, is that Colorado Right to Life is actually against any vote to ban partial birth abortion.  Though likely for different reasons than Tambor’s.  

    Something like: ‘Any vote to ban only certain abortions gives moral justification to the others.’

  2. He asked a few folks prior to Tambor.  Think about it, she isn’t a good choice, but when there isn’t anyone else that is willing to jump on the Titanic (as you have put it) then why not her?  I’m sure she was thinking…what do I have to lose?  

    This was a losing ticket prior to the RHINO Tambor, and it is an even more pronounced losing ticket after Tambor.

  3. OK, now that the hysterical right wing fringe is weighing in on Tambor, it is little wonder why they have lost total credibility on anything and everything.  And they wonder why a lot of registered Republicans are voting for Democrats and why the party is losing registration.

    It is very possible that Colorado will buck the national winds that are blowing against the Democrats and keep them in the majority.

    1. The way Republicans have acted, and the candidates we have put forth, who could blame Colorado voters for “bucking” the trend?  Disgraceful!

      1. I don’t think Wadhams would have advised Maes to pick a pro-choice or moderately anti-abortion running mate.

        I’ve heard him speak. He’s as much of a social issues Republican as John Andrews, et al, I think.

        1. And neither did John Andrews.  So another couple of sell-outs to the radical fringe.  Panty-waist Republicans.  You get what you deserve.  Now gag on it boys.

  4. What difference does it make at this point? Their party has already proclaimed the candidate’s lameness and lack of qualifications in actively trying to get rid of him as late as, literally, the other day. How much worse could it get for them?

    1. in Nov ’05 for the Dems.  We’re stuck with a clown going up against a formidable opponent.

      So precedence has been set for a Maes win.  (Though our window is much shorter and closing fast!)

      Five years later, I’m not exactly sure which side came out ahead…

        1. Beauprez chased out Republicans and Dems alike.  He had a clear field.  Ritter was the nominee by default after half a dozen more likely Dems declined to face Beauprez.

          1. I can’t imagine Hick doing a commercial standing next to a horse’s ass.

            Actually, I can imagine Hick doing a commercial standing next to a horse’s ass, but he would make it hilarious and endearing.

          2. The wonderfully “clear field” open to Beauprez was actually littered with a wealthy land mine named Marc Holtzman, who helpfully coined the Both Ways Bob label that the Dems used to great fame and fortune.

            1. I mean it was clear of anyone else who had a chance of winning the primary or the general.  Holtzman didn’t have a chance of winning either (short of a plagiarism scandal).

              But you are correct about him being a “wealthy landmine” for Beauprez.

  5. “Too many people look only at the surface facts (what the media tells you) and make

    impulsive decisions.”

    Yeah. Stick with reliable sources, like strangers who hand you folders on the UN and its sneaky attempt to engineer a Schwinn Revolution.

  6. I got rid of him once and don’t want him back.  Instead, ask me.  I was President of the NARAL board at the time of the partial birth abortion vote.  When it reached the floor of the house it received only 25 votes and 40 against.  Our floor leader was then Rep. Bill Kaufman from Loveland.  That was when Republicans had huge majorities in the House.  At any rate, it was one of the best things I have ever seen to make the anti-choicers heads explode.  We settled on a plan of non-confrontation.  The Republicans got up and railed, called all the supporters baby-killers, spewed their lies about abortion.  What did we do?  We we talked everyone on on our side, that’s forty state legistlators with big egos, who agreed to “stand mute.”  You could see the heads exploding.  When the nuts were done talking, Bill Kaufman got up and said the following: We move to refer this bill back to the Judiciary Committee because of concerns about its Constitutionality.  Tambor Williams and a whole slew of other Republican heros voted to refer the bill back.  Of course, it was killed in Judiciary Committee on a 10 to 3 vote, with a majority of Republicans supporting killing the bill.

    Tambor Williams knew what was going to happen.  I talked to her myself.  We worked hard with her.  Should she try to deny it now, well, there are lots of witnesses and the records of the House will reflect it as well.

    Sorry for the right-wing nuts who thought Dan Maes was going to be their puppet who would never stray from their outrageous agenda and demands.  But, Dan Maes picked a moderate ticket balancer for his Lt. Gov.  Not that it will help him in the long run.

    1. Only that she’s pro-choice – she’s “pro-life, with the exceptions that we’ve all come to respect” – life of the mother, rape and incest. She didn’t deny her work on the partial birth abortion bill back in ’99 – she was very clear on Tuesday that she voted to send it back to committee because she believed it was unconstitutional. If she’s flip-flopping on whether she’s pro-choice or pro-life – well, that’s another matter.

      By the way, not to toot my own horn too much, but the Colorado Statesman will have a story tomorrow on another position she took while a legislator that will likely make a lot of Republicans’ heads spin like a top.

      1. We know she’s an awful RINO with no conservative principles and no spine. We also know she won’t have any real power when she becomes Lt. Gov. If that’s what it takes for Dan to unify the party, we’re fine with it.

        1. If you knew she voted for a bill granting instate tuition status to illegal immigrants? (HB 1183, 2003 session). She called it good for her community.

            1. I think Williams’ pick will make Maes a more attractive candidate for everyone BUT Republicans, despite the fact that the light guv has no role in policy-setting.

  7. Tambor Williams took money and help from Colorado Republicans for Choice.  I’m guessing if you look at voter guides, she might also have received the endorsement of NARAL.  As I have said before, I have no problem with people who change positions.  I understand why the panty-waist Republicans do it if they are interested in running for office as a Republican.  They have to swallow their integrity and knuckle under to the anti-choice zealots.  I hope Tambor can look herself in the mirror in the morning about this one.  What I do have a problem with is running away from one’s record and trying to minimize it.  By the way, her problem with the wording was that it didn’t include exceptions for life and health of the mother.  Sorry Tambor, but that doesn’t put you into the anti-choice camp at all.

    It seems to me that Dan Maes doesn’t understand the legislative process at all (big surprise there).  People vote on one procedural thing knowing that it means the death of the bill and intending that it be the death of the bill all the time.  Tambor knew what the plan was and she knew it would be defeated by a wide margin in the Judiciary Committee.

    I give you the same advice I gave Scott McInnis when he tried to run away from his past.  Don’t.  The people of Colorado will accept a change of heart.  Don’t try to sell them that you weren’t doing what you were doing.  They don’t like that.

    Please panty-waist Republicans who have changed their position on abortion since the 1990’s.  Don’t make shit up.  I was there, I was a Republican, you trusted me, I have a long memory.  You should leave the party as I did.  If you don’t, don’t expect me to give you a break by letting you tell little fibs.  Remember, I’m not a Repbulican anymore.  I don’t care if the party goes down in flames.  The only way to get the party back to its real conservative roots is to crush it.  How am I doing?  

            1. All of your postings on CO Pols are satire.

              This must be true. The only other option is that you are the stupidest graduate student I’ve ever had the misfortune to know.

  8. Then they should change the process and take the selection of a candidate (and his choice for Lite Guv) out of the hands of the people.

    Then they can try and sell us their faux-populist rhetoric.

    Good luck with that.

    1. there is a problem with the process.  The little talk there is about changing the nominee still includes following the existing rules.

      Rather, one time in a thousand there truly is a “silver bullet” that completely takes down a candidate.  Both “top” and “most” Republicans were behind McInnis until the plagiarism scandal.  Now we’re left with Maes and paying the price for putting all our collective eggs in one basket.

            1. Edit that to be “Everyone higher-up in the GOP was for McInnis . . . ”

              I’m curious as to HOW Maes was able to win the state assembly–were rank and file Republicans just that turned off by McInnis?  

  9. Colorado is better off if it has a vibrant 2 party system. The competition means better candidates and the cross aisle effort on legislation means better bills. So Repubs, please take the following as constructive criticism from an opponent who wants you guys to stay competitive.

    Are you totally nuts? Do you want to be nothing more than a small group of angry old geezers everyone ignores? Your drive for ideological purity will, by definition continue to reduce the size of your party.

    And like the French Revolution where most of the leaders sending people to the guillotine ended up on it themselves, this is a spiral where you are always striving for more purity and in so doing, constantly driving more people away.

    Dan Maes did a very smart thing – he balanced the ticket philosophically. That’s a giant message to the party that he wants to represent all Republicans. And it’s a giant message to independents that he wants to represent them – which includes representing their viewpoints.

    Voters may be unhappy that we Dems are not doing a better job (and they should be). But that doesn’t mean they want to turn Colorado into Somalia. If you want philosophical purity – start a church.

    1. grassroots activism. As far as ideological purity, it didn’t hurt Obama now did it? In times when things aren’t going well, people want principles and solid ideas to solve problems, not shaky compromises.

    2. Frankly, it’s more likely that Tambor Williams was merely the best choice of the small few who would even consider being on a ticket with Maes. We doubt this was a big strategic move by Maes.  

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