From our friends at “The Fix“:
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is the talk of the 2012 Republican presidential race at the moment but, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll, he fares no better in a head-to-head matchup with President Obama than several longer-shot candidates in the field.
Perry trails Obama 53 percent to 40 percent among registered voters in a hypothetical 2012 matchup – a margin roughly equivalent to the 55 percent-to-40 percent edge Obama enjoys over Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and the 52 percent to 42 percent advantage he holds over Texas Rep. Ron Paul.
Mitt Romney performs significantly better when matched with Obama; Obama takes 49 percent to 47 percent for the former Massachusetts governor.
The numbers suggest that, while Perry is clearly the flavor of the month among Republican insiders, he does not yet have the sort of national profile with GOP voters that would distinguish him from the other candidates seeking to be the Romney alternative in the 2012 field. A look inside the numbers affirm the sense that Perry – along with Bachmann and Paul – are performing as any generic Republican matched against Obama would.
So apparently Perry isn’t any more likely to beat President Obama than most of the rest of the GOP field. But perhaps Perry isn’t talking about running for President of the United States…maybe he’s planning a campaign for President of Texas?
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his Christians only prayer event starring pastors who believe, among other things, that the Japanese stock market troubles started with the demon sun goddess sleeping with the emperor, that Oprah is a tool of the anti-Christ and that freedom of religion should only extend to the “right” religious groups and his belief that the only way to solve our present fiscal crisis is through prayer, that would make a lot more sense. He certainly isn’t fond of anything the US is supposed to stand for. He’d make a great leader for the a nice little theocracy, governed by himself and his prayer circle, none of whom would have to pay taxes.
You make some wild claims. I’d like to see the proof, and the context.
video on the “Hick: Obama faces uphill fight” thread. The one with the neon sign at the top. About secession, prayer as the answer to fiscal crisis you can easily google that and other fun stuff yourself. It’s been all over cable and “lamestream media” for ages. It will only take a few seconds, dear.
I’ll go watch it, and I’ll find all my “Obama Gaffes” Youtubes again too.
tough to top. And as far as only welcoming Christians… Go to the event website. Right there on the front page it says it’s for all those who accept Jesus as savior. That’s not even nominally Judeo-Christian which always struck me as an oxymoron anyway, considering the New testament doesn’t exist in the Jewish religion. I mean if Christians want to claim some of our stuff, fine, but we don’t claim any of theirs.
unless you’re a chuckleheaded moron.
Slick Rick (once a TX DEM) is a extra-Right righteous panderer willing to sell his soul for the sake of a little face time & attention.
BlueCat’s assertions are painfully true but it’s evident either RWingers don’t have a fuckin’ clue as to what your wannabe standard bearers stand for or you’re thinking its all just pandering bullshit that no one should really pay any heed.
Which is is AGop?
Perry is for real. He’s really into this stuff. This is who he is. We’re not talking slips of the tongue or stupid mistakes. We’re talking the real Perry, one scary anti-American SOB.
Probably like the sound of a missed deadline. Whoooosh.
Leads Bachmann, leads Romney…in the latest ABC poll. It’s early a lot can change, but contrast real candidates against the fake one without any issues (Gene Generic).
Good luck finding that ever-so-popular generic candidate.
The Democrats at PPP say differently.…
Pardon me if I assume the numbers are cooked like every other Heritage ‘report’ I have viewed.
Sorry, Twitty.…
isn’t that enough ?
don’t kick in until 2014, nor does the mandate, and in fact practically nothing kicked in the day it was signed into law, and assuming their data isn’t invented from whole cloth like their 5% growth projections that the Ryan plan assumes, I think our friends over at Heritage have committed a classic logical fallacy: post hoc ergo propter hoc. Just because something precedes another doesn’t mean there’s a causal relationship. Correlation does not imply causation.
Your ability to cut through the crap is unsurpassed.
Could it be that business is terrified to do so?
There’s not a lot of incentive to invest to grow your earnings when there’s no inflation risk. Just sit back and enjoy your comforts. Same for low capital gains and inheritance taxes. Banking tax cuts is a lot easier than working and investing, and let’s face it, the ultra-wealty are fucking lazy and largely unproductive.
Or it could be demand craps out when the middle class is shrinking.
But, it’s probably Obamacare . . . sheesh!
” You may be interested to know that global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of Pirates since the 1800s. For your interest, I have included a graph of the approximate number of pirates versus the average global temperature over the last 200 years. As you can see, there is a statistically significant inverse relationship between pirates and global temperature. ”…
Answer: It can’t. Correlation doesn’t mean causation and usually doesn’t when it appears in a heritage foundation report.
the answer that I hear from a lot of people in the healthcare industry is that they are changing their policies and practices right now to “brace for the negative impacts of obamacare”.
I suppose this is a possibility, but we’re really more of a nation of reactive policy (see: current debt ceiling debacle).…
Obama is certainly vulnerable. Luckily for him the GOP field is a comedic gold mine but each is somewhat lacking in either Indy or TP appeal, needing the latter to get the bid and the former to get the job.
Which declarativly states that the poll says Obama would lose, which it does not (being within the MOE) nor does the pollster reach that conclusion “a good chance if held today” or something of that sort. But, no matter, like ArapGOP the Moony Online Blog former-newspaper wants to believe what it wants to believe, and making a headline exaggerate or lie to appeal to the brainwashed cult members, or Unification Church members for that matter too, is not unexpected.
Obama is vulnerable…to a person, not to a fake GOP template upon which every tea partier, libertarian, Rockefeller Republican can project their dreams and wishes and ideals. Luckily for Obama, the Goopers in the running still have plenty of work to do destroying each other for another year or so…
Good luck running with comes out the other end of that process…
….or else he would’ve NEVER been re-elected. Same with unemployment – there’s NO WAY a Pres could ever get elected if unemployment numbers are around 10% a year before the election.
Do I need to post links AGAIN?
let’s all go campaign for Bachmann or Perry. If either wins the primary, Obama is golden.
how would the political agenda look different?
Would the President still try to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits in order to cut taxes for the rich?
Would the President ignore unemployment and focus on reducing the deficit at the worst possible time?
Would the President give Congressional Republicans everything they wanted?
I think all the results would still be the same, except there would be less drama over the negotiations.
You people really have no concept of the meaning of debate, do you? The response is supposed to address the specific thing you’re responding to.
I’ve got the only poll that counts. And its from GOD.…
Perry is being called to something but sometimes he just doesn’t listen.
This pious pissant espousing Christian Right values from his gov’t pulpit sure doesn’t walk the talk. Via that Biblical hooey a core function believing & believers is to take care of the poor, sick, and needy.
Well, via ABC News:
Rick’s Lord giveth but Rick Perry sure as hell don’t giveth away.
But if the election were tomorrow, Republicans wouldn’t even have a candidate yet. As we’ve said before, the actual Republican candidate still has to beat President Obama, and it’s hard to see anyone in the GOP field pulling that off.
Pervez says Ricky is running:
and he will have you hung upside down and have your testicles ( or lady parts) shocked repeatedly if you say he’s lying.
no way the Dems renominate Obama.
There’s no reason to vote for him this time around.
Recall why you voted for him in 2008. Well, now that you’ve proven it to yourself once, there’s no need to prove it again.
Wait, I mean that’s job creator. Sorry.
You mean this guy?…
I think you got the wrong Rick Perry. Check out some of his earlier stuff for reference:…