U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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November 13, 2014 06:36 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

"If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner."

–H. L. Mencken


37 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

    1. I went through quite a few comments…not one supporter…Comcast needs to get busy and hire some trolls.
      let’s see who shows up here to carry their water

  1. Or in another case, perhaps a minimum number of inmates?
    Does anyone know how the private prison industry is doing with that effort? Now that pot is legal, what will they use for entrapment purposes? Spanish surname? …type of shoes? Size of calves? Blogging activity?…. 😉

  2. What's wrong with the Republican response to climate change and their criticism of the President's decision to take a small step toward common sense? 

    Whereas our plutocrats seem content to bankroll candidates who deny that climate change is even happening at all, or who boast of their ignorance of the subject, one way or another. Guess what? None of those Chinese billionaires scrambling to build solar panels for the world are scientists, either, but they know how to make a buck. Why are their plutocrats such better capitalists than our plutocrats are?

    The reason America has a "rust belt" is that for a short term profit gain our capitalists refused to invest in new plants and technologies as our manufacturing infrastructure began to disintegrate after WWII.

    And the reason America has so much internal resistance to doing the right thing about climate change and renewable energy is that our current capitalists have paid off daft politicians like Cory Gardner to lie about the issue for their short term profits at the expense of America's long term health. 

    Congratulations America's Capitalist Pigs: China is leading the way in how to best use capitalism for the benefit of its people. 

    Oh, and why are Republicans so intent on protecting an energy source that even Coal Barons like Bill Koch say is obsolete and not worth the effort?

    1. Since you are full of shit achole and don't know what you are talking about. The President isn't proposing all out amnesty – nobody is you incompetent fool. It is a full package of immigration reform , like the bipartisan bill already passed in the Senate. How far will republicans drop when they oppose this legislation and sound like racists? What will con man cory and coffman do – bend over to their racist base or do what is the decent thing to do? This sets up nicely for the Democrats in 2016   http://thinkprogress.org/immigration/2014/11/04/3588311/majority-americans-voters-want-immigration-reform/

  3. Not all Dem party leaders are morons.  Wellington Webb has a clue.  So does Ed Rendell.  Here is what Rendell had to say about the Dem excuses.

    Rendell said attempts to blame much of the Democrats’ performance on an unfavorable election map are “baloney.” 

    “Iowa’s not a bad map. That’s a purple state. It’s a state a Democrat held and it’s a state Obama carried,” he said. “We got beat in Colorado, a state with a Democratic governor and a state Obama carried twice.”


    1. Yeah some red wave you have their achole – Democrats retained the governorship and the state house and the 3 CD's they had. The pro gun nuts from the recall lost and the gop won the state senate by one member and that will probably return to Democratic control in 2016. Udall ran a bad campaign and lost – some wave – where is that 150,000 vote majority that you promised? Take care of that nasty rash achole it is effecting your ability to have any rational thought.

  4. If anyone's interested, and is using a modern version of Firefox or Chrome to browse the interwebs, I'm currently enjoying an AC and Moddy free experience on the site care of an add-in and a little CSS (styling for web pages).  For example today's thread looks, in part, like this for me:

          1. Hello, you've reached technical support.  Please state which browser you are using so that we can more quickly help with your issue.

            Actually, I can answer that.  I set it up planning for you to copy and paste.  If you don't, you'll have to remember to include the dash between names: .comment-author-andrew-carnegie


                1. Still stymied:

                  dit Style



                  To Mozilla format

                  Save Back to manage

                  Sections Help


                  .comment-author-Andrew-Carnegie > div > 
                  .comment-body {display:none!important}


                  Applies to Help

                  • URLURLs starting withURLs on the domainURLs matching the regexpRemove
                  • URLURLs starting withURLs on the domainURLs matching the regexpRemoveAdd

                  Add another section

                    1. Yes, as i showed in my image, I only block the comment body.  It was my preference to know that the abomination had occurred but not to see its result.  If the name that must not be spoken must also not be seen, that can be done too.

    1. Worked like a charm and, thanks to your excellent guidance, P'Cat, a breeze to install.

      Now I'll never have to read another filthy word from these two vile, immoral, slimy, hypocritical pieces of shit. Fan-dam-TASTIC!

      Many many thanks, my friend.

  5. Hmm….

    November 13, 2014 9:55 am



    Oil’s dive set to transform LNG market

    Gregory Meyer in New York, Ben McLannahan in Tokyo and Neil Hume in London

    A handout photo obtained on July 18, 2012 shows Woodside Energy Ltd's LNG (liquefied natural gas) tanker at the Karratha gas plant loading terminal in the north of Western Australia. Australia is set to enjoy explosive growth in its gas exports, with experts predicting it will overtake Qatar as the leading Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) producer within the decade. The economy which once rode on the "sheep's back" -- in the days when the major commodity was wool -- has already embraced the mineral wealth which has stoked its coffers richly thanks to strong Asian demand for coal and iron ore. The newest potential money-spinner is LNG, trade in which has expanded rapidly recently to set Australia on track to become the world's second largest exporter of the fuel, behind Qatar, by 2015, according to government forecasts. AFP PHOTO/HO/WOODSIDE ENERGY LTD -----EDITORS NOTE---- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / HO / WOODSIDE ENERGY LTD" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS©AFP

    The downward spiral in oil prices is poised to shake up liquefied natural gas, a critical source of energy in east Asia and an alternative to Russian gas supplies in Europe.

    LNG, as the fuel is known, is gas chilled into a liquid state so it can be poured into domed tankers for shipment abroad. Japan, South Korea and China are the top buyers.

    The 30 per cent plunge in crude since the middle of this year, to below $80 a barrel this week, is likely to have a big effect on LNG. Many Asian customers are locked into contracts linked to the Japan Custom-cleared Crude index, or JCC (nicknamed the Japanese Crude Cocktail). By early next year, crude’s slide should be reflected in LNG prices.


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