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May 29, 2013 08:22 AM UTC

Gardner Declines Udall Challenge, As Expected

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: FOX 31's Eli Stokols:

The Republican field, at the moment, is nonexistent.

And FOX31 Denver has learned that other would-be candidates who Republicans in Washington are trying to recruit are also saying no.

“They’re thinking outside the box, but they’re striking out in trying to find a Major League candidate to run against Udall,” one Washington operative told FOX31 Denver. [Pols emphasis]


That's the word from the Denver Post's Allison Sherry:

Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, said he has decided against entering the race “because I’ve got work to do.”

“I’m not in a hurry to run for another office,” he said. “I think the most important thing for people is to know now. I needed to make a decision now, and I’m fully committed to make sure the GOP nominee will win in 2014.”

We've been pretty confident for a number of months now that Rep. Cory Gardner would not challenge Sen. Mark Udall. Gardner is frequently touted as the Colorado GOP's "rising star," but that has been more because of stability ceded to him in redistricting than a true reflection of his personal charisma or skill. But Gardner is smart enough to realize that 2014 is not the time to test his mettle in a statewide race against a popular, moderate incumbent.

One thing that's clear from Sherry's story and Gardner's statement is that a lot of Republicans really did want him to run against Udall. Even as Gardner repeatedly gave indicators that he didn't want to, his name kept coming back into the discussion. The best reason we can give for that is the alternative names being mentioned for this race, the most "impressive" of which being failed 2006 gubernatorial candidate "Both Ways" Bob Beauprez.

If it really falls to Beauprez to challenge Udall, you'll see soon why Republicans were desperate for somebody else.

And regarding Gardner's decision, once again, you heard it here first.


17 thoughts on “Gardner Declines Udall Challenge, As Expected

  1. Gardner, work to do:

     Maybe a few more dozen ACA repeal votes?  Another 'personhood' bill?

    Better definitions for 'forcible' rape?  Drilling offshore?  Oil shale giveaways?  Larding up the Farm Bill to help out Monsanto?

    Fighting immigration reform and equality?  Expanding federal government snooping provisions? 



  2. Dan Maes is better Senate material anyways.  Think of the perks of a Senate seat and the per diem possibilities!  Hell, he can send out all his Holiday Cards FOR FREE!!!

    1. Ohhh the Sleeping Giant has a secret candidate in the wings?  Or is it the Silent Majority?  A 'cake walk' to a landslide, right?  Timmy Foster?  That one guy no one's heard of from Maybell? 

    2. What are we waiting for, Groper?


      For 2020 when you all Repubs might be able to field a candidate?


      For Christmas?


      For your buddy Scott Gessler to run simultaneously for both CO governor and US senator?


      For your meds to kick in and the little voices to go away?


      All rhetorical questions, 'cause ya never answer anyways.  Tool.

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