U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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September 02, 2010 08:58 PM UTC

Even worse than Maes.

  • by: wade norris

(Wow–possibly not an exaggeration – promoted by Colorado Pols)

The Arizona Governor’s debate starts out with this painful to watch opening by Governor Jan Brewer.

And it ends with this full on attack of Governor Brewer by her Democratic opponent and by all the reporters covering the debate – specifically about the her claim that there are

“beheadings in the desert”

In light of the Republican Candidates for governor in Colorado and Arizona, it is hard to believe that the Republicans are  supposed to be taking back power from Democrats this fall.


21 thoughts on “Even worse than Maes.

  1. Am I blind or is there really no donate button or link on Terry Goddard’s campaign page?  I’ve seriously looked for five minutes, I have to just be missing it.

  2. Sarah Palin’s example.  She announced she will not be doing any more debates. The only reason she did this one was so she could qualify for the state money for her campaign. She will only be doing interviews with “friendly” media outlets.

    This is “new politics” in the age of cowardly Sarah Palin. They can put out whatever message they want via Facebook without ever being challenged by facts. If someone on Facebook posts a comment that does challenge your message, you can just delete it. Problem solved. You can just go on conservative talk radio or Fox News to be “interviewed” and they’ll let you pre-screen the questions.

    We’ve seen it play out here too. Beej just announced, after getting trounced with facts over and over on a variety of subjects, that he will be posting on a conservative site and Facebook instead because that’s where “the real debate is at”. (Would someone with a degree in Letters end a sentence with an extraneous preposition?)


    Where have we heard that before? Who else sticks to only conservative media outlets and Facebook?

    The only way we can improve ourselves is to be challenged. These conservatives are cheating themselves out of tempering their viewpoints and talking points by avoiding all challenges.

  3. That first clip was like watching the city council debate with a first time candidate.  Ouch, painful only starts to describe it.  Reminded me of Perot’s VP candidate except I felt sorry for him.

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