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July 17, 2013 08:21 AM UTC

And Now, Drone Hunting Licenses!

  • by: Colorado Pols

7NEWS reports, and it's too awesome to not mention:

The small town of Deer Trail, Colorado is considering a bold move. The town board will be voting on an ordinance that would create drone hunting licenses and offer bounties for unmanned aerial vehicles.

Deer Trail resident, Phillip Steel, drafted the ordinance.

"We do not want drones in town," said Steel. "They fly in town, they get shot down." [Pols emphasis]

Deer Trail, Colorado, population 559, may be on to a kitschy new moneymaker in the form of a "drone hunting license." With distrust of the federal government at epidemic levels, such a "license" at $25 a pop could become a popular novelty item. Heck, we kind of want one ourselves.

[Deer Trail town clerk Kim] Oldfield said there's talk of promoting the ordinance as a novelty and, "Possibly hunting drones in a skeet, fun-filled festival. We’re the home of the world’s first rodeo, so we could [be] home of the world’s first drone hunt." 

Frankly we love this, just as long as everyone remembers, as 7NEWS notes helpfully, that destroying federal government property, especially something as costly as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is a big no-no. Also, Deer Trail may be way out in the country, but the town is technically within the boundaries of Arapahoe County–which is well-populated and might have the ability to sortie some drones right now. Or if not now then probably soon, since smaller UAVs are becoming popular with local law enforcement.

Above all, please remember that anything you fire into the air, for kicks or liberty, comes back down.


13 thoughts on “And Now, Drone Hunting Licenses!

  1. Oh great, a license to fire guns randomly in the air. What could possibly go wrong with that? As my mother said, "It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye."

  2. You know, I actually don't have a problem with the idea of shooting those damn things out of the sky. Mesa County has at least one, and I don't believe for one minute that it's up there our safety.

  3. Sort-of on topic…

    we exhibit at a couple of trade shows each year. I'm thinking of getting one of those indoor hobby drones and flying it around, with a banner that says "Property of the NSA." You think people would find it funny?

  4. According to a Maddow segment picked up from WGHG about Tyndall AFB in Florida,  it turns out that drones have self-destruct mechanisms. So if our intrepid Deer Trail drone hunters actually shot a drone down, it would flame out somewhere unpredictable. Not a great plan in our Colorado wildfire season. Would one have drone hunting seasons?

    1. That is a modified F4 (mean and fast, big thrill was sitting at the end of the runway when they took off using after burners) used as target practice. The AF could not find enough pilots to volunteer to fly one while being shot at. In Vietnam they could avoid a surface to air missle (usually).

  5. Of course they're talking about licensing such a hunt with 12 ga. Not going to hit one with that. But, you may get photographed attempting and then you could bitch, whine and moan when the govt began investigating you

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