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January 25, 2013 04:42 PM UTC

Middleton v. Romanoff in CD-6

  • by: Colorado Pols

It looks like we’ve got our first Primary matchup of the 2014 election cycle.Romanoff v. Middleton We’ve had both Andrew Romanoff and Karen Middleton on the CD-6 Line for more than a week now, but we’ve gone from “potential primary” to “probable primary” based on what we’ve been hearing in the last day or two.

It’s far too early to tell if a full-on June 2014 primary is unavoidable, but for now both Middleton and Romanoff are making it known that they are in it to win it. Romanoff has a clear edge in name ID, but fundraising may be another story. Middleton resigned her State House seat in 2010 to head up Emerge America, a relatively new organization with a focus on recruiting and training women to run for elected office. It’s likely that Middleton’s work around the country for Emerge America put her in touch with plenty of big-money donors, and such a network could help Middleton to an early edge in fundraising.

How that early fundraising plays out for Middleton and Romanoff will go a long way toward determining whether this matchup makes it all the way to a June primary. In situations like this, one candidate often bows out long before the ballots are printed. But as we saw with Romanoff in 2010, it’s unlikely that he’ll blink first.


17 thoughts on “Middleton v. Romanoff in CD-6

    1. Please explain what you mean by “the real deal”.

      What position other than the birther idiocy does coffman hold?

      Doesn’t believe in a central or Federal government is one, true, but that’s a position he holds while holding a government job that pays him a government salary and provides him with government benefits and a soft government pension, so a hypocritical position doesn’t count.

      Any way help me out here. Expound on how he’s the “real deal”.

      1. And, yeah, I, too, would like to see it. But Arapagoop’s not the one to enlighten us. Poor thing, he’s shot his wad on this, until he gets another talking point memo. I wonder who’s paying his internet bill this time around.

    2. You mean the guy who couldn't provide a straight answer as to the president's legitimacy is the closest to "The Real Deal" that CD-6 has to offer??? That's pretty pitiful!

  1. Either one (Middleton or Romanoff) will better represent CD6 voters in 2014.

    The Tea Party has jumped the shark as a political force. Coffman’s Teabaggin’ ass is grass 🙂

    1. So confident! Are you basing that on Romanoff’s 2010 drubbing at the hands of Obama/Bennet, or Middleton’s Miklosi-like name recognition?

      I wouldn’t write Coffman’s obituary just yet. I thought the libs at Colorado Pols learned their lesson last year.

      1. Landslide Coffman — 2%

        That’s where the confidence comes from.

        Condolences that the Romney administration job didn’t pan out for you. At least you have the ColPols troll gig back 🙂

      2. Coffman is toast after his slim victory over a candidate nowhere near as strong as Romanoff who, I’m confident, will get the nomination if he goes for it, with much less bloodshed than when he challenged an incumbent Dem Senator. You’re batting a thousand, aren’t you ArapG? After 2012 I’d say you’re prediction of a Coffman win is the most reassuring thing a Colorado Dem could possibly hear.

      3. “How many millions will Democrats waste before they realize Coffman is the real deal?”

        We are waiting for you to enlighten us on this, oh elusive one.

  2. Money helps, but this last go-’round taught is it’s not everything. Given the Republican performance in the House, I think CD6 is Romanoff’s if he wants it. If he decides. If he doesn’t waver. If he doesn’t do something stupid like rejecting PAC support. If he doesn’t sell his house. If, as partisans, we don’t devolve to name calling and vitriol. If … .

    Dems are waking up to the fact that every House district everywhere counts, and Romanoff can get a bunch of Dem insider support, both from within the state and from without. If … .

    1. Though I'm in CD-7 I'll be more than glad to invest time, energy and money to unseat Coffman for the good of Coloradans, for the good of Americans.  Coffman stuck his foot in his mouth one too many times last time around and with redistricting and a far more worthy opponent (either Romanoff or Middleton) there's a real good chance that a Democrat will take Coffman's seat in 2014.

  3. I am curious about one thing: does either Middleton or Romanoff have residences in the district? Not that it's legally required, but I was under the impression that Middleton and her husband don't even live in the state, much less the district. They've been in California for a couple of years. Not sure how well that would play with CD6 people – this continuous effort by the Ds to put up someone who doesn't reside in the district (see Miklosi, Joe).

      1. Thanks for that. I figured that was probably the case, since they had lived in Aurora when she was in the state House. It would make sense to keep that house if they could afford to maintain two residences, in case they wanted to come back.

        That just leaves me with one observation: Larry Beer's Twitter account says he still lives in California. It's possible he just hasn't bothered to update it, but it does raise a question or two about his (and her) residence.

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