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July 05, 2014 10:09 AM UTC

Congratulations, Again, To Rep. Jared Polis

  • by: Colorado Pols

Rep. Jared Polis and partner Marlon Reis welcome the latest member of their family this holiday weekend, Cora Barucha, via Facebook (photo right). The Denver Post’s Lynn Bartels reports:

The couple already has a son, Caspian Julius, who is 2½ years old and is nicknamed “CJ.”

As with CJ’s birth, Polis is revealing few details, saying the birth would remain a private family matter.

Rep. Polis’ sister Jordanna Schutz explains the origins of the family name “Barucha”:

My great-great aunt, Kasha Barucha, fled to the U.S. to protect her family after being active in the movement for increased civil rights & liberties and democratic representation during the 1905 Russian Revolution. Barucha means blessing. It is a good day to celebrate two blessings: my new niece, and the promise of “Inalienable Rights” to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”- Happy 4th!*

*(To Boston people, happy belated 3rd!)

Congratulations to Rep. Polis and his growing family. We’d send flowers, but being the 3rd wealthiest member of Congress (and founder of ProFlowers.com), they’re probably good to go.


9 thoughts on “Congratulations, Again, To Rep. Jared Polis

  1. Congratulations to the Congressman and Marlon.  What a great story about his great-great aunt – and an even better reminder of why we should have a national immigration policy worthy of a nation of immigrants.

  2. Congratulations to the entire Schutz-Polis/ Reis families on the birth of beautiful Cora. May she know every day of her life she is deeply loved, and may her days be long upon this Earth. Mazel Tov!

  3. I'm also very happy for Jared on his new arrival.  I think he and Marlon are raising a truly wonderful/exceptional kid wtih CJ and will be equally excellent parents with Cora. 

  4. That's the thing about social issues like "marriage equality" – they ripple across every other issue. Adoptions by gay couples and single people means a larger pool of adoptive parents, and of course, eventually more kids in schools, etc.

    I also congratulate this young family. Jared will need love and strength at home to go up against the increasingly more vicious attacks from the right. 



  5. @MJ55- Jared will need love and strength to go up against the increasingly vicious attacks from the right.We all can and must help provide some of that. I believe he's shown the native love and strength necessary. We can help bolster that native love and strength.

    1. I think everybody knows that his kids are off limits.  And, if you saw how talented the first is and how good of parents they are, there is NOTHING to attack

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