U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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May 13, 2015 11:32 AM UTC

Get More Smarter on Wednesday (May 13)

  • by: Colorado Pols

It looks like the beginning of the end of Tulo’s time with the Rockies. It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example).



► The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) remains in full freak-out mode over the potential CD-6 candidacy of Democrat Morgan Carroll. As Sen. Carroll noted on her Facebook page, a “tracker” was at the airport to meet her on a recent visit to Washington D.C. — you know, in case she decided to give an impromptu policy speech in front of the restrooms.

► Senator Michael Bennet (D-Denver) helped block a trade proposal yesterday. Mark Matthews of the Denver Post has been following the debate:

The issue has divided Democrats in recent months, with Obama lobbying for passage and fellow party members, including Minority Leader , angling to stop it. Traditional Democratic allies, including unions and environmentalists, also have called on Congress to kill the so-called “fast track” legislation because of fears of pollution and lost jobs.

At its core, the fast-track measure would empower Obama to negotiate trade deals with foreign governments and afterward send the proposal to Congress for a simple yes-or-no vote. That authority is considered crucial for the passage of complicated deals because it prevents Congress from debating to death these trade agreements.

► Meanwhile, national pundits continue to list Colorado as among the Top 10 hottest Senate races in 2016…though it’s starting to look pretty rote. Colorado is really only on the list because you need more than 9 states to make a Top 10. 

Get even more smarter after the jump…



Congress has balked at diverting money from a new health care law to help finish the Aurora VA Hospital; we may need to need to throw one hell of a bake sale. 

► The Colorado Springs Independent reports on the already-heated battle in SD-12:

With a city election still underway, it’s arguably crazy to be talking about an election slated for November 2016. Yet the race for state Senate District 12 already seems to be heating up. Controversial Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt, who just completed his first session serving state House District 15, has announced he’s running for that Senate seat, which covers much of eastern El Paso County.

Klingenschmitt declared after Bob Gardner, the Republican attorney and former Air Force officer who served four terms in the state House, filed to run in SD 12.

In an email to voters 10 days ago, headed “Stop Bob ‘Obamacare’ Gardner,” Klingenschmitt contended he is “campaigning against a liberal Republican,” and, while soliciting contributions, said, “I’m also the underdog … Bob is wealthy, and I am not.”…

…Asked what he makes of Klingenschmitt’s early attack, he says, “There’s a difference between having a backbone and being a bonehead.”

Ugh. Gardner sounds a little rusty with his political barbs after being out of politics for a few years.

► The Colorado legislature didn’t do a whole lot to address the issue of hydraulic fracturing this year. Peter Marcus of the Durango Herald takes a look at upcoming discussions on the subject.

► Calls continue to grow asking Governor John Hickenlooper to veto a last-minute piece of legislation that allows predatory lenders to dramatically raise interest rates. Both the Durango Herald and Colorado Public Radio have picked up the story.

► Controversy continues to swirl in the Jefferson County School District. Revelations of cronyism indicate that Communications Director Lisa Pinto was hired despite strong reservations that she was not qualified for the job, and a judge issued a temporary injunction on Tuesday to prevent the school district from implementing new pay plans for teachers that were not properly agreed-upon.

► Colorado snowpack levels are at 68 percent of normal as of Tuesday.

► The United States finished the month of April with the largest monthly surplus in 7 years



► Republican Kathleen Conti is not running for re-election in HD-38, but the GOP already has a candidate ready to go in her place in Zack Morris Michael Williams.

Chris Nevitt reflects on his surprising loss in the race for Denver Auditor.

El Paso County will pay out $200,000 to settle two claims against the Shirtless SheriffTerry Maketa.



► Oracle founder Larry Ellison is raising money for GOP Presidential candidate Marco Rubio.

► It looks like we’re going to have to start practicing how to spell Azerbaijan


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10 thoughts on “Get More Smarter on Wednesday (May 13)

    1. As long as I-25 is open so that I don't have to spend a single minute longer than necessary getting the hell away from there, I fail to see any problem??

  1. I took a look this week at the track record of all 100 legislator with regard to their bills.

    Klingenschmitt's record this session stood out: he was the only legislator to carry just the 5 bills allowed under the rules. He didn't sponsor a single bill coming out of the Senate, the only legislator who didn't sponsor a bill from the other chamber.. And none of his 5 bills passed; they never even got out of committee.

    Patrick Neville and Kim Ransom also had zero bills pass this session.

    1. We should be grateful for their ineffectiveness. Can you imagine if any bill sponsored by any of these three made it into law…….  surprise

  2. David Thi808 might be right about his proposition that as we get older, we become more conservative.

    I was surprised by the above note that Oracle's Larry Ellison is raising money for Rubio.  

    I'd always thought of him as a steadfast Democrat (my awareness of Larry Ellison and Oracle goes back 34 years, before it was even Oracle).  But it seems in the last few years he has started a switch to reliably GOP — supporting Romney in 2012, and now Rubio.  I'm pretty sure he supported Obama in 2008, but I haven't actually looked up his contributions…

    1. My completely tuned in, fit, youthful Mom who will turn 90 in August is still the same good old fashioned liberal she always was. So are her remaining younger cousins, one of whom is youngster in her  mid 70s.  I'm no spring chicken either. So it's not set in stone. I plan on getting grumpier but not more conservative. Grumpy old Libs, unite!

      1. Good for your Mom!  Wishing her many healthy, active years ahead!

        Similar story in my family — both my parents were proud Democrats all their lives (they lived into their 80's which is typical in my family).  While I'm not exactly a Sherrod Brown liberal, I can proudly say I cast my first vote for George McGovern 🙂




  3. Unblocked:

    WASHINGTON — Senate leaders reached a deal Wednesday to push ahead with votes on President Barack Obama's trade deals.

    The agreement came after Democrats blew up an earlier agreement Tuesday over fears that key measures they have sponsored would fail, or never get votes.

    But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced Wednesday afternoon that leaders had found a way around the impasse by agreeing to let Democrats have votes on key trade enforcement measures before holding votes on the fast-track authority that Obama needs to finish new massive trade deals with Pacific Rim countries and Europe.



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