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October 02, 2013 11:10 AM UTC

Clueless talk-radio host and Herpin agree that Small Arms Treaty is part of a plan for UN to control America

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Another UN conspiracy theorist in the Colorado Senate! Elections matter – promoted by Colorado Pols)

We're here for your guns, comrade.
We’re here for your guns, Bernie.

Boyles, saying Monday he thinks the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, signed Wednesday by the United States, might really be aimed at bringing on world government.

If a really smart guy like Boyles chooses to spread lies about the Treaty, which is about saving innocent lives, mostly in Africa, how can you expect other talk-show hosts down in Colorado Springs to correct callers and guests when they air paranoia and falsehoods about the Treaty, even if the guest is State Senator-elect Bernie Herpin, who just defeated John Morse in a recall election?

Herpin was a guest on Colorado Springs' KVOR radio Sat. morning, with Herpin taking questions from callers (Listen here):

Caller: "And basically I think that’s part of the ultimate goal to use [the Small Arms Treaty] to disarm American citizens across the board. And I think that’s why Obama is supporting the Morse / Giron gun control the way he did."

The KVOR guest-host Tom Antkow didn't correct the caller.

Instead, the conversation degraded further, and he and Herpin eventually agreed that the Treaty is part of a plan, supported by President Obama, for the United Nations to control America.

Herpin: The United Nations wants to restrict or control the sale of small arms throughout the world, and including the United States. Hopefully, our Senate will not ratify – our U.S. Senate will not ratify that treaty.

Here's where host Antkow and Herpin agree that the Small Arms Treaty is part of the New World Order, favored by Obama, under which, as Antkow put it, "they want to control the United States through the United Nations."

HOST: It’s that New World Order, you know.

HERPIN: [chuckles]

HOST: And they want to control the United States through the United Nations—


HOST: — and I think Obama is a big proponent of that. He wants to get the United Nations –

HERPIN: Right.

HOST: — to kind of control everything, so.

Listen to Ankow and Herpin trash Small Arms Treaty on KVOR 9-28-13

Is it too much to ask book-loving Boyles or gun-loving Antkow to inform someone like Herpin, before he enters the Colorado Senate, about what the Small Arms Treaty would actually do.

Here's the gist of it, as reported by the New York Times Wed.:

The treaty, which took seven years to negotiate, is considered by rights advocates to be a landmark document that would for the first time impose moral standards on the enormous cross-border trade in conventional arms that fuel conflicts around the world, most notably in Africa. It is devised to thwart sales to users who would break humanitarian law, foment genocide or war crimes, engage in terrorism, or kill women and children.

Although the treaty has no enforcement power, its disclosure provisions could embarrass and shame violators…

The National Rifle Association and other American gun-rights advocacy groups still object to the treaty, contending it infringes on the Second Amendment. They have vowed that it would never be ratified by the Senate, even though language in the final draft specifies that nothing in the treaty could infringe on any nation’s constitutional rights. [BigMedia emphasis]

Even someone who can fold a tin foil hat can understand that the treaty isn't about confiscating guns, right?

I just hope Herpin remembered to take off his hat when he signed off from his KVOR interview Saturday, and he's not still wearing it when he's sworn in as a new State Senator tomorrow.

Or maybe Boyles and Antkow will be present at Herpin's swearing-in ceremony, and they can all wear their tin-foil hats together.



Transcript of conversation between KVOR guest host Tom Antkow and State Sen. Bernie Herpin on KVOR radio Sat., Sept. 28. Listen to Ankow and Herpin trash Small Arms Treaty on KVOR 9-28-13.

HOST: All right. We are going to take a call from Don. Don, you want to talk about guns also. So gosh, guns are always popular.

CALLER DON: Yeah, yeah, I do want to kind of supplement on what Ron was saying, and I mean, you know, why Morse and Giron did what they did. I’m going to say, this is not just a local or a national agenda, it’s really actually an international agenda. Because I don’t know what Bernie Herpin can do about it, but I’m going to make him aware that John Kerry signed the UN treaty–

HERPIN: Yes, I know that.

CALLER DON: And I think, that’s kind of, you know, under the radar. And basically I think that’s part of the ultimate goal to use that to disarm American citizens across the board. And I think that’s why Obama is supporting the Morse / Giron gun control the way he did.

HOST: All right. Briefly, Bernie, tell people about the United Nations resolution, I think—or bill that Kerry got involved in. Thanks for the call.

HERPIN: Thanks. Yeah, that’s – the United Nations wants to restrict or control the sale of small arms throughout the world, and including the United States. Hopefully, our Senate will not ratify – our U.S. Senate will not ratify that treaty.

HOST: It’s that New World Order, you know.

HERPIN: [chuckles]

HOST TOM: And they want to control the United States through the United Nations—


HOST: — and I think Obama is a big proponent of that. He wants to get the United Nations –

HERPIN: Right.

HOST: — to kind of control everything, so.


13 thoughts on “Clueless talk-radio host and Herpin agree that Small Arms Treaty is part of a plan for UN to control America

  1. Hey, in the Red Dawn remake they switched to the North Koreans at the last minute so they could still show the movie in China. In Bernie's fantasy world I guess it don't matter.

  2. They don't even have the name of the treaty (or its scope) right. The treaty affects ALL arms, not just small arms, but there's nothing in it that affects in-country sales at all – it's strictly international in scope.

    1. PR you're exactly correct. The preamble of "The Arms Trade Treaty" specifically states:

      Reaffirming  the sovereign right of any State to regulate and control conventional arms exclusively within its territory, pursuant to its own legal or constitutional system,

      In a paragraph above the one quoted, the preamble specfically states the purpose of the treaty is "to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market . . ."

      The treaty can't even remotely be tied to the argument it will somehow supplant the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Our Constitution and all domestic laws are exempted from the treaty. Even if they weren't, no treaty can abrogate the U.S. Constitution. The United Nations is not attempting to disarm the United States, either our military or individual citizens. There simply isn't any evidence to support that assertion. In fact, all the evidence is to the contrary. 

      Sen. Herpin's interpretation of the treaty is wildly incorrect. Now that he is a state senator, it isn't too much to ask him to keep his facts straight.


      1. So Herpin and the RMGO's goal is the same as the UN's:"to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market . . ."

        They're just quibbling over how to achieve that goal. 

        Herpin and the RMGO simply want to eliminate any laws prohibiting gun sales.  Thus by definition if their are no laws, there cannot be any illicit trade or illicit markets. 

        Problem Solved!

        "to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market . . ." – See more at: http://coloradopols.com/diary/50216/clueless-talk-radio-host-and-herpin-agree-that-small-arms-treaty-is-part-of-a-plan-for-un-to-control-america#sthash.53AFvx0F.dpuf

  3. Bernie's crazy conspiracy theories, his extreme views on women's health care, and his insistence on choosing which of the citizens he will listen to, a la the UCCS student he shut down quite rudely at a city council hearing because she didn't have job, may start to get him into trouble if he keeps spouting off like this.  He isn't ready for prime time.  But, then, that hasn't stopped Lamborne.

    Which ever Mike wins the S.D. 11 primary will need to make people keenly aware of Bernie's paranoid imaginings and delusional rationales.  The tea partiers love this guy.  I'm guessing he is an ardent supporter of the shut down and killing the health care act.  He should go on record with that. And he probably won't debate in an open forum just like the cowardly Lamborne.

  4. Here is what is really funny.
    The gun nuts say that one of the reasons they need weapons is to fight our national government if necessary. But, we all know that a semi-auto assault rifle is going to do little to help you when the evil central government sends in tanks, airplanes, heavy weapons.
    However, what is the one "army" these nuts could actually beat? A UN-army of course. Have you seen how pathetic they are and have been? (Excluding 1950 Korea.)

    So, why are they worried?

    1. Let's not forget the drones. Maybe they think both of the Red Dawn movies were documentaries, or perhaps some of them may be expecting swarming zombies to attack.  Then there are the raging minorities who will over run neighborhoods and rape, sack, and burn.

      Some of these people are seriously deluded.  And some of them actually get elected to office.  So it goes.  Eventually this craziness will run out of steam, I hope sooner rather than later.

    1. . . . "BBF" ???  Big Beautiful Female . . . ???

      . . . BFF ???

      Ted Cruz "is smart" . . . ???

      Maybe it's all relative — is that your point here??

  5. Scott Tipton, Congressman earning $174,000 some 4x the average salary ofhis district, with paid government healthcare, paid offices, paid staff was a bragging on his FaceBook feed not long ago about how OBAMA WANTS TO TAKE YOUR GUNS with this treaty so he was against it. 


    (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = “//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));
    Post by Congressman Scott Tipton.

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