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February 19, 2016 10:04 AM UTC

Get More Smarter on Friday (Feb. 19)

  • by: Colorado Pols

MoreSmarterLogo-300x218The NBA trade deadline came and went yesterday; the Denver Nuggets are still sadly mediocre. It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example).


Carnival barker U.S. Senator Cory Gardner (R-Yuma) continues to make an absolute fool of himself with repeated conflicting statements about a new Supreme Court nominee. As Mark Matthews reports for the Denver Post:

Three days after U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner left open the possibility — ever so slightly — that he might consider a U.S. Supreme Court nominee offered by President Barack Obama, the Colorado Republican slammed shut any chance of that prospect in a radio interview with Dan Caplis on 710 KNUS.

Asked his opinion about the high court vacancy, Gardner said the successor to the recently deceased Antonin Scalia “ought be chosen by the American people through the election of the next president.”

Pressed by Caplis on what he would say to the argument that he should wait to see who the president nominates, Gardner responded: “Again, I think we’re too close to the election. The president who is elected in November should be the one who makes this decision.”

Gardner’s answers on Thursday differed from a written statement he released Monday. In that statement, he registered support for the position of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who said Scalia’s seat “should not be filled until we have a new President.” But Gardner also indicated there might be one scenario in which Senate Republicans might back a White House nominee.

Gardner has been traipsing around the country campaigning for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s Presidential campaign. Perhaps “Con Man Cory” should spend some more time in the office trying to get his story straight.


► Republicans in a State Senate committee killed off legislation intended to help deal with the rising rates of crippling student loan debt. We don’t envy Republicans who will now have to try to explain why they sided with bankers over Colorado families on an issue that is quickly rising in importance for voters.


► There’s a new report out on Colorado’s roads and bridges. Prepare to cringe in 3…2…1…

A report from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association found America’s bridges are in bad shape. In Colorado, some of the most congested highway bridges in the country are falling apart and are way past their prime…

…The report released Thursday shows nearly 10 percent of the country’s bridges need major repairs. In Colorado, there are more than 8,600 and some 521 — or 6 percent — of those bridges are classified as structurally deficient.

Structurally deficient means key elements on the bridge such as the deck or parts of the structure are considered to be in “poor” or worse condition. The report goes on to show some 851 bridges — or 10 percent — are functionally obsolete, meaning they have substandard design.

The report notes that Colorado is doing a pretty good job of maintaining roads and bridges given the limited funding options for infrastructure projects. Come on, Republican legislators, get with it here; the free market fairy isn’t going to fix this problem.


Get even more smarter after the jump…



► Chelsea Clinton and actress America Ferrera (“Ugly Betty,” if that helps) are campaigning in Colorado today and tomorrow on behalf of Democrat Hillary Clinton. With Colorado’s March 1 caucuses right around the corner, they’re bringing back the Big Dog, too; former President Bill Clinton will stump for Hillary in Colorado Springs and Pueblo this weekend.


► Congressman Scott Tipton (R-Cortez) continues his fist-shaking tour of Congressional District 3, taking to the road to complain about one thing or another with the federal government. Tipton was in Alamosa recently to bellyache about too many regulations for small banks, blaming President Obama even though Republicans control both chambers of Congress.


► Legislation that would extend the statute of limitations on sexual assault cases in Colorado should soon clear the State House and move along to the State Senate. The proposal would double the current limitation to 20 years.


► A state House committee unanimously approved legislation to toughen penalties on strangulation.


► Conservation Colorado released a new website that maps all existing and planned oil and gas drilling projects in Adams County. Fracking and other forms of drilling are moving ever closer toward heavily-populated residential neighborhoods.


► Check out this reader diary on the prospect of allowing supermarkets to sell alcohol. Anybody can write a diary here at Colorado Pols — if it’s well-written and sourced, we’ll promote it to the front page.



► Politico examines the relationship between Republican Presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb! Bush. Did Rubio betray his mentor, or did Jeb! misread the situation himself?


► Saturday is a big day in South Carolina for the Republican Presidential field, which seems to be turning into a three-man race. A poor performance in South Carolina could mark the end of Jeb’s Presidential hopes.


► Bernie Sanders is surging in Nevada, a state that Hillary Clinton desperately needs in order to maintain the perception that she is still the Democratic frontrunner.


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17 thoughts on “Get More Smarter on Friday (Feb. 19)

  1. Saw an article in the Post today about the sorry patchwork of sidewalk/no sidewalk in parts of Denver preventing kids from going to school or disabled to travel easily without winding up in busy streets at some point. Another example of private solutions to a public problem, reliable public access to safe walk ways for pedestrians, proving completely inadequate. Of course the problem is the worst in poorer areas where people are least able to bear the private cost of paying to install or maintain their own little stretch of sidewalk for thousands of dollars. You're walking along and suddenly the sidewalk just stops, maybe picks up later, stops again.

    1. Sadly, I think that's pretty much universal. Sidewalks are public access, but privately developed and maintained in many communities. A major metro like Denver, though, should have regulations and building codes and such. Older neighborhood are probably worse in part because regulations were less strict way back when.

  2. Right Wing threats against law enforcement agencies in wake of Bundy/Malheur Wildlife Refuge Occupation

    Responding to a rising tide of threats in the wake of the standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Ore., federal authorities are warning law enforcement agencies around the nation to be on the lookout for retaliatory violence from extremists affiliated with the antigovernment movement.

    Eleven people affiliated with Ammon Bundy’s “Citizens for Constitutional Freedom” were arrested in a law enforcement sweep operation on Jan. 26, while one member of the self-described “revolutionaries” – Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, a 54-year-old Arizona rancher – was shot and killed and while resisting arrest. More than two weeks later, on Feb. 11, the standoff ended when four remaining militants inside the compound surrendered to face federal charges for their activities during the takeover, which began Jan. 2.

    “In response to news of the arrests, some militia extremists and their supporters have called for violence or unspecified nationwide action against law enforcement, federal facilities, and US government employees,” the bulletin, issued jointly by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, said.

    These are the Accused Felons encouraged by countless Republican media and political leaders.

  3. "Denver Nuggets are still sadly mediocre….."  Pols must not be a basketball fan. The Nuggets have a good solid core of young players who listen to the coaching staff and are getting better with each game.  Will there be glitches and hiccups? Of course; when the starting point guard and center are rookies; and the starting shooting guard is in his 2nd year. But I like the look of this team going forward. 

    P.S. I grew up in Indiana, so I think I have a good command of basketball.

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