Let’s start by saying unequivocally that we don’t condone vandalism, against politicians or anybody else. As you can see in the photo above being circulated by Republican Sen. Laura Waters Woods’ campaign, somebody vandalized one of her yard signs being displayed on the fence of an Arvada constituent earlier this month.
And if you’re to the left of Woods on the political spectrum, she blames you.
Within 5 days Team Woods has had two banners vandalized. One at 92nd and Ingalls was stolen within 20 hours of being hung, and one on Pierce was spray painted! All of this brought to you by the “tolerant left”!! [Pols emphasis]
In a comment on Facebook to the photo posted above, Woods explains her blame further:
In two election cycles, I’ve had banners painted, vandalized, knocked down and stolen and my opponent’s signs are untouched. THAT’S why I blame the left…
Now, we of course don’t know who decided to tag Woods’ yard sign, but from experience we can tell you in these situations it is almost never one’s political opponents who commit crimes like petty vandalism of yard signs. It’s true that Woods has big vinyl signs all over Senate District 19–and their ubiquitous presence might all by itself be a motivator for some juvenile delinquent with a can of spray paint to deface one.
Either way, it’s silly and irresponsible to blame one’s opponent for this kind of thing with no proof. Woods claims she has installed motion-sensing “game cameras” near some of her banners in an attempt to record future acts of vandalism. If Woods actually catches an adult with any bonafide connection to her opponent vandalizing her signs, or has her allegations against “the left” confirmed in any way by competent investigators, we’ll be the first to apologize and correct the record.
Otherwise, it’s another exercise in paranoia–from a lawmaker so paranoid she was afraid to use her real name on the radio.
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That's pretty clearly gang grafitti. Woods should call her local community police officer to identify it.
Oh, wait. Senator Laura Woods has consistently voted against funding community policing, including not funding a license plate program to support the families of fallen officers. Do blue lives matter to Miss Laura? Perhaps this "tagging" is what you might call poetic justice.
In Waters-Woods' eyes, the police are just another part of big gummint. Let's hope she doesn't resort to her Second Amendment remedies and just starts shooting at anyone who goes near any of her signs.
Gotta admit, mj, you finally got me to agree with m
Laura woods on something.note she was joined in killing the license plate bill by mary hodge and pat steadman, both good democrats.
Frankly, it's crazy to make support for families of fallen officers dependant on rinky dink stuff like this. Use the general fund and give families of fallen officers what they are due — at least a million dollars in addition to whatever private and job related benefits they are due
If our taxes don't support our fallen heroes, then why do we pay taxes?
It would be crazy to make support for families of fallen officers dependent on a license plate program – if that were all they had. The Officer Down Memorial Page keeps a site with state by state survivor benefits (cash, tuition assistance for family, health, etc) for families of cops.
The license plate program Woods voted no on was more of an educational, peer-support effort for police families to help each other cope.
But Woods has also consistently voted against public safety funding, including community policing. Community police officers are the front line of defense against gangs in the neighborhood. The grafitti on her signs looks like some variety of "Bloods" tagging to me – some enterprising banger saw that Bloods and Woods share the same last four letters and took advantage.
Neighborhood beat officers tend to know who the gang members are in the community and have respectful relationships with neighbors, reformed bangers, and businesses. They are an essential piece in the current tension between police and the minority communities. There will be no solving the Black Lives Matter / Blue Lives Matter / All Lives Matter conflict without well-trained neighborhood beat cops.
I've been on a couple of boards for these organizations and know whereof I speaketh.
no problem with community policing but these license plate gigs are out of hand. I gotta admit I am more impressed by Pat stead man and Mary Hodge's opposition than laura’s, but as BC likes to say, even a blind squirrel gets an acorn once in a while. This may be Lura's acorn, or hell, maybe she just didn't understand. Anyway, I'm with Her on the license plate crap. And, yes, I'm eligible for my own plates as a veteran. And, no, I don't take them. I do have a Veterans for Hillary cap though.
Republicans would have opposed taxes or money from the General Fund to support troops and families. They will be more than happy to trot out Generals and veterans forr photo ops though.
Obviously a shill. Is this really the kind of campaign Ms. Zenzinger wants to portray to her constituents? Sad.
Who knew white bread Arvada had such a gang graffiti problem?
OH WAIT, IT DOESN'T. Dems and Colorado Pols approve of vandalism.
We let you tag freely here, don't we?
Our little modster needs to leave mom's basement now and then. Take a ride on the Ralston Creek bike path, and let me know about Arvada's lack of graffiti.
Good luck on that Trump thingy!
Tagging isn't a problem in Arvada?!?! Have you been to Arvada?
She's blaming anyone who is on the left of Woods for the vandalism? In other words, she just knows that she didn't do it. Everyone else is a suspect.
Maybe it was Laura Waters.
Wood that be a play on words, alva.
That explains many things about her.
If she would change the name on her sign to Waters, it would probably get vandalized less. "Woods" is too close to "Bloods".
Change her name to Muddy Waters and I'll even vote for her.
So 3 different non-sensical, illogical and rhetorical comments. Perfect. Do you reflect the position of Ms. Zenzinger? Sad.
Obviously a shill. Is this really the kind of campaign Ms. Zenzinger wants to portray to her constituents? Sad.
Obviously a publisher shill. Is this really the kind of campaign Ms. Zenzinger wants to portray to her constituents? Sad.
False cause is my favorite logical fallacy.
Wassa matter ,you too cheap to spring for a tautology?