UPDATE: AP has now posted a major correction to the story this post is based on:
In a story May 28 about Democrats facing recall efforts, The Associated Press reported erroneously that a conservative consultant said out-of-state donors helped fund her donation to a potential recall of the president of the Colorado State Senate. Laura Carno was misquoted; she said donors from other states have contributed to one of her organizations that will help in the recall but that her main donation to the recall effort to date came from a separate group funded by Colorado donors…
The corrected version of the story now reads:
The recall group's main funding comes from a $14,000 contribution from a nonprofit run by a local conservative consultant, Laura Carno. She said donors from other states have contributed to one of her organizations that will help in the recall but that her main donation to the recall effort to date came from a separate group funded by Colorado donors.
Obviously we're obliged to bring this correction from the AP to our readers' attention, as the question of whether the recall effort against Colorado Senate President John Morse is being "locally" funded, and the answer seemingly provided in this story, is an important point of messaging for both sides. Of course, since Springs-based GOP operative Laura Carno isn't required to disclose the source of the contribution in question at all, even this correction boils down to taking her word for it–and the fact of the NRA's involvement has been separately reported and confirmed. Original post follows.
As we've been reporting for weeks now, an infusion of outside money and logistical support has turned what was a rag-tag and longshot effort to place the recall of Senate President John Morse into an effective campaign operation–and where we once predicted failure just as pro-gun recall attempts have already failed in other parts of the state, it does now appear that Morse will face a costly recall election to remain in office–for the one year he has left before term limits ends his Senate career anyway.
AP's Kristen Wyatt adds one…we suppose new, but fully anticipated piece of information in a story today:
The National Rifle Association sent a political mailer saying it was coordinating the recall effort with local groups, though the local recall petitioners have denied that. The NRA did not return calls for comment on their involvement in the Colorado Springs effort.
Morse has mounted a campaign to urge voters not to sign petitions. In an indication of the national stakes, that push is largely funded by a $20,000 contribution from a national progressive group called America Votes. The Morse campaign said the donation came through the group's local Colorado office.
The recall group's main funding comes from a $14,000 contribution from a nonprofit run by a local conservative consultant, Laura Carno. She said that contribution was made possible by some out-of-state donors. [Pols emphasis]
"People in other states that are further down this road, like New York and Massachusetts, are calling up and saying 'What can we do to help?'" Carno said…
A key contention made by recall supporters is that their effort is "local" and "grassroots" in nature, in contrast to the effort to defend Morse receiving funds from the "national" liberal group America Votes. This is also one of the main reasons why the paid signature gathering operation actually responsible for getting Morse's recall on the ballot has tried so hard to avoid press coverage. Springs-based GOP operative Laura Carno's "local" group I Am Created Equal was deliberately contrasted against the "out-of-state" America Votes, and inferred ties from America Votes to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. In neither case can the origin of the money be precisely verified, as these are 501(c)(4) groups that do not have to disclose their donors.
Except that Laura Carno just did verify it, and we now know the money paying for the signatures for Morse's recall came at least in part from out-of-state donors too. So we can dispense with that canard at least.
Like we just said, there's nothing that should be particularly surprising about this. The National Rifle Association tipped its hand by sending out a mailing announcing they were helping coordinate the recall attempt, something they haven't confirmed to reporters making subsequent inquiries. For Carno to admit now that the money she funneled into Kennedy Enterprises to conduct the paid signature drive came from out-of-state donors is simply to confirm what most already suspected.
Bottom line: the reason this recall is going forward is because people from outside Colorado want to "make an example" of John Morse, and in so doing to chill any attempt to replicate Colorado's gun safety legislative success elsewhere. And yes, the out-of-state interests who support the laws Colorado passed this year are obliged to defend Morse to prevent that from happening. If that's how it plays out, it's going to be splashy, costly, and ugly–with tensions artificially cranked up due to the competing national interests engaged in the fight.
Kind of like the Cold War, except the superpowers' "proxy battlefield" is not halfway around the world. It's here.
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IN: Colorado Republicans Have Fully Ceded the “Pro Family” Moniker
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We know that the US lost the proxy war in Vietnam, but did the Russians win it?
Whoops. How will the GOrP sell this one to the independent voters in Morse's district?
Easy. By having the signature gatherers lie. You think the average person on the street will know anything other than what the person wth the clipboard tells them?
They already lie. Paid signature gathering is a greater threat to our republic than Communism ever was.
But that's beside the point. The GOrP has been crowing about this being an honest to God grassroots effort, out on the blogs and general media, and now it's coming out that it isn't. Everyone who pays attention will know that this is a battle of outside interests. It was to the GOrP's benefit to claim that it was only Morse's constituents who were mad, and that's being taken away.
Their spin will be a lie, the bigger the better as their true saint (NOT Reagan) would have said. I just wonder what it's going to be. Maybe they'll just quietly drop it – that would seem the best thing.
Sorry the reckless libtards of Colorado have been a bigger threat to our republic than anything. And not like Morse and the dems have ever lied about any of this.
And if you want to talk about a battle of outside interests? This all came down from Bloomberg and Biden who don't even live here. You liberals need to wake the fuck up.
'libtards'? Seriously? Are you eight?
When posters like you make that general statement about liberals being the greatest threat to our republic, ruining our country, etc. without offering any reasons why you believe that to be true, I know you're just regurgitating a talking point and couldn't come up with any reasons to back it up to save your pathetic little lives.
PS: Friends with or same person as the equally "astute" AgendaBuster?
Ms Cat, you seen to know a lot about bogus signature collection. Are you a Democrat?
you mean this…
Oh, very witty. Good one. Right up there with the immortal "Oh Yeah?". What I know is that most voters are low info voters and that these signature gatherers have already been caught lying. Feel free to offer another gem in reply. Maybe "I'm rubber, you're glue…" etc.?
Probably just someone who's seen the videos of GOP signature gatherers lying on camera. But seeing Republican shills lie makes the observer suspect, I guess. ArapaGoebbels would be proud.
Thankfully, reality has a Liberal bias.
Three responses in one minute. Is that a record?
It was just such a stupid, snide, disingenuous accusation, it warranted a quick beatdown.
We know that the US lost the proxy war in Angola, but did the Russians win it?
who is the alternate candidate? Hope it is the dude with the guns that we saw pics of months ago
Yeah, well, be careful what you wish for, huh?
… remember, we're talking Colorado Springs voters here …
Well, it's not like just any Lamebrain could win there, is it?
… not to worry, that place has more than a few exceptional Lamebrains …
BURN. Colorado Pols looks before it leaps again. Stop the smears against good Colorado people!
That smear is just the slime most of your GOP bretheren are usually covered in, ArapaGoebbels…… Y'all leave a trail like a freakin' slug.
You mean the 'good Colorado people' that continue to resoundingly reject your party and what it stands for?
"Morse has mounted a campaign to urge voters not to sign petitions" Yes don't sign the petitions my little minions as we slowly take away ALL of your rights one by one…muuuaaahahhahahahahaha~!!!!! You little sheep, follow me, follow me!!!! Yes you dumb little tunnel visioned people.
Question: Are there conservatives with a brain (other than Elliot) in Colorado?
What burn? You can't say burn without showing how they're wrong (even if it's some half-baked spin from a site that show's Gessler's old law firm's address).
You're not even trying, guppy.
He is just trying to impress with his Ashton Kutcherness