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September 08, 2010 08:08 AM UTC

Dan Maes Strikes Back

  • by: bjwilson83

(Something like that. – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Finally, Dan sets the record straight.

What do you think? It appears to me that Dan is simply a newcomer to politics who ran up against the establishment machine. I just can’t find anything in all of these accusations that is a serious problem. Can you?


66 thoughts on “Dan Maes Strikes Back

  1. It appears to me that Dan Maes’ “undercover work” with the KBI was entirely in his head ala John Nash in A Beatiful Mind and seems to have centered around walking in a poker game.

    Even in this video, he makes the claim that he has never exaggerated his business experience and then goes on to claim to have “turned around several failing businesses.” He was a low-level telephone system salseman, he is not a turnaround artist. He can’t even help himself from lying when he is trying to set the record straight.

    This guy is an old fashioned confidence man. He tricked Freda Poundstone out of $300 and now he’s taking all of his followers for a ride.

    1. Are you sure it isn’t more like

      ** SPOILER ALERT **

      Shutter Island?

      Whether you want to call it “working undercover for the KBI” or “reparative therapy for a shattered mind,” let’s just all hope we’re doing our part in Dan’s healing. It’s going to take some time.

      1. 1. Take $300 from a former supporter, fail to report it as a campaign contribution.

        2. When paying back said $300, fail to sign the check.

        3. Collect $40,000 in “mileage” from your own campaign.

        4. Go on Food Stamps; don’t let it bother you from criticizing such government programs.

        Yes: Truly Amaesing!

  2. Mr. Maes should honor his promise to answer questions.


    He is a newcomer to politics and that’s not always a good thing. As a new comer why did he choose to start at the top and run for governor?  Why not run for a different office first?  

    It appears that newcomer Maes does not understand the CO government,

        1. Frankly I thought SM had it in the bag myself, until I was informed by a couple of 60 year old lifelong GOPers that they were going with Maes. I asked why and they indicated ‘protest vote’.

          Now I see Armstrong, Beauprez, Coffman, Brown, Andrews, etc… have abandoned Maes. It’s clear there is a move afoot to go with Tancredo.

          I much prefer Tanc in the mansion when we need to raise taxes to cover the Democrat policy bets gone bad. I can understand that the Mayor says he wants to cut government spending … but he’s given no firm proposals besides ending CSAP.

            1. Face it this, we’re in an international world, free trade and all.

              You wouldn’t accept undocumented [illegal]cash to flow across borders, you require every TATA programmer to get legal, but its ok to give people even more rights if they break the law by being Illegal Aliens.

            1. I wasn’t around during this term limits thing, but the Colorado Governor is term limited. What Tom brings to Colorado is a balanced, just and reasonable approach to ethical goverance.

              Government can’t create private sector growth, it only discourages it. Stay as always forcused on the principles BJ.

              Restore the business sales tax exemptions that were eliminated by the Ritter “Dirty Dozen” Tax hikes, the Senior Homestead Exemption, and roll back the mill levy freeze.

              Repeal the job-killing Business Personal Property Tax.

              Revisit and revise harmful Ritter-era regulations, including the restrictive new oil and gas regulations.

              Protect American workers (and help honest employers ensure that their employees are legally in the country) through the use of a mandatory workplace verification system such as E-Verify

              1. Is that why this article just came out today? Tancredo has been involved in back room manipulation from the beginning. Much like the characters in Animal Farm, he has become the political elite. His recent behavior and interviews have reviewed an inherently egotistical man, even if he can’t admit it to himself. He thinks he alone can dictate what the GOP must do.

                  1. TANC BACKED BY moderates, progressives and hardliners:

                    U.S. Rep. Steve King of Iowa

                    Former U.S. Rep. Bob Beauprez of Colorado

                    State Sen. Ted Harvey

                    State Sen. Greg Brophy

                    State Sen./Former Minority Leader Josh Penry

                    Former State Sen. Hugh Fowler

                    Former state Sen. Cliff Dodge

                    Former State Sen. Steve Durham

                    Former State Sen. Maynard Yost

                    State Rep. Spencer Swalm

                    State Rep. Marsha Looper

                    State Rep. Steve King

                    Former state Rep. Matt Knoedler

                    Former state Rep. John McElderry

                    Former state Rep. Frank DeFilippo

                    Former state Representative Rob Witwer

                    Former state Rep. Pam Rhodes

                    Arapahoe County Clerk Nancy Doty

                    Mesa County Commissioner Janet Rowland

                    Erie Mayor Joe Wilson

                    Glendale Mayor Pro Tem Mike Dunafon

                    1. “The Establishment” doesn’t matter.  Not any more.

                      It’s the people who count now.

                      If you want this asshole to be elected, you need to be out making phone calls and walking precincts.

                      And after he loses, you need to be ready to admit that your assessment of “mainstream” was just as flawed as your candidate.

                    2. The question is how far above 40% will Hick draw?

                      Could Tancredo pull it out, of course, but for that to occur Denver’s media would need to actually demand answers from the candidates.

                    3. Who are the moderates and progressives on that list? The Glendale Mayor Pro Tem? What the hell?

                      Just for fun I googled Mike Dunafon, whose claim to fame is apparently getting lots of no-bid city contracts for his buddies. Oh, he also campaigned against the mayor of Glendale in 2000 for being absentee…while the mayor was in training at National Guard command school. That didn’t work out so well for him.

                      You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel to find Tancredo a little bit of support, aren’t you?

                    4. Maes is a loon.

                      OJT might get him part way to not quite loon status. But he should do something else to learn the state gov’t.

                      If Maes is elected, I’m moving out of Colorado.

                    5. Although Texas has a much better economy due to its conservative values – I lived there for a while.

                    6. Not by a lot, but unsurprisingly, you have zero support for your view that TX is in better economic shape than CO.

                      You know what you should do? Declare the unemployment stats a “hoax,” like fossils, evolution, global warming, or any other facts that get in the way of your ability to believe whatever shit you want.

    1. I think I could sit here and listen to Dan Maes tell me stories for hours. If ever a man needed a public access show…

      In fact, maybe if he becomes Governor he can do a weekly video podcast like President Obama! I would clear my schedule to listen to that every Sunday afternoon.

  3. The Unabomber’s cabin?

    Come on, CrazyDan©, just make your employment documentation with KBI public. This will settle it. (Well, I haven’t seen an actual birth certificate for him either.)

    1. the powerful people of Liberal, Kan., would allow the REAL reason Dan was dismissed to be written down in a personnel file? He got too close, man, he stepped into something he shouldn’t have. Somebody got burned. That’s life on the streets … of Liberal, Kan.

  4. except for how to run a campaign, how to run a business, how to not steal from his donors, how “working undercover” works, how “mincing words” works, and how extortion works.

  5. It’s funny: when I first saw this video, I was sympathetic to Maes about the police incident, thinking, “oh, he got hosed, ok.” But when you think through what happened, the story is a lot less sympathetic to him.

    Basically, he wouldn’t shut up to his superiors about wanting to arrest everyone at this poker game at someone’s house he knew. They told him to shut up, we’re not here to arrest guys for poker night. But being a judgmental moralist, Maes didn’t drop it.

    The missing link in his story is why the KBI met with him, given that a local poker game doesn’t draw state-level investigation; the most likely answer is that Maes, who clearly saw himself as a righteous whistleblower, complained to the KBI “there’s this illegal poker game and the police force won’t arrest them.” The KBI then met with him to make sure it wasn’t something bigger, but also told his superiors. Nothing came of it — Maes surely would tell us if the KBI ultimately arrested folks — confirming that he was just being a real nut of a cop, refusing to give up his holy war on this poker game he knew.

    1. Was it because he got too close to the mayor and his mistress, or was the president of the Chamber of Commerce dealing cards the night he wore a wire? Dan says it’s time to move on, but I don’t think there’s a statute of limitations for the crimes he uncovered. Maybe if he’s governor, he can talk the KBI into re-opening the case — and this time, they’ll get it right.

  6. This diary is the main link at complete Colorado! (www.completecolorado.com, Colorado’s version of the Drudge Report) Now of course all you guys are going to pan it, but I think the “little people” in our state might feel differently.

      1. While a young police officer in Kansas, Dan Maes may or may not have broken up an illegal dwarf tossing ring that reached all the way to the top levels of the Reagan Administration. The KBI will neither confirm or deny.

      2. While a young police officer in Kansas, Dan Maes may or may not have broken up an illegal dwarf tossing ring that reached all the way to the top levels of the Reagan Administration. The KBI will neither confirm or deny.

  7. I mean, seriously. Poor wittle Dan Maes was just targeted by Kansas power players because he got too close to uncovering a vast home poker game conspiracy.


  8. And that atrocious chair behind him? Screams of Goodwill blue-tag sale.

    Maes needs to do everything he can to promote his image as a successful entrepreneur. Who the heck is advising him: the same guy who posed Beauprez in front of a horse’s ass?

  9. between gambling and a game of Gin.

    Certainly does not pay attention to the FACT that NO one backs up his story.

    his teleprompter is either jerking along or Dam Maes here can’t read.

  10. There is nothing insincere about this explanation. I’m sorry that he is being subjected to your ruthless attacks, this will be a disincentive to other ordinary people to run for office.

    1. for why you think the schools would be better off if Brown v. Board of Education had been decided the other way? Still waiting for that, you racist little coward.

      1. You’re asking me if I think it would be better if we had segregated schools, and of course I do not.

        But it would be better to have quality schools for EVERY CHILD, regardless of color, than to necessarily have schools where much resources and effort are spent racially engineering them.

        A Democrat and former Colorado Governor named Dick Lamm, maybe you have heard of him, wrote about this idea in his book Two Wands. It’s very good reading.

        1. which is equivalent to saying you don’t really care if it ended or not. You objectively support segregation of schools. “Separate but equal” sounds like a good way of summarizing your position.

        2. … that Brown was wrongly decided? That was awesome, how you slandered Scalia & Thomas by implying they’re not only conservatives, but freaky reactionaries like you who support the legality of segregation.

  11. Apparently he had some very unsavory acquaintances when he was back in Liberal, KS. He must have been a real riot in college.

    He then brought this to the attention of his superiors, who were so concerned about this gambling ring that they decided they couldn’t handle it themselves. They must either call in the KBI or illegally(?) fire an young cop. We’re supposed to believe they did one, then the other?

    They called in the KBI, who initially started investigating, then decided not to? Who is gambling in Liberal that has enough power to scare off the KBI then convince Liberal Police to fire a cop who presumably had an otherwise clean record?

    Where was Internal Affairs in this story?

    This story has some incredible and ridiculous holes in it. Great bit of fiction though.

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