(Can you blame him? – Promoted by Colorado Pols)
If you follow Tom Tancredo you know he makes it clear where he stands on people, like Ryan Call (dislikes him), and places, like Mecca (bomb it).
So, even as Republicans are still warm from hugging each other, it's no surprise that Tancredo is launching a new campaign to stop New Jersey Gov. Chis Christie's presidential aspirations.
Tancredo doesn't like Christie, and you can't blame him. You recall Tancredo's promising path to the Colorado governor's office was upended this summer by his own party, through a vicious ad campaign orchestrated surreptitiously by the Republican Governors' Association, which is chaired by… Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey.
Tancredo is fighing back now with his "Stop Chris Christie PAC."
Speaking with Grassroots Radio Colorado (KLZ 560-AM) host Kris Cook Oct. 27, Tancredo said he's already "filed papers" to create the Stop Christie PAC, allowing him to do "everything" he can to prevent Christie from securing the Republican nomination for president.
"He is no more a Republican than the man in them moon," Tancredo told Cook. "He is a left wing, east coast liberal."
TANCREDO: "You know, to be absolutely fair here, and clear, I have a bone to pick with him in particular, because of what he did during our primary," Tancredo said on air. "You know, although, I must ad– we have never gotten along. We’ve always argued, especially about immigration. We did so publicly. I have never liked the guy. I have certainly never supported him for anything, and because he was concerned that I would, in fact, go against the [United States] Chamber o f Commerce position on immigration and make it a big deal, and I might win, he chose to spend a quarter of a million dollars of Republican money – Governors’ Association money—
COOK: Right.
TANCREDO: –to attack me, here, in Colorado. And, launder the money through Attorneys General Association.
COOK: And five other organizations.
Tancredo held off promoting his Stop Chris Christie PAC until after Tuesday's election to avoid hurting Colorado Republicans.
"I don’t want to do anything that’s going to hurt Bob Beauprez or any other Republican in Colorado during–or before this election," said Tancredo on the KLZ show, which aired before the election on Oct. 27. "But when it’s over with, I guarantee you, I’m going after him."
Partial Transcript of Oct. 27 KLZ-560 Grassroots Radio Colorado Interview with Tom Tancredo. See longer transcript here.
HOST KRIS COOK: Oh, goodie! We’ve got Jeb Bush, going to run for President
COOK: It will be a delightful field. My goodness, we have got to do something about this.
TANCREDO: I agree completely, and I intend to.
COOK: [chuckles] Good.
TANCREDO: I totally intend to.
COOK: Good.
TANCREDO: I’m not going to let this one go by and everybody – you know, when — how many times have you said this? “Oh, my gosh! We just don’t have any good ones to pick from, and I don’t like — .” Well, okay, that – probably very true. And if it’s Chris Christie or Jeb Bush either one, let me tell you, I think it’s a debacle in the making for the Republican Party.
And so, I have started – I filed papers a couple of weeks ago, now – probably ten days ago, anyway, –for a Stop Chris Christie PAC . And I’m going to do everything I can to do just that: stop Chris Christie. He is no more a Republican than the man in them moon. He is a left wing, east coast liberal. He masquerades, to the extent that there’s any – even attempt to pretend – any attempt –anything that comes out of his mouth that sounds relatively conservative. It’s a masquerade, because he now is seeking the Republican nomination, he is actually – I read the other day, that he is actually so afraid of the governor of Wisconsin –
COOK: Scott Walker.
TANCREDO: –Scott Walker—that he has almost purposel—well, almost entirely, kind of subverted his campaign. They are not giving him the money he needs, and why? Why? Because, of course, he is a competitor for that presidential nomination.
COOK: [sarcastically] Yeah, Mr. Christie, that is exactly the way to use your position at the RGA
COOK: I mean, he has proven that he is absolutely unworthy of that role, and any other role in power.
TANCREDO: Well, you know, to be absolutely fair here, and clear, I have a bone to pick with him in particular, because of what he did during our primary. You know, although, I must ad– we have never gotten along. We’ve always argued, especially about immigration. We did so publicly. I have never liked the guy. I have certainly never supported him for anything, and because he was concerned that I would, in fact, go against the [United States] Chamber o f Commerce position on immigration and make it a big deal, and I might win, he chose to have – spend a quarter of a million dollars of Republican money – Governors’ Association money—
COOK: Right.
TANCREDO: –to attack me, here, in Colorado. And, um, and launder the money through Attorneys General Association.
COOK: And five other organizations.
TANCREDO: Five other organizations. You, — God bless you, you were the best interview we ever had on that issue, because you had done your homework and you knew what they had done. Uh, I’m telling you, it’s, I think, unconscionable and I definitely want to make an issue of this, but I want to add somebody to it, and that would be,–let’s – I might start another 527, saying, “Let’s, you know, stop Jeb Bush.” Let’s try to do this before they get a foothold in the–
COOK: Right.
TANCREDO: And get out–get to people, — let them know who they really are. And I mean, I’m totally going to do this. I certainly am for Christie.
COOK: good.
TANCREDO: Um, and we will take our – we will do our first whatever we’re going to do right after the election. I mean, I don’t want to do anything that’s going to hurt Bob Beauprez or any other Republican in Colorado during–or before this election. But when it’s over with, I guarantee you, I’m going after him.
COOK: November – the 2016 election season starts on November 5th, 2014.
TANCREDO: That’s right. That’s right.
COOK: And if you don’t get that, if you don’t understand that, you’ve got to wrap your brain around it. Because if –we cannot do what Republicans always do, which is disappear after the midterm general, and not show up again until the day of the – or the two weeks leading up to the primaries in 2016, that is not the way that this works. If we’re going to win, and if we’re going to win for conservative principles, we have to be out there on the ground. We have to be making those touches with unaffiliated voters. We need to make sure that stuff is happening, and that they understand what the Republican Party really stands for, and what conservative principles are.
TANCREDO: Yeah, well, and our job is to make the Republican Party stand for something.
COOK: [chuckles] That’s right.
TANCREDO: And then—
COOK: It’s a two way street, yeah.
TANCREDO: Absolutely. But, if we win this election, –generally speaking, I’m saying, both in national elections and Colorado elections,– if we do well, if we end up winning — winning control of the Senate, and if we do nothing to actually change the direction – not just slow down the movement to the precipice, –
COOK: Right.
TANCREDO: –but change the direction of this country, if we just watch it, for fear that if we really did change it, we’d all get thrown out of office again, well, I’ll tell you, if that’s it, then there’s no need–. Why should we work hard—any of us–for the status quo to be slowed down? We have to see in these people who are running, the willingness [and] the desire –and the ones who win—the desire to change. Because, oh, I tell you, I can—this is the –my nightmare, is a Republican Senate that refuses to either impeach, repeal Obamacare, um, repeal whatever he’s going to do to us in a few months, with regard to immigration.
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H-E'S B-A-C-K!!!!
Tancredo '16
For a secure America!
Otherwise, Tancredo '18
So does Tanchez get to draw a salary, or any consulting or management fee, from the PAC(s) he establishes???
If he doesn't, maybe he can take a position as an adjunct professor of ethnic studies at Mesa State University………
Tancredo kind of reminds me of Hart.
A has been politician trying to be relevant, when he is not.