( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
A PPP poll out today shows Michael Bennet taking a 1 point lead over Ken Buck 46-45.
While independents are not too fond of either candidate, Bennet has taken a 10 point lead among.
A closer look at moderate voters shows a lot of trouble for Buck. They see him negatively by greater than a 2:1 margin, 27/57. They’re not real high on Bennet, giving him only a +7 approval rating at 43/36. But when it comes to the horse race they give Bennet a 24 point lead despite their tepid feelings toward him personally because of their greater animosity toward Buck.
Here is a link to the poll:
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Did the same gig last week, same time, same day. What a difference — we had about five times as many volunteers, a cacophony of sound and even the voters seemed responsive to our message. I think the polls showing Bennet trailing woke up the sleeping giant thast is the Colorado Democratic party. So far, Buck has led among most likely voters, Bennet among all voters. A good GOTV can put Bennet over the top and keep Buck wearing his high heels at the Weld County Crossdresser Festival.
Just how did you defend Bennet’s record? What is the messaging that hits home on bailouts, Obamacare, regulatory overreach, cash for clunkers, $13B in debt with nothing to show for it … ?
.I support Sen Bennet for his principled stand on Veterans issues:
Troops to Teachers:
Michael is working with Senator McCain to update the Troops to Teachers program and to expand the number of schools eligible to participate in the program by 49 percent nationally, opening up 1,150 schools in Colorado to the program.
Updating the Transition Assistance Program:
All servicemembers leaving the military are supposed to participate in the Transition Assistance Program. Michael is leading the way to improve the program by requiring that: (1) all servicemembers attend and all National Guard and Reserve members have the option to do so; (2) employment training in the program be targeted so that exiting servicemembers get training that is relevant to their qualifications and previous experience; (3) educational programs and benefits-like the new tuition coverage offered in the Post-9/11 GI Bill – are emphasized; (4) veterans leave the program with a clear understanding about their health care benefits; and (5) the program includes dedicated computer training for the transition help that is available on the web.
Career Development for Wounded Warriors:
Currently, the Army is running a pilot program that offers a specialized career program to severely wounded warriors. The program includes intensive, personalized, long-term career counseling and mentoring for wounded veterans. Michael would extend the program for five years, expand the program to nine additional sites, and establish a process for DOD and the VA to continue this care going forward. This expansion would likely serve over 1,200 wounded warriors.
National Guard Education Equality Act:
Currently, certain National Guard members serving in domestic operations don’t get the same credit toward Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits as active-duty servicemembers. Michael has been fighting to expand the Post-9/11 GI Bill to cover these National Guard members.
Service Member Student Loan Relief Act:
Currently, servicemembers who took out student loans before 2008 still pay interest on those loans while they are fighting overseas. Michael is working on bipartisan legislation to ensure that – in all cases – servicemembers are not accruing interest on their student loans when they are deployed.
Getting Medical Treatment to Match Their Service
Completing Fitzsimmons:
Michael will fight to secure an additional $450 million for the new Fitzsimmons Veterans hospital in 2011, and continue to support this vital facility.
Regular Mental Health Screenings:
Michael supports requiring that all servicemembers receive a face to face mental health screening before they deploy to combat, after they return home, and every six months for the next two years.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Training for Company Grade Officers:
Michael supports integrating comprehensive mental health and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) training into existing military structures by requiring junior officers in the Armed Forces to enhance their recognition and response to combat stress, PTSD, and TBI.
Extending Health Care Benefits for Dependents of Veterans:
The Department of Defense (DOD) administers health care services through a program known as TRICARE to over 9 million eligible beneficiaries. Michael supports Mark Udall’s legislation to enable the dependent children of active duty service members and military retirees to remain covered by their parents’ TRICARE benefits until age 26.
Making Sure Disabled Veterans get Full Retirement Benefits:
Eliminating a Restriction on Receiving Disability and Retirement Pay:
Until 2004, the law required that military retired pay be reduced by the amount of any VA disability compensation received. Current law provides the equivalent to full retirement benefits for some disabled veterans but not all. Michael supports allowing the receipt of both military retired pay and veterans’ disability compensation with respect to any service-connected disability.
What’s Buck got? His son is at West Point?
You’re losing it ‘tad…this is the best you’ve got when the brutal club of facts starts bashing you over the head?
We start with the Bush recession, the Bush bailout of the Banks, the Bush wars in Iraq, the Bush deficits, and we half the way to fixing them all in just 18 months. Pretty good, I’d say. Incidentally, I talked to several Republican women who are voting for Bennet. It seems they disagree with Buck’s demand that rape victims be required to carry their rapists babies to term. How’s that rapist’s rights thing working otu for you, Libby?
After the Democrats rammed it though the state assmebly.
While Ken Buck, the Rapist’s best friend in Washington, is.
I still shocked that Bennet can’t pull 50% of the Latino vote, but then again he’s petered out at 43% of the polls, so it all follows as it should in the polling of the human race.
I’ll agree the Democrat surge is on, the race with tighten.
A pat on the arm for making the needed votes that raised taxes and killed jobs
Lib, you should stop pointing out that humans are a different life form than you and your kind. The Mothership is on its way, soon you will see the cerulean skies of your home planet.
Her relative didn’t rape anyone and isn’t a pedophile.
It’s just a cheap shot.
No surprise. Consider the source.
Buck on the other hand has been quite vocal about making incest victims and raped women being forced to carry to term.
He’s also quite good at seizing American citizens tax returns illegally.
Bennet’s a good guy.
How do you defend Mikey Bennet’s record? What is the message that hits home on bailouts, Obamacare, regulatory overreach, cash for clunkers, $13B in debt with nothing to show for it … ?
– bailouts that saved the banks, TARP and FNMA & FHLMC were in 08, during the Bush admin and Bennet wasn’t in the Senate yet
– Healthcare reform saves us billions, extends the actuarial solvency of medicare for 10 years, gives kids coverage through parents, guarantees no on will be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions, prohibits insurance companies from canceling coverage when clients they get sick and it’s all phased in
– The regulatory shift only begins to make up for the regulatory laxity if the prior years
– cash for clunkers worked
– and I think you mean 13T in debt, 12T of which Obama inherited from Bush.
Buckpedalers, the last media blitz is going to be all about your candidates’ inability to deal with Vets issues.
“Privatize the VA” is going to be the final message everyone associates with this lying con man.
Buck’s last media blitz will be about how he is going to fix the economy and reduce unemployment. No contest.
That will bring down unemployment. Otherwise, his plan to give tax cuts to the rich seems to be going nowhere.
fixing the economy and ending unemployment.
I have little doubt that you would be gullible enough to believe him.
Meanwhile, what you call ‘fear mongering’ some of your comrades (marilou) call a good idea. Better get on that message discipline.
Half the fun of the next two years is going to be watching libs react to Angle, O’Donnell, etc. like they did to Palin.
reacting like we did by watching Palin in the rear-view mirror after she was defeated in 2008?
Or making fun of her having to write down “taxes” on her hand to remind herself to talk about them? We react like that because we’re completely astonished anyone has the lack of foresight to try electing any of them.
reacting like you did to her successful rise to prominence, and the possibility that she could be our next president. No, that is not an endorsement.
Mid-term, just resigned and left her job. Quitter.
Big difference.
to what?
It’s a pretty good platform for somebody seeking to do things on the national stage.
And doesn’t care about fucking the people who elected her.
I agree.
I’m sure you’re just so concerned about the people of Alaska not having her as governor anymore.
So she got “promoted” to former governor.
From there she got promoted to paid R shill. Sort of like h-man, and you except she gets paid.
How do I get in touch with Fox?
Many politicians leave office to pursue bigger bucks as media personalities or think tank fellows (some of whom actually do the work they’re supposed to do), but Palin’s the first I’ve heard of who resigned office specifically to do that. (Become a media personality, that is; no think tank would let her in the door.)
The GOP kingmakers are too smart to let her come close to the nomination. Just watch how her candidacy, if she’s brazen enough to go for it*, pans out.
* Personally, I think she’s too much in it for the money and the ease of being a critic outside of government to ever run for president. The same reason why Rush Limbaugh will never run for elected office.
He’d have to take a hell of a pay cut if he ran for public office.
He’s all about the money, and the ease of being free to spout off whatever he wants without ever having to put his money where his mouth is. Same with the rest of his crowd. They’re preachers, not politicians.
Or Karl’s Rove’s last media blitz?
That’s what happens when you’re beholden to others for all your paid media.
Although I do agree that virtually everybody is running ads in favor of Buck – nobody likes Bennet.
And what do they want from him?
Not sure about the 527 ads.
American Crossroads, founded and backed by Karl Rove,is the largest Republican outside donor. For the month of August it raised 91% of its money from 3 billionaires – Rachel Maddow
It’s about time.
Shouldn’t he be here by now, claiming an unfair bias, then spending the next 9 hours posting several dozen mindless comments about how much he hates this unfair site but has to be here for the good of the cause?
Where is H-Man, Cola Man, Tadpole, and the Basement Warrior?
Looking for Democrats to “mix it up” with.
Never fear; I’m here to clear up all the lefty spin now.
not a political science major!
Beej could have been tutoring a biology major about how Genesis answers all the questions of creation, with the minor exception of where Cain’s wife came from…
I should launch that full time tutoring business I’ve always wanted to start.
But that’s a good idea – I should see what I can do with the poly sci people. 😉 “Crash course in winning elections” or something.
Areyou using Maes for Governor as your case study? Or Tancredo for Gov?
Either way, you’re gonna owe me that C-note;-)
You can start writing that check now though, because Tancredo has got it in the bag.
I’m happy enough with the C-note. Colorado hasn’t elected a third party governor since Davis “Bloody Bridles” Waite won on the populist ticket.
in reasonable numbers, Bennet wins this race. Buck’s record is just too far out of the mainstream.
Don’t get too excited libs. This is one poll and every other poll has Buck leading by 5% or more. The last Rasmussen done on 10/3 has Buck at +5%. This is most likely a fluke. Call me out though if this becomes a trend.
It’s within the MOE as are most of them.
This race is too close to call.
The thing I like best about this poll is that it proves this is a horserace and winnable if we get the vote out.
You mean the Razzy poll that sampled 48/48 Repub/Dem?
I have a music blog that write on and use this handle for Twitter and various other things. Thinking about it, I probably should have picked something different since I like to keep politics and my other ventures separate.
If you subtract out the free 10 points Rasmussen gives all Republicans, that’s two polls in a row showing a Bennet lead.
Looks like lying to everyone is not as effective a campaign strategy as Buck thought it would be.
basically, the race is too close to call. Work hard, Ds, you can win this.
halfway up your… But if you’re really as confident as you seem, I could put up $100-$250 (your call) on the Senate race. I’ll sweeten the deal even. If Bennet wins, OR if Buck wins by LESS than 1%, I’ll give whatever amount we agree to to your charity of choice. If Buck wins by more than 1%, you give the agreed amount to the charity of my choice.
You may remember, however, previously referring to me as “BR.”
How about that wager?
halfway up your… But if you’re really as confident as you seem, I could put up $100-$250 (your call) on the Senate race. I’ll sweeten the deal even. If Bennet wins, OR if Buck wins by LESS than 1%, I’ll give whatever amount we agree to to your charity of choice. If Buck wins by more than 1%, you give the agreed amount to the charity of my choice.
But neither should you, RJJ.
Attending a public university! Have you no shame?
Take a look at RealClearPolitics:
Every pollster has always had Buck in the lead except… wait for it.. PPP who has always had Bennet in the lead. Okay, well except for one poll from POS but who are they?
Check out the TPM poll tracker in my comment below.
POS is Rasmussen, when they poll for FOX News.
No, really.
but it’s relevant:
What’s most interesting is the poll oversamples McCain voters.
How will the
soul-less whoresBuck shills spin that?but since they’re all so disappointed in the lack of a public option that they’re now Tea Partiers, this means Buck has even more of a lead than Rasmussen is claiming.
How’d I do?
Actually, it could reflect a “likely voter” model in that Obama’s cushion isn’t coming out this time.
I would bet my car on the odds that McCain supporters are more likely to vote again in 2010 than Obama supporters. Democratic voter turnout lags more than Republican voter turnout in off year elections where Democrats aren’t Dixiecrats.
Does it oversample McCain supporters too much? Hell if I know. Nobody really knows for sure. But, it should oversample McCain supporters or its likely voter model is out of whack.
Here’s more evidence to back up the majority of posters here that Dems will hold their own, be competitive, maintain their current numbers, etc?
I’m shocked this didn’t get posted or promoted like the Bennet numbers.
Good thing there are no actual candidates in any of these races, just generic letters.
Republicans seem like a good alternative to whatever we have, until you find anything out about them.
Its the real ones who want to force children to bear their uncle’s baby that worry me.
he’d be derided as a RINO by the right and he’d have to run as a moderate D.
He’d be loaning Dan Maes hundreds of dollars and then getting pissed off about it. And 115 years old, also just like Miss Freda.
He’d be in a diaper and speaking “word salad.”
Sorry. He was already in the early stages of Alzheimer’s 30 years ago.
the teabaggers would have to kill him.
Reagan is like Jesus in Dostoyevsky’s “The Grand Inquisitor.” Useful only as a symbol.
(Conservative Action-Figure President)
NOT the historical figure. It is make believe. Kind of like a Texas text book. Here is a rough outline:
Lincoln is the ‘founder’ of the party, and why all people of color should support the GOP.
Teddy is the tough outdoorsy ‘conservationist’ who proves that the GOP cares about trees and animals and aren’t really corporate whores beholden to still powerful polluting industries of the 19th and 20the century.
Ronald Reagan is the super hero, who brought about all good things in perfect perfection, at just the right time; personally dismantling the Berlin Wall piece by piece as he slashed taxes, deregulated the world, smashed unions and shot Soviet missiles out of the air with his laser beam eyes (while dozing in Iceland).
None of the three have much relation to actual historical figures who (quite coincidentally) had the same names. They exist primary in GOP lore, although they too (ironically enough) also were called ‘Republicans.’
You were one of the gunny ones. Now you have demonstrated that you are more than funny. That was poetry.
Among Definite Voters
Dem/Leaning Dem 50%
GOP/Leaning Rep 42%
Democrat-friendly PPP only poll of last 9 to show Bennett ahead…
Be more careful next time.
just don’t have time to bandy words with nitwits.
with not even yourself to talk to.
Although I seem to recall a certain right-wing poster here talking up the PPP poll showing big problems for Bennet last week. Guess that didn’t come through.
This is one poll, folks, and it’s pretty close to tied up. Bennet should continue campaigning like he’s 5-10 down and the world as we know it will end if he doesn’t win this race.
Conveniently forgot about that one, did you? Also, you forgot that the PPP poll has consistently underpolled Buck but shown up pick up support quickly. Let me help you out:
Five times more volunteers at Bennet HQ per Vayageur’s topline report. Sounds very upbeat and busy.
and will meet with some of the most successful volunteers. You Go Girl!
“fitting right in” with the corrupt Washington scene?
If they did, we couldn’t get any of them to stick around.
Affirmative action for Republicans, as always.
We have HQs in every county that are rocking!
closer to home, my friend. Larimer County is jamming out support, GOTV, phone banking for Bennet.
… don’t dispel his overconfidence.
Head over to Larimer County Dems HQ’s and see for yourself.
head over to Bennet’s regional office in Fort Collins. He has 8 regional offices and this one is nice and close to you.
North Central Office
1200 South College Avenue, Suite 211
No one was there.
I went to the Larimer Dem HQ and no one was there. I’ll have to check out the other one as well.
I’m pretty sure they aren’t open 24/7 like an ATM machine but I’ve managed to speak with several folks there during office hours. Since you seem to have so much time on your hands, you should definitely waste some of it by stopping by.
That’s a few minutes of my life I’ll never get back. The door was open, so at least one person was there, but there wasn’t any activity. The GOP victory office is open all day.
You can afford to waste some of your life on chasing shadows.
The Alpha Center is right next door, working to save babies as the Dems try to kill them.
If you have evidence of such a crime being committed, you need to report it. Or your are complicit.
but I’m pretty sure they are. Possibly being performed by such groups as “Planned Parenthood”. It’s a real hot tip.
Is a gullible sap with daddy issues, but I’m pretty sure he is. It’s a real hot tip.
No concrete evidence, but he provides plenty of anecdotal on a daily basis.
and then cite an outfit that leans GOP. It’s hypocritical.
I notice no one is mentioning the PPP trend. PPP long the outlier in the Colorado Senate race has closed their gap to +1 for Bennet. This could be brought about by the “30 day out” mark in which each pollster is judged on their accuracy. Good thing PPP decided to move a little closer to what the rest of the pollsters are seeing in this race. It should allow them to maintain a respectable ranking after the race.
Everyone but the shills has known that for a while now. Whatever happened to that double-digit lead the shills were promising?
…by a 9 point margin. Assuming Buck wins by a 6.5% point margin (as is the current RealClearPolitics avg), that’s a 15.5% swing in less than two years. You were expecting double that?
means little wouldn’t you agree?
are smokin’ something if you believe this.
Hope you’re not off your meds.
However,it’s good to see some positive news for Michael.