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March 10, 2014 06:27 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke."

–Benjamin Disraeli


33 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

    1. Yes– it had a shocking revelation that the policies that were offered for annual renewal late last year Expire(!) after only one year!!!!  

      What a waste of newsprint.

    2. Love the way she says she'd have to give up massages, hairstylist appointments and start grocery shopping at discount stores, all to make up for $100 a month, when she makes too much for subsidies. And I'm not being snarky because I think those are luxuries she should do without. Lord knows I'd hate to go back to doing my own coloring and no wants to cut their own hair.  I just don't think she'd have to. 

      One massage combined with one cut and color a month costs well over a hundred so if she can afford both now she doesn't need to cut both, especially if she is now able to afford more than one massage a month. But she probably doesn't need to eliminate either of those things.  

      Shopping what's on sale at regular supermarkets as well as discount grocers alone can save you $25 a week for $100 a month easily, especially if one of them offers a good discount point system for gas. We get between 30 and 60 cents a gallon off every month at one of my regular shopping destinations without spending any more than we would at another store without that perk.  Check out the produce, poultry, meat and fish prices, especially what's on sale, at Sprouts, for instance. They're fantastic and it's good stuff.  Making your coffee at home in the morning instead of grabbing it out all the time saves you a considerable amount too and with timers you can have it waiting for you so it's even faster than picking it up up to go.

      And if that extra hundred buys you better coverage and you need the massages for therapeutic purposes they'll probably be covered. Bet she can get her doctor to prescribe massage therapy for arthritis or some other middle age related aches and pains.

      In all likelihood this woman will not need to go around shaggy and grey, unmassaged or low on groceries in order to afford the better coverage and could easily wind up spending no more or even less over all on a monthly basis.

  1. I wonder if Hilary's insight into Russian politics will hurt her in 2016. It would have been nice if she was as bright as Sarah Palin in anticipating what would happen.

    1. So Russia makes a geopolitical move that everyone knew it would make should the situation arise, and all the sudden Sarah Palin is some prescient foreign policy guru? 

      A broken clock is right twice a day, but it's still a broken clock. 

      1. Palin is a cartoon character. No doubt that is why our newest rightie dipshit is so enamored of the half-governor. Sarah Palin is a mercenary political opportunist. Has anyone forgotten that she gave up her governorship in order to exploit the Tea Party for millions of dollars?

        They deserve her.

        1. I like how Obama just completely ignores Sarah Palin, which is both appropriate and hilarious.  In the same vein, I see a lot of you polsters completely ignoring certain trolls on this site, which is encouraging.  I will try to do the same.

  2. Reset from what, I wonder?  Oh, that last administration, the GOP administration that sat back while Vlad invaded Georgia, and what did the CiC say:  GW — GOP hero  — Bush: 

    Presidents George Bush and Vladimir Putin have met for the first time and appear to have hit it off.

    The two men still differ over enlarging Nato and US missile defence plans, but they exchanged warm words.

    I looked the man in the eye. I was able to get a sense of his soul

    George W Bush

    They say they found the basis for a relationship of mutual respect.

    At the end of their first summit meeting in Slovenia Mr Bush described Mr Putin as a straightforward and trustworthy man.


    Like fish in a barrel with this one.   

    1. Yeah well they can always revert to saying they didn't think all that much of Bush   which seemed to be the plan back in 2008.  The GOTP legislators who supported him a hundred percent when he was in office and Georgia was happening will look pretty hypocritical but they don't mind. They know their voters aren't paying attention.

    1. Because his cellmate would be the guy to send him there.  

      Obama's issues with drones does not exactly allow him to throw war criminal stones.

      1. Funny you should mention monkeys as I was just thinking that our new rightie pest is more appropriately referred to as a web monkey…rather than a troll. I am convinced he is a hired stooge.

    1. Phoenix, I had the same problem and then cleared my search history.  I don't know if it could be that easy to fix but it was for me.

  3. Finally, a Tea Partyer inadvertently planning to vote in their own best interests:

    Reacting to Sen. Mitch McConnell's rebuke of Tea Party opponents against himself and other GOP incumbents, one Tea Party leader made this promise:

    While polls indicate McConnell far ahead of Bevin in the primary, he faces a much more difficult Democratic opponent in November, in Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes.

    Phillips, the head of Tea Party Nation, says McConnell's tough talk now could come back to bite him come November.

    "The grass roots, such as the Tea Party, does the heavy lifting in a campaign.  If we don't show up in the general, not only to be the boots on the ground but also to vote, McConnell will see his 30-year Senate career come to an end," Phillips warned.


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