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May 31, 2011 06:10 PM UTC

Sal Pace Announces for 3rd CD

  • by: ClubTwitty

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Leading with Tipton’s position on Medicare cuts, dissing the Roaring Fork, and not paying attention to local issues, Sal Pace makes his bid official in an email to potential supporters:

Dear [redacted],

I wanted you to be among the first to know:  just this morning, I proudly and officially began my run for US Congress from Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District.

It’s a big step for me and my young family, one I don’t take lightly.

But I’ve now seen how Scott Tipton votes back inside that Beltway.  He voted – and strongly defends – the Ryan plan ending Medicare as we know it.  He won’t support projects like the Roaring Fork’s Regional Transportation Authority that will help solve some of the challenges faced by our local communities.  He’s not paying enough attention to issues like Pinon Canyon or Fort Lewis’ Native American tuition waiver.


Does Sal Pace have a chance against Scott Tipton?

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39 thoughts on “Sal Pace Announces for 3rd CD

  1. I mean, we don’t even have district lines yet. I suspect he’s trying to hold off stronger candidates by announcing early. Not gonna work, I suspect. I don’t think Sal Pace will be the Dem candidate for the 3rd this year.

      1. I have heard that Buffie McFadyen has been talking to folks in DC.  He may have tried to get out in front of her.  I see her picking up the progressives, unions and EL.  

        1. posing a challenge to Sal. He has been fighting for organized labor and economic development there with the loudest voice for more than a few years now. I don’t know what their rallying cry would be, “I used to be a strong supporter of labor and the Democratic Party too!” Seems lacking to me, and with Hoyer coming out to meet with Sal to get him to run, McFadyen could go to DC all she wants, it doesn’t seem likely that it’ll get her anywhere.

      2. Picking up progressives isn’t exactly the path to triumph in any possible version of CD3. Salazar didn’t win it by being the darling of the left.  

          1. forgotten how we won in 2004, 2006 and 2008 by not insisting on candidates too liberal for their districts, Senate seats and for Governor in our primaries.  Lets hope it takes the fringe veering GOP a while longer to learn the same.

    1. I think he’s right on the money in the sense that Sal knows he needs to be on the money — literally. As had been often said here, one of the biggest problems with Salazar in 2010 is that he didn’t get real about the campaign until too late, I for one am relieved that my preferred candidate isn’t making that same mistake this year.

      Plus, given that Sal won’t be able to fund-raise between January and May of next year if he stays in his seat, it seems prudent to start the campaign now and rolling in the dollars. Even with the increase in excitement on the Democratic side this year after the Republican attempt to privatize Medicare for the next generation, raising money is going to be a bitch for everyone as the DNC/the Obama starts gobbling up smaller donors and Priorities USA starts taking the massive donors who would previously be maxing out to individual candidates.

      Every Democrat is going to have to work incredibly hard to raise money this year, I have no doubt Sal will, but it’s probably good to get going on it as early as possible.

  2. He is often underestimated, but he will win this running away unless redistricting makes for a radically different district.

    Tipton won because of 1) wave year 2) absent D candidate 3) lack of identity with CD3 voters.  Tipton won’t have any of that going for him this year.

    Sal works hard, can raise money, minds the concerns of his district, and punches HARD for a little round guy.

  3. In two years Pace has established himself as a real political powerhouse in Colorado.  He is very popular in Pueblo and throughout the Western Slope from his work with Salazar.  No one will run against him and if they do they will be out before the convention.  Tipton is a nut and doesn’t stand a chance.

    Maybe when he is voted out in Nov 2012 he can help his dauther host town hall meetings and make pottery.

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  5. Sal Pace can win this! Pueblo is the biggest city in CD3, and will remain that way, regardless of how the lines are drawn

    Sal has a great base in the San Luis Valley, as well, so combined with Pueblo, that is a tough base to beat, in any configuration of CD3

    1. It’s not too early

    At first, I thought it was early, however, the Colorado 2011 Session is over – Sal has very precious time at this point and he shouldn’t let a full summer go to waste, especially if he decides to complete his term in the State House next year – he’s getting in at the right time

    In addition, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Colorado primaries now take place in June? If Sal does face a primary, then announcing a full year before the primary makes good sense

    2. Don’t underestimate Scott Tipton

    There’s a lot of trash talked against Tipton on here and I think we, as Democrats, underestimate him

    I’ve gotten to know Tipton well and the reason he won CD3 is because he is very personable and he provides intelligent thoughts to every question asked – everyone in CD3 knows him well and many like him – to say that this is a cake walk is wrong

    3. …but that said

    Sal Pace can win this – the key is whether Sal is willing to make frequent trips to Grand Junction – GJ will go for Tipton, but if Sal can dent it, then he’s golden

    Garfield County will have a big say in this, as they flip between R and D daily now, it seems – Sal will have to resist from waging war against the oil industry, as many of the Independents in the Western Slope want drilling to continue

    I think if Sal takes a ‘nuanced’ view of asking for higher severance taxes, but supporting natural gas drilling, then he’ll be fine

    Many liberals, like myself, aren’t looking to shut down the oil industry, but severance taxes in Colorado are terribly low – Sal can unite all fronts by taking the position above, in my personal opinion

    4. And lastly…

    Let’s not forget the PINE BEETLE and FOREST REGROWTH issue – Sal, please make a point to get with Senator Dan Gibbs and let him educate you on the entire matter (and feel free to email me, as well, Sal – happy to provide notes on this issue from what I learned in running for HD56)

    An intelligent answer towards our forest regrowth problem (quick hint – we need to emulate Norway post WW2, as well as reduce regulations) will go a long way in securing votes all over the Western Slope, where neither Party seems to have an answer towards the forest regrowth problem

    GO SAL!

    1. Short, easy to say and spell and, rec-wise, benefits from all those years worth of Pace Picante Sauce ads.  Remember?  It was the good one.  The other one was made in (cowboy sneer) New York City!

      1. But intelligent? There’s no evidence so far of any ability other than to regurgitate talking points, and do it with a smile.

        Nobody should be underestimated, and from what I hear about Pace he’s unlikely to do that.

        But Tipton is a very nice, and almost pretty, empty suit.

        1. Gertie – in my times with Tipton, I have noticed that he answers every question he gets, with an honest and direct answer, even if it is to his detriment

          On the Western Slope and CD3 overall, that kind of candor is most appreciated – and it’s a big reason why Tipton won

          1. In person he is a nice man.  But his official statements are all (usually incorrect) talking points.

            RE: Oil and gas–many people want to hear messaging around energy development that prioritizes doing it right and protecting water and habitat.  It isn’t a ‘don’t do it at all’ message (and contrary to COGA spin, few people are actually saying that) it’s a ‘do it right and understand the impacts.’ So it can’t just be about ‘supporting natural gas.’  

            The O&G money will likely go to Tipton, since he’s been carrying the water they are happy to produce for him, Pace has room to differentiate himself a bit here, without being anti-drilling.  The other side’s smear machine is going to make that claim no matter–something to do with Nancy Pelosi I think, and scary foreign dictators.  (Damn that Stephen Harper!).  

            Re: Forests–there is no money, nor market, nor ecologic reason to have a massive replanting program.  Dead trees need cleared by campgrounds, communities, etc. and where that open space is not wise for defensible space–in areas close to communities, infrastructure, etc.–then some replanting makes sense.  There is already a backlog of years–if not decades–of work to be done that makes sense, close-in to communities and such.  But these are the type of places where it makes less sense to reforest–i.e. proximate buffer zones and within WUIs.

            Talking about forest health in terms of keeping communities (campgrounds, etc.) safe is not only more fiscally sound, and resource effective, but it is more ecologically sound as well.  Mr. Gibbs is someone who has generally supported the more targeted approach, as opposed to the notion that we should open up the back country to a new (as yet unmarketable) logging industry.  

          2. You apparently hear “an honest and direct answer” when I hear a Republican talking point. I know ’em when I hear ’em, and I fear you were part of the GOP talking point world for so long you haven’t recovered yet. I applaud your efforts, though.

            And candor (even if Tipton knew what it meant) is not appreciated by conservative voters on the Western Slope. If it were, they’d acknowledge the absurdity of taking federal ag subsidies, oil and gas subsidies, etc., while proclaiming the need to get guvmint out of their lives. Except in the bedroom, of course.

            Instead, they appreciate hearing the GOP talking points, which Tipton delivers with gusto.

  6. If J Salazar had used his energy he’d still be in the 3rd.

    If Buffie wants it she’ll go for it. I am one of a few who have never been that impressed with her ability to really immerse herself in important issues, but she does get labor support in Pueblo and surrounding areas..

    I think Gail Schwartz would actually be the best Congressman.

    The Dems don’t want primaries. We learned when we primaried Ken Salazar. Can’t prevent them but district conventions can go a long way to finding ways around them.

    1. Sal is going to do well. Nothing against Buffie or Schwartz, but I haven’t seen anything from them that indicates they have the energy or experience or ability to campaign and win the 3rd CD like Sal.

      Let’s not forget that Sal is an absolute rising star in the Democratic Party, maybe some of our history buffs here can help me, but I don’t know of anyone who has risen as fast through the leadership ranks as Sal has. He’s a political mastermind, he knows how to work within his party to build a front (as evidenced by his quick rise to House Leader), and how to work between parties too (anyone else notice that in the bogus “gerrymandering” claims that McNulty and the Republicans focused all of the energy on Shaffer and none on Sal? There’s a reason for that, Sal has real partnerships with his political/legislative opponents).

      Also, for those people (either for those promoting Schwartz or by Republicans in general) who think he won’t do well on the Western Slope, remember that Sal was the district director for Salazar for years, and he actually went to college in Durango. He knows the issues out there like clockwork, and I doubt that anyone will be able to connect with voters like he will, he’s involved with them for years now.

      Anything that Salazar lacked in drive, dedication, energy, and political savvy, Sal has in spades. Combine that with his deep knowledge basis of the issues in the region and his experience working for the voters there, and I think he’s going to be an incredibly formidable opponent.

  7. Pace can win, but GJ is a minefield of really nasty ugly politics and they will do anything short of criminal stuff (?) to get their boy back in there.

    Tipton is done.  Read today’s Colorado Indpendent story about the radio talk show hosts (tea party folks) calling his answers about the ethics issue Clintonesque.  Ouch.


      1. Colorado voters are not intelligent.  You ran an amazing campaign.  Especially in the 3rd CD it’s Mesa County zombies voting political hacks in.  I’ve spent time with Tipton also.  He’s always looking past you to see the next best person in the room to schmooze with.  And his “people” are smarmy and arrogant.  He is being chewed up in DC and deserves the minor infamy he is garnering as a 6-mo congressman with “problems.”

  8. .

    If an Arabian Prince can afford to live in Aspen, he can also afford to pay taxes to Aspen so they can provide local services.  

    Is the bus a good idea ?  Sure.

    But why should I pay for it, when it is used to get housekeepers and cooks and nannies into town to serve the royalty in that exclusive (emphasis on “exclude”) community.


      1. Those west-slope drilling rigs don’t propgate by seed; they get hauled up I-25 from Texas, and other netherworlds, before turning left.

        Are you really willing to give up everything that has travelled, or ever will travel, I-25 to get to the promised land?

        Grand Junction isn’t quite the self-supporting Mecca of fiercely independent pioneers that it’s mythology describes.  Short of a whloe lot of outside dependence, Home Town U.S.A. couldn’t sustain much more than a small Indian tribe.

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