Dan Domenico, come on down!
Republicans continue their search for a decent candidate for U.S. Senate against incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet in 2016, and they appear to have narrowed their recruitment efforts — for the time being, at least — on the former Solicitor General under Attorney General John Suthers.
Domenico is not well-known outside of small political circles, but Republicans think he could be a decent candidate to challenge Bennet’s re-election efforts after the GOP’s top tier — and second and third tier — took a pass on 2016 (sorry, Greg Lopez and Darryl Glenn, but you’re still a few levels down on the list).
Domenico has been rumored as a potential candidate in the past, and with few other options on the board, he just might be the next-best name for Republicans. Domenico has a good resume, no voting record to exploit, and is pretty photogenic; perhaps more importantly, his wife is a professional fundraiser who could help ease the financial burdens facing Republicans as they try to hold onto control of the U.S. Senate in a tough election year (Domenico’s wife is currently helping to raise money for GOP Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina).
The downside to Domenico as a candidate is his background with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, where he took the lead on arguing Colorado’s case against allowing same-sex marriage in our state. This wouldn’t have been as much of a strategic concern as recently as last year, but 2016 is definitely not the year to be running for office as a noted opponent of same-sex marriage.
That’s not the only wrinkle to a potential Domenico campaign for Senate, however. If Attorney General Cynthia Coffman ends up leaving office early because of the Coffmangate scandal, which we continue to hear is not unlikely, Domenico is probably the GOP’s best candidate to put forward as her replacement. Would Domencio really roll the dice on a Senate campaign now that the AG’s office may suddenly open up for another Republican candidate? Domenico spent the last few years working under former Attorney General John Suthers, and we hear that the AG’s office would be his preference if he had the option.
On the other hand, if Domenico has ever considered running for federal office, this is probably the best opportunity he’s ever going to have; if Domenico doesn’t jump at the race in 2016, he’ll have to wait until at least the year 2022 because Republican Sen. Cory Gardner is up for re-election in 2020. The odds are slim that Domenico might still be in a position to be wooed by Republicans in another six years.
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The Coffman scandal is over. Move on.
Well, if you say so…
OK. From whom are you hearing that Coffman being forced to resign over Coffmangate is not unlikely? To what degree not unlikely? You do realize this makes you sound a little like modster when he claimed he had an inside track and we'd all see after that meeting where the truth would come out, completely exonerating his goddess and all her little friends and House would be tossed out on his ear? Especially since you were only to happy to jump right in and name names when breaking Coffmangate in the first place? I look forward to you doing a better job of producing than modster ever did.
I understand your curiosity, but I don't think Pols is obligated to disclose their sources to you or anyone else. In fact, that would probably not be a good idea.
If you don't believe them, that's fine. But the Pols are nothing like Modster and that's silly for you to say IMO.
They had no trouble running with the first rumors about the incident in the first place. Implying that they know something but can't say any more is exactly like modster. Sorry. If they can't say anything they should not say anything until they can. I know a secret but I can't tell is juvenile bullshit, just like what we expect from modster.
That's maybe the lowest insult I've ever heard from you . . .
. . . also true, though, btw
We've written dozens of stories about Coffmangate with numerous details — that's way too much time to spend on a fake conspiracy. If we weren't confident in our sources and the information available, we wouldn't be writing about it. Just make sure to come back to these comments when the story plays out just like we said it would.
Exactly. Those stories are my point. And as far as coming back when the story plays out exactly as you said it would, I'll be happy to.
I'll be happy to see any indictments, happy to see Coffman forced to resign, happy to see it all screw things up for her husband. In the meantime… "If Attorney General Cynthia Coffman ends up leaving office early because of the Coffmangate scandal, which we continue to hear is not unlikely," without further elaboration does sound kind of like modster.
With or without any such dire actions actually materializing, I wonder if modster now thinks Marks' pot stirring, continuing accusations (your latest diary) against House after everyone was supposed to make nice and move on are the result of her switching sides and allying herself with ColPols for the express purpose of providing more Coffmangate fodder?
I personally trust Pols' long track record of being right way more than they're wrong.
But I also know things about this scandal that you don't know, and I can't source them for you either. I can't even discuss them yet.
Based on what I know completely independent from this blog, I suggest you exercise some patience. There will be more to the Coffmangate story, it just may take some time to come out.
See that didn't sound like modster at all.
What I think Colpols' track record is weakest on, though is undo optimism about how strong longish shot Dem candidate's chances are and how weak pretty secure R Candidates are.
You must admit some of their Big line ratings have been way off, far past the time when everyone here was telling them they must be dreaming. Also there has been zero indication that the VA fiasco is doing Mike Coffman anything but good no matter how hard ColPols pushes that "damage" line. So I'll hang on to my grain of salt for now, though hearing this from you is encouraging.
Nobody trolls their own like Democrats…
Steve House would disagree with you.
Piss off. It stays. You go.
Friends – I hope you're all well! Exciting times in Colorado! Of course, always fun to see the State GOP creating drama (even without me in the fold – I'm impressed!).
I have to jump in on this one. Dan Domenico is a dear friend to me. He is absolutely salt of the earth. He's an incredible husband, father, and individual. He has high convictions, and does not have a price on any of them. He also has depth and can clearly articulate where he stands on an issue and why. He's the kind of politician that will spend more time teaching and explaining his position, rather than pandering (basically, he's the polar opposite of the other GOP Colorado Senator who is currently serving).
I personally don't see him running for office, mainly because I know he loves living in Colorado, and I also know that he loves being a dad and husband; but if he did run, he's about as terrific as a person you could have in the US Senate. Lastly, politically, I would expect him to be a more 'moderate' Republican, which would serve the GOP well.
And yes, his wife, Janell, who is also a dear friend of mine, is arguably the most high-impact GOP fundraiser. If you were to host a debate on who the best GOP fundraisers are in America today, Janell's name would be debated. Of course, Janell would help Dan (which helps him, if he ran) but Dan would win because he has depth.
That's my 2 cents and I wanted to add a little bit of info here. I LOVE YOU ALL!
What happened to "Miguel" ?
All very nice but the last thing we need is to lose more Senate seats to the party of bat shit crazy instead of gaining them. I don't care how moderate he is or how nice he is. He'd just give the Republicans more strength and whatever degree of moderation (slightly more moderate still puts him on the far right in today's political landscape since your average Republican Senator is so extremely far right) he would bring to the Senate would be an insignificant drop in the ocean. This is no time stop just saying no to Republican candidates. All of them. We need to fight for every single seat we can rescue from McConnell.
I would expect him to be a more 'moderate' Republican, which would serve the GOP well
It might serve the GOP well, but don't try convincing them of that. Oh wait a minute. Didn't you try to convince them of that and they wouldn't listen……
Why don't YOU run? I'm serious. You'd be an interesting candidate. Best wishes.
Bluecat – still going by "Miguel Ali" and proud. However, I use my old account to post comments here
Frank – you're right. You're absolutely right. I wish all other candidates well on that endeavour.
Half Glass – you're too kind. Running for US Senate is not something I'm even close to contemplating because (A) I love being a Democrat and I think Bennett is doing a good job and (B) I hope to run again someday, but I'd like to enhance my entrepreneurial credentials first. I'm having great time enhancing those credentials, in addition to being a new dad. In time though…. I would love to entertain it again.
Should have figured. And Senator as a first elected position might be a stretch. It's not as if you're married to a President or anything.
Cheer up, Repubs…….you've finally got a normal white guy interested in running. For the party of the confederate flag, Donald Trump and legitimate rape, you've had your flirations with Daryl Glenn, Greg Lopez, Ellen Roberts and diversity. Now down to business as usual….
Besides, Raphael Theodore Cruz made the great leap from state solicitor general to U.S. Senator.
Dear Pols,
Please keep this story in your files as you will be recycling it in 2020 (with a change of name) when writing about someone (anyone?) to take on Cory.