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November 13, 2012 08:02 PM UTC

Extremely Unfortunate 7NEWS Producer Dusts Off Resume

  • by: Colorado Pols

Courtesy AmericaBlog via Westword’s Michael Roberts:

In a piece on the 5pm news about now-resigned CIA director David Petraeus and his affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, ABC News’ Denver affiliate put a photo of the biography on the screen, but the book had an awfully odd name.

The name of the Petraeus biography is, in real life, “All In.”

But gentle reader, that’s not the Google Image search result they ran with. Oh no. 7NEWS’ statement issued a little while after this cover was splashed on national blogs, via Westword:

It was a regrettable and embarrassing error. We are mortified this appeared during our 5 p.m. news broadcast. The editor pulled the image of the book cover from the Internet without realizing it had been doctored. We sincerely regret the error and have corrected the story to prevent any recurrence of its broadcast. We are following up internally as well, to avoid a repeat of this inexcusable oversight.

The lesson being for those who desire continued employment in television news: look carefully at images you find via Google Image search before you put them on live television.

The still image courtesy AmericaBlog is after the jump. As always, we implore our readers to keep their comments on a PG-13 (or R-rated from the 1980s) level. Thanks.


16 thoughts on “Extremely Unfortunate 7NEWS Producer Dusts Off Resume

    1. its the liberal bias of the MSM or maybe just the stupidity of having non-pros in the newsroom.  big media thinks they can staff all their outlets with College of Art “‘degree’d” wannabe Ryan Seacrests.  This is what they get

  1. millions will see it this Friday. I predict it will make “Real Time”. I’m sure Stewart and/or Colbert will also feature it even before that. I’ll not get to see it as I am leaving our Greatful Nation this Thursday for a 3 wk + visit to East Africa

  2. But I never thought the local stations would go all Larry Flynn on us. I guess I’ll have to start watching again. It sure beats “cute kids”, anchors’ birthdays and ducks on ice.

  3. … Why was someone recording the news with their cell phone cam? I know some folks do that with programs they might actually want to save, but who does that for the news?

          1. but the whole comment from MADCO is tongue in cheek, as in I don’t get it, wink wink.  

            Where’s your sarcasmometer, Gray ?  BTW, safe travels in Africa !

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