U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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September 08, 2010 12:39 AM UTC

Gallup: Republicans and Democrats Tied Again

  • by: Colorado Pols

According to the latest Gallup poll:

Republicans and Democrats are tied at 46% among registered voters in Gallup’s weekly tracking of congressional voting preferences, marking a shift after five consecutive weeks in which the Republicans held the advantage.

Our analysis? Exactly what we wrote earlier today: Trends won’t matter by Election Day (and it seems to us that there aren’t really “trends” anymore — just different results in different weeks). Either way, individual matchups will carry the day.


52 thoughts on “Gallup: Republicans and Democrats Tied Again

      1. All you can say is, “Rah…rah…rah!”

        I’ve been around here a lot longer than you, and let me make an observation: Every right wing cheerleader has slipped into the night after election day. Every….single…..one. Just like Kruchev’s line, “We will bury you!”

        (Not people who otherwise actually contribute to the dialogue like Laughing Boy.)

        It appears that humility will more likely ensure more of your candidates winning.  

        OTOH, keep it up!  It ensure more Dem victories, apparently.  

      2. Hey racist, why don’t you explain again how much better public schools were when they were racially segregated? Tell me again what you have against Brown v. Board of Education, please oh please.  

          1. why he thinks the schools would be better off if Brown v. Board of Education had been decided the other way.

            Do straw men burn as easily as crosses when you light them on fire on someone’s lawn?

    1. Its a dead heat between the GOP and Dems.

      Time to backup your record by discussing all the citizen upsides of you policies favoring bailouts, nationalized healthcare, union card check, cap and trade, tax hikes, discriminatory regulatory oversight …….

  1. I’d go with Rasmussen. Yes, Rasmussen. Rasmussen, Rasmussen, Rasmussen. I’m going to say it again… Rasmussen. You thought I was done? Nope. Rasmussen.

    Rasmussen. 🙂

        1. Why doesn’t he do any lat minute, right before the actual voting polls?

          One possibility is that he doesn’t because when the actual world deviates from his poll-world he likes to be able to say that things changed from his last poll to the vote.

          It doesn’t prove he’s a bad pollster, but it does not support that he’s a good one.

            1. Neither of you are big fans of those fact things. You’d rather just MSU and stubbornly stick with it despite reality. And neither of you can admit when you’re wrong…

            2. You must have eaten handfuls of meds today.

              this proves it.

              I suspect your rasmussen fetish is enhanced by taking far too many prescription drugs.

              (I hope you cleaned yourself up.)

              You do know, you will fail the whiz quiz at the next “anonymous delusions” meeting.    

                  1. could you tell me how Rasmussen predicted the Obama presidential election? That’s right, check your facts before you spew your ignorance out into blogspace.

                    1. Wouldn’t want him to open his mouth and prove he’s a fool. But Ralphie can’t take his own advice so I wouldn’t worry about it Lemon.

        1. I subjected The Beej’s latest little expression of ignorance to my special “Full Reverse U.N. Tableaux” translator at Babelfish and was able to decipher this:

          Based on the graph above which fluctuates wildly day to day. – The Beej

          into this:

          I don’t know diddly about sampling error and I revel in my ignorance. – The Beej [translation services by ardy39]

          You’re welcome, again, CO Polsters.

  2. in November, which predicts a Republican House Majority, is based largely on the national generic matchup polling number, massaged to create a general election Congressional seat prediction.  

    It assumes, based on historical data that the GOP, as the party out of power, will see a huge surge in the polls in the last couple of months.  

    If this fails to manifest, the strong GOP advantage predicted based on generic polling disappears and the odds favor the Democrats retaining control.

  3. I wonder how the national media will play this.  All last week, all I heard was that, “Republicans are up by 10 in the Gallup poll! Democrats are DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Seriously, I wonder what the regional crosstabs look like.  From what I understand, the only region where Republicans have an advantage is in the south (where they already control a majority of seats).

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