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July 19, 2014 06:04 AM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"Success and failure are equally disastrous."

–Tennessee Williams


87 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

      1. CT, did you really expect Hick and Udall to basically be tied with their competition 3 and 1/2 months out?  The unpopularity of the president is hurting both of them and the Dem brand in general.

        My guess, based on polling, is the Dems lose 7-9 Senate races.  RCP has the number at 7 today.

        1. But back to Hick and Udall. Wouldn't count my chickens if I were you. I predict that, once again as in the last R "tsunami" year, Colorado Rs will embarrass themselves by being the exception. Even without the assistance of Wadhams which came in really handy for Dems last time. wink

          1. Actually I think the Dems this time are doing the self-inflicted wound routine.  Braley in Iowa is managing to turn Iowas red, something which was not expected.

            1. Interesting how you don't mention Kentucky, Georgia and Mississippi – all three are giving republicans headaches and at least two could switch to the Dems. Nate Silver rates the Senate a tossup. RCp has been no where as accurate as Nate.

              1. The way I see the MS, GA, and KY – all of them will be Democratic. Here's why:

                1) Nathan Deal is doing a horrible job in GA and everyone and their mothers are LITERALLY sick of him. They are ready to put in Nunn. And it's pretty much a done deal.

                2) McDaniels continue to whine and bitch about his loss, claiming that Cochran had voters illegally voting for them. If McDaniels carry a large number of Republicans on his side, Travis Childers has an excellent chance of literally stealing the stea away from Cochran.  McDaniels may direct his morons to sit at home or vote for Childers.

                3) McConnell has been extremely unpopular, that it is a given that the Minority Leader is about to get his ass kicked and sent to the turtle pasture.  Ms. Allison Grimes will be able to take the seat from Kentucky because Kentucky is the first RED state to expand Obamacare and it is extremely popular in Kentucky.  Continued Republican resistance finished McConnell.

                I also have a few dark horses that ensures that the Senate remains status quo, or will add more Democrats to replace idiotic Republicans.

                House is going to belong to the Democrats when the November elections are complete. And no, Pelosi will not be the Speaker. She had her chance, and blew it – badly.


                1. And look at all the governorships the gop stands to loose including Kansas or how does governor Jason Carter of Georgia sound. Plus at least 5-7 more.

              2. Dco- Silver's rating is a month old.  He has Republicans picking up 6 seats.  Since then Braley has stepped on it again in Iowa which is now favoring the Republican which is why the current RCP has Republicans picking up 7.

                I think the Republicans will pick up 1 or 2 more.  The likely states not yet in the Republican column include North Carolina and Colorado.

                1. And again you never even mention Kentucky, Georgia or Mississippi, two of which now favor the Democratic candidate. Plus Ernst at best is tied in Iowa and has said some questionable things herself. Also RCP leans heavily republican and blew the last election big time – IE President Romney. Nate got every Senate race correctly – he was the only one.

                    1. You can't have it both ways, chickenshit. Is Nate Silver reliable (like when he you agree with him) or not (like when you don't)?  You GOP shills pick and choose your sources the way you pick and choose which aspects of Christianity to follow; whatever suits your agenda. 

                    2. By: Justin Baragona 

                      Sunday, July, 20th, 2014, 11:55 am










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                      nunn obama

                      In a poll by Landmark Communications released Sunday, Democrat Michelle Nunn has a commanding lead against both of her potential challengers in Georgia’s US Senate race. Against Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) Nunn is up by eight points, 49% to 41%. The poll also shows her with a nice lead against businessman David Perdue as Nunn leads him 48% to 42%. Perdue and Kingston are heading into a GOP primary runoff this coming Tuesday. The survey shows Kingston with a sizable lead as he is ahead by seven points, 48% to 41%.

                      While Nunn holds leads against both men, the thought is that she’d prefer to face Kingston in the general election. Atlanta-based political analyst Bill Crane had the following to say after this poll was released.

                    3. In this one, Nate's on crack. He needs to adjust his model correctly to reflect the mood of the Americans.. and it's not favoring the Republicans.

            2. Actually, after months (and years) of constant Republican lies the people no longer buy their bullshit.

              Polls continue to mean shit j(as in how many people STILL have landlines?). I predict a double digit victory for Udall and Hick. And you can mark my words.



            3. Pardon me AC.  My comment was specifically about Colorado Rs underperforming compared to Rs elsewhere just as they did last time it was advantage R.  But you can read so I guess you just don't want to comment on that.

              1. BC, I am not counting chickens.  But I think the Colo Rs will do well this cycle.  I think the Colo Dems have had a better voter turn out machine and I think the mail voting will help the Colo Dems, but Obama is dispised and Obamacare is loathed.  

                Both your candidates this cycle have a history. One lied about Obamacare and the other can't make a decision.

                My guess is one or both of them lose, but it is early and anything can happen.

                1. Both your canidates this cycle have a history.  One supports personhood, and regularly dissembles on it as he recognizes that statewide Colorado voters find it loathsome, and the other already lost a bid for governor by nearly 20%    

                    1. The RMGO morons will not get a Senate seat. What's more, the Dems will pick up even more seats, just to irritate Dudley. And pass more gun control laws just to piss off Dudley and let him go on a rampage of spending money or using his 2nd Amendment rights, which then, he'll deservedly be in prison.

                2. Wow, if you have to go all the way back to that old 'lied about Obamacare" thing, you probably need to check with spin central for something a little more up to date.

                  We'll see AC. Here's another piece of history. Your side does have  a history of blowing it here in Colorado when Rs in general are doing really well. Must be really embarrasing for you.

                3. "Dispised?"  Strong word even if it was spelled right.  Speak for yourself, please.  I happen to like the President.  Some of the people disagree with him on matters of policy.  Only dickless little bigots despise him.

                4. Ahem. You want to continue to think Obamacare is unpopular?

                  Too bad you're in the extreme minority. You need mental help, and fortunately Obamacare provides it for those who needs it.

    1. All politics is local. The continuing good economy and fracking debate will have more of an affect then Obama's approval or the Affordable Care Act. 


      PPP is in the field here in Colorado this weekend. We'll now have a better idea if the recent Q polls were the start of a trend, or just outliers. 

      1. and in the end, tho most of us are not happy with either Hick or Udall re fracking all we need do is consider the alternative and we'll still vote for both of them. I think Udall has acctually become one of the most important D senators

      2. OF, Last PPP poll had Udall +2 a few months back.  PPP is a Dem poll, like Rasmussen was last cycle before it was sold.  Assuming they use the same methodology, it will be interesting to see their take on the effect of the last few months of Ads.  Third Party Ads by Republicans have not allowed Udall to create a pre-race lead and the lack of a real Republican primary has eliminated the usual internal blood letting, both positives for Gardner.  My guess is Udall has lost 2-3 points.

  1. I believe it was Channel 4 that has lookied at the federal funding for abortion bill and concluded that the term "forciable rape" had been removed from the legislation at Cory Gardner's request.

    I don't know who is running the ground game in Colorado…homegrown activities or those "out of state" consultants.  I didn't like the top down approach of OFA in 2012.  I think it very important that doing voter outreach have their facts straight.

    1. So the woman does all the right things by what conservatives say are their standards. Gets pregnant out of wedlock but instead of aborting decides to have the baby and defends the institution of marriage by marrying the father. What no pro-life, family values brownie points? Guess it's the way I figured all along. Not so much about life or family values. It's about self righteous righties wanting to punish bad girls, gays and probably anybody who enjoys sex without feeling as dirty and guilty as they do.

      1. TWhen it comes to hating women, there are a lot of contenders, but nobody is as good at it, and takes more pride in it, than Republican women.

    2. My brother and his wife set their small family-and-friends wedding for Valentine's Day, expecting her to be big as a house. Son was due February 18. My nephew had other plans and arrived on the 11th. He spent the ceremony on Gandmas' laps, but my sister-in-law wasn't pregnant. Did she deserve a big wedding?

  2. I heard a Republican explain today that the fact that Beauprez's running mate is a woman proves there is no Republican war on women, and the fact that the Republican running against Rep Polis is descended from Chinese immigrants proves the Republicans are not anti-immigrant. I also got an overdose of cognitive dissonance listening to Republican candidates complain about government involvement in health care – to a crowd almost exclusively of Medicare beneficiaries. And an overdose of cognitive dissonance listening to anti-government candidates who can't wait to get on the public dole. Keywords from the speeches of Republican candidates today – liberty, freedom, smallgovernment, nancypelosi, and mayorbloomberg.



      1. Palin has had a very successful economic plan for the last 5 years.  Resign her low paying governorship to become a lihgh paying talking head.  Really can't argue with that.

        1. Yeah, Frank…but she really needs a voice coach. That shrill, harpie-like screech of hers, coupled with the "colorful" malaprops and "stupidisms" for which she is known, is nigh unto unbearable. An idiot with a pleasant voice might be tolerable…  How anyone finds her interesting is beyond me.

          1. Malaprops…….like telling Boner that he brought a lawsuit to a gunfight?  Or the time she tried to say "repudiate" but when it came out "refudiate", she took a bow for adding a new word to the English language?

      2. No, at another Republican gathering.

        Very little talk about jobs or the economy, though one local candidate does have a plan – reduce local government budgets (and thus property taxes) by 20 percent across the board. It's so simple – why hasn't anyone else done this?

    1. . . . and, the fact that there are tortoises, proves that god created the world in less than a week, and then let a tortoise carry it on it's back on it's journey through eternity . . . 

      (Still, no one's come up with a good explanation for the existence of Boehner or McConnell, let alone BWB, Brophy, Gessler, Baumgardner, Tancredo, J Paul Brown and his other brother Dudley, or that sty full of Nevilles.)

  3. Forty-five years ago tonight, the greatest "reality show" in history was broadcast live to the entire world.  Where were you?  If you were alive then, I'll bet you remember.

    Forty-five years ago tonight, the Moon ceased to be a "thing" and became a "place."

    Forty-five years ago tonight, we came in peace for all mankind.

    Forty-five years tends to cloud the memory a bit.  It is easy to forget that this great achievement came just eight short years after Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard first flew in space.

    Only  eight years.  We knew it would be expensive.  We knew that it would be so difficult and complex that only the government–acting as proxy for all of the American People–could pull it off.  But back then, we didn't worry about "spending offsets" or the "unrestrained growth of government."  We just did it.

    The men in this video were brave men.  They knew there was a very high probability that they would not return.  They did this not for personal enrichment or endorsement deals, but for the entire human race.  And they didn't do it alone.  They did it with the help and support of all of the people.

    If you're younger than 45 years old, or if you were too young to remember this as it was happening, please take the time to watch this video as a reminder of what this nation can do when we all pull together toward a common goal.

    Today, forty-five years later, we as a nation are so mired in arguing about minutiae that I fear we have lost our national will to do great things.

    It doesn't have to be that way.

    1. Such a good way to put it – "we have lost our national will to do great things." The great things Republicans talk about now are things like deporting immigrant children, impeding contraception for women, and causing the collapse of governments within out borders (see: Kansas).

      I vividly remember watching the moon landing on a small black and white TV in a small studio apartment in Boulder. Was a very big deal to collectively share in this accomplishment as a nation, and as a world.


        1. I remember it, though I wasn't quite four. I was sitting in my father's lap watching the guys in the big, funny suits. My mom took me outside and pointed up. "Those men on TV are up there." she told me. I was puzzled becase I couldn't see them. Today, Landng Day is my wedding anniversary, and my wife's a complete geek, so I never foret t. 

      1. We were all glued to the TV for that and had been from the first launch into orbit. We all thought we were headed toward a great new age of exploration. Bet none of us back then would have imagined that by the early 21st century we'd be stuck where we are. Or that we'd be stupid enough to put ourselves in a position completely dependent on Russia or any other country, for that matter. 

        This is where the conservative mantra against government and taxes have brought us. Big heroic endeavors in a big nation require a vigorous, well funded, well run government with all the manpower that takes.  Duh. We can't even keep our roads and bridges up much less go where no one has ever gone before. 

        And the prosperity that sacrificing doing big things in favor of lower taxes and slashed government conservatives promised those policies would bring? The middle class has followed the same downward trajectory as our space program. 

        The Republicans solution? Double down on the same small, mean, selfish, short sighted, elitist economic policy that got us here in the first place with the help, for decades, of scared Dems trying to prove they could be almost as conservative as the Rs and begging the public not to think they might be, God forbid, liberal. 

        Quite a switch from the days when a Republican Ike could proclaim himself to be liberal, most everybody liked Ike just fine, the middle class was growing, our infrastructure was the envy of the world and on to the great era of space exploration championed by Dem JFK. How shocked and disappointed they both would be to see what a pathetic low we've sunk to since they presided over a country that felt there was no end in sight to what great things, big things, monumental things it could accomplish. They would both no doubt find the 21st century USA  a very sad, pathetic, provincial, small minded place and our Congress largely beneath contempt.

        And it looks like the 2014 election is going to make matters even worse.

    2. It doesn't have to be that way.

      You are right, Ralphie…it doesn't. But we, the citizens who understand that it was always the collective will of this nation that made us great…not the aspirations of the decadently wealthy. The New Deal was a revolution in thinking that changed the world. To honor and reward work and the workers instead of exalting wealth and wealth alone was an extraordinary notion. It created the truly exceptional nation we once were.

      The neo-con devotion to the re-institution of the American aristocracy will be the downfall of the US as a world power.

      1. "But we, the citizens who understand that it was always the collective will of this nation that made us great…not the aspirations of the decadently wealthy."

        To finish my thought… We cannot turn away from our responsibility to be a part of the fight to save the America that could do those amazing things. We could shoot for the moon then because we had leaders who were statesmen, not corporate whores.

        I for one, though, Ralphie, haven't given up hope.


              1. Read the article but didn't see anything about his stands on issues except that he's against messing with strip clubs and picked a banker for a running mate. Predict his effect on the race will be negligible.

                1. I had a rather extensive conversation with him on the issues.  I wouldn't discount him.  He's pro-choice, pro-cannabis, pro-marriage equality. 

                  1. No problem with Hick on any of those issues. Since we all know this guy can't actually win, why would he want to help elect Beauprez who is anti all of the above?  Not that I think he has a chance of taking enough votes to have much effect. But what, I must ask myself as a practical cat, does he hope to accomplish besides that?

                    1. He may ultimately be more of a threat to BWB – sane Repubs that are looking for an alternative.  His stance on guns may get him the Tanc crowd…but his stand on renewable energy (it's good) and fracking (he's not for a ban, but is for tighter regs) may grab him some from the middle and left (which would likely deduct from the Gov).  I predict he'll be much more than a 1%-er at the polls.

          1. I don't see it either, Ralphie…but I just have to believe it is there.

            Remember the lesson of the Foundation Trilogy. There may be a "Mule" in the plan somewhere. Besides…


            I know, [there is] no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of society, but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.


            Therein, lies our challenge…

            Thomas Jefferson in an 1820 letter to William C. Jarvis

            1. Great words by Jefferson.  Then I read stuff like this in the comments at the bottom of a Daily Sentinel article about our soon-to-be Sheriff candidate:.

              Sources I have told me that if the Feds Order the Confiscation of guns in Mesa County Lewis would comply with that order.

              The Feds confiscating guns isn't even on my radar.  Tweakers in Clifton are much more my concern about who runs the Sheriff's Department.

              1. Willful ignorance is a tough nut to crack, to be sure. But, maybe, my friend, you are just suffering from a bit of "Happy Valley Overload Syndrome"…I hear tell there are places in the world where things are run by intelligent, uncompromised, forward thinking, leaders.

                Sometimes, it is hard to see that from the corner of 4th and Rood…. smiley

            2. Paul Krugman wrote about how the Foundation novels influenced his thinking about economics.

              I've always been more influenced by Leguin's novels, but this is interesting.

              dustpuppy and I remain unreasonably hopeful.

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